/ POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Associate Professor /
Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry &Electrochemistry
Group of Metallosupramolecular Chemistry and Hybrid Materials
Contact Details
“Polizu” Campus
1-7 Gh. Polizu Street, S1, 011061 Bucharest, ROMANIA
Building: I
Room: 315
Tel.: +4021 4023986


Date / Role
2008- / Associate Professor, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry & Electrochemistry Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest.
2010-2013 / Postdoctoral researcher, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, POSDRU/89/1.5/S/54785 (European Social Fund) project: NANOMAT-‘Postdoctoral Program for Advanced Research in the field of nanomaterials’. Research subject: Hybrid mesoporous materials with uses in membrane separations.
2002-2008 / Lecturer, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest.
2003-2007 / PhD thesis in Chemistry: Dynamic Systems Containing Polydentate Ligands. Constitutional Amplification in a Dynamic Combinatorial Library of bis(Imino)Pyridines.
PhD advisors: Professor Cornelia GURAN, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science and Dr. Mihail-Dumitru BARBOIU, Université de MONTPELLIER II Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (Montpellier, France).
2000-2002 / Assistant Professor, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest.
1990-1995 / B.Sc. (Graduate Engineer/Diplomate engineer), Technology of Organic Substances, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Diploma thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of some Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors.


Research Interests

§  Coordinative chemistry

§  Metallosupramolecular and combinatorial chemistry

§  Inorganic polymers and hybrid materials

Selected Research Projects

·  Combinatorial approach to synthesis of neutral receptors for inorganic anions. From design to potential applications, CEEX Programme, Ministry of Education and Research, 2006-2008.

·  Immobilized crown ethers in nanostructured inorganic matrix for ion pair selective extraction, National University Research Council, 2007-2008.

Academic interests

Teaching activity (2012-2013)

Studies / Program Name/Faculty / Code / Title / Activity type
Bachelor / Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering/Applied Chemistry & Materials Science / UPB.11.F.03.O.008 / Organometallic Compounds / course for 2nd year students
Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering/Applied Chemistry & Materials Science / UPB.11.F.02.O.005 / Transition Metals Chemistry / course for 1st year students
Master / FACMS/ Analytical Environmental Control and Remediation Techniques / MC2S1C6 / Concepts and Strategies of Green Chemistry / Course
FACMS/Life Sciences and Ecology / MC7S2C1 / Supramolecular Chemistry / Course
FACMS/Consumer Protection. Quality control of products / MC5S1C2 / Composition-structure–properties relationship / Course

Membership of Professional Bodies

2000-2012: Member of the Romanian Chemical Society

Other Significant Activities

Socrates Bilateral Agreement 2009-2013 Politehnica University of Bucharest – University Montpellier II, France, Dr. F. Dumitru - Dr. M. Barboiu.

Reviewer for Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Israel Journal of Chemistry.

Member of the team for the “C.D. Neniţescu“ Chemistry National Contest for HighSchool Students, Section of Inorganic Chemistry, 2000-2011.

Organizer of "Petru Spacu" - Analytical&Coordination Chemistry Contest for Students, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, 2012.

Member of Organizing Committee of “The Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical

Engineering (RICCCE)”, Section 1. New Developments in Chemical Synthesis & Catalysis:

ü  RICCCE 12, September 2001, Bucharest, Romania

ü  RICCCE 13, September 2003, Bucharest, Romania

ü  RICCCE 15, September 2007, Sinaia, Romania

ü  RICCCE 16, September 2009, Sinaia, Romania

ü  RICCCE 18, September 2013, Sinaia, Romania


Journal Articles (selective list)

F. Dumitru, Y.-M. Legrand, M. Barboiu, A. van der Lee, Weak intermolecular hydrogen and halogen interactions in an isomorphous halogen series of pseudoterpyridine ZnII complexes, Acta Cryst. (2013). B69, 43-54.(IF2011=2.286).

F. Dumitru, Y.-M. Legrand, E. Petit, A. van der Lee, M. Barboiu, Self-sorting of metallosupramolecular DCLs via double-level exchange: amplification in solution and solid state modulation, Dalton Trans. (2012), 41, 11860-11865. (IF2011=3.838).

F. Dumitru, Y.-M. Legrand, A. van der Lee, M. Barboiu, Constitutional self-sorting of homochiral supramolecular helical single-crystals from achiral components, Chem. Commun. (2009) 19, 2667-2669. (IF2009=5.504).

M. Barboiu, F. Dumitru, Y-M. Legrand, E. Petit, A. van der Lee, Self-sorting of equilibrating metallosupramolecular DCLs via constitutional crystallization, Chem. Commun. (2009) 16, 2192 - 2194 . (IF2009=5.504).

F. Dumitru, Y.-M. Legrand, M. Barboiu, E. Petit, A. van der Lee, Metallosupramolecular architectures of pseudoterpyridine-type ligands and ZnII metal ions, Crystal Growth & Design (2009), 9(6), 2917-2921. (IF2009=4.162).

F. Dumitru, E. Petit, A. van der Lee, M. Barboiu, Homo- and heteroduplex complexes containing terpyridine-type ligands and Zn2+, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (Cover Picture) (2005) 21(9), 4255-4262. (IF2005=2.514)

Books - selective list

(In Romanian language)

·  C. Guran, I. Jitaru, C. Matei, D. Berger, F. Dumitru, O. Oprea, Chimie Anorganica. Subiecte teoretice si practice pentru elevi si studenti, Editura Mistral Info Media, Editura Semne, Bucuresti, (ISBN 978-973-88419-9-4, ISBN 978-606-15-0022-2), 216 pg, 2011.

·  F. Dumitru, C. Guran, M.-D. Serb, D. Manzu, Chimia metalelor tranzitionale-Aplicatii, Ed. Printech, Bucuresti, (ISBN 978-606-521-005-9), 198pg, 2008.

·  C. Guran, I. Jitaru, O. Micu, D. Berger, O. Oprea, F. Dumitru, Chimie anorganica-Aplicatii, Ed. Printech (ISBN 973-718-342-8) Bucuresti, 136pg, 2005.

·  C. Guran, F.Dumitru, D. Berger, O. Oprea, Chimie anorganica – Probleme, Ed. Printech (ISBN 973-718-341-X), 142 pg., 2005.


·  F. Dumitru, D. Berger, N. Stanica, I. Ciocoiu, C. Guran, A rational design of Heteropolynuclear squarate-containing complexes, in Modern Coordination Chemistry: The Legacy of Joseph Chatt, xviii + 386 pp, Ed. By G.J.Leigh and N. Winterton, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge UK (ISBN: 978-0-85404-469-8), 366-373, 2002.

·  F. Dumitru, Materiale hibride mezoporoase, cap. 4, pag. 144-203, in Nanomateriale membranare, ed. G. Nechifor, Ed. Printech, 2011, ISBN 978-606-521-624-2. (in Romanian language).


·  F. Dumitru, Mesoporous organosilica with urea functionalized 4’-aminobenzo- -15-crown-5-ether, Conferinta GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2011, 4-7 Septembrie 2011, Bremen, poster.

·  F. Dumitru, Mesoporous materials based on silica, ”17th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering” (RICCCE XVII), Honorary Symposium Constantin LUCA - "pH on Membrane Materials and Processes“, 7-10 septembrie 2011, Sinaia, prezentare orala.

·  F. Dumitru, A. Razvan, Zn(II), Co(II) and Fe(II) complexes of bis(phenylimines)pyridine immobilized on mesoporous silica, Materials for Tomorrow, Goteborg, Suedia, 23-25 octombrie 2012, poster.

·  F. Dumitru, M.-D. Şerb, B. Braun, Structure and thermal behaviour of a new ZnII squarate complex, [Zn(HC4O4)2(OH2)4], 21stAnnual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) 2013“, Freiberg, Germania, 19-22 martie 2013, poster.




Stages abroad

- October 2003 – March 2004/March 2005-March 2006: Doctoral stage at the Institut Européen des Membranes, Université de MONTPELLIER II Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (Montpellier, France), Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, 18 months.

Workshops and Courses:

·  Course Interpretation of crystal structure determinations, Utrecht, The Netherlands (2009).

·  Doctoral school Chimie moléculaire et elaboration du solide, Université de MONTPELLIER II Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (Montpellier, France)courses:

o  Supports, réactions supportées, chimie combinatoire

o  Caractérisation des solides divisés

o  Interfaces et multimatériaux

·  Training course for operating and maintaining LC/MS Surveyor MSQ Plus spectrometer/ Xcalibur software - Thermo Scientific USA, July 2008, Bucharest.