Minutes of ClubSportEdinburgh (CSE)’s7thAnnual General Meeting
Boroughmuir Rugby & Community Sports Club
Monday 11thAugust2014at 7pm
In Attendance
- Kevin Rowe, Secretary, ClubSportEdinburgh & HotScots FC
- Colin McMillan, Club Development Officer, City of Edinburgh Council
- Helen Murray, City of Edinburgh Swim
- Neal Herbert, Lothian Disability Sport
- Gordon Love, Fencing Is Fun, PaFF, EICC, Salle FiF, Edinburgh FC, Muromachi Koto Ryu Aiki Jutsu
- Jim Donachie, Royal High & Costorphine Rugby Club
- Cath Fleming, Edinburgh Synchro Swimming Club
- Moira Jeffrey, City of Edinburgh Trampoline Club
- Brian White, Merchiston Tennis & Bowling Club
- Alyson Shaw, Heart of Midlothian ASC
- Gail Prince, SALSC
- Catriona Morton, YouthSportEdinburgh (YSE)
- Graham Mounsey, Edinburgh University Basketball Club & YSE
- Andy Anderson, City of Edinburgh Trampoline Club
- Mike Brown, Edinburgh Triathletes
- Duncan MacGregor, Warrender Baths Club
Welcome and Apologies
Chairperson Mike Wallace was unable to attend so Colin McMillan & Kevin Rowe chaired the meeting. They firstly welcomed the clubs to ClubSportEdinburgh’s seventh Annual General Meetingand the following organisations sent their apologies: Mike Wallace, Edinburgh Wrestling Club, Vivien Gourlay, Kestrel Gymnastic, Bill Polson, Edinburgh South Cricket Club, Jacqui Dunlop, Meadowbank Gymnastics Club, Lindsay Muir, Murrayfield Memorial Club, Anne Gallagher, Edinburgh Spirals, Giles Lomax, Edinburgh Leisure, Mel Berry, City of Edinburgh Council, & Jen Wynd, North Merchiston Club.
The minutes of the 2013ClubSportEdinburgh AGM were accepted as a true and accurate record of proceedings following corrections to adding the year & amending the name of the chairperson welcoming the guests to the AGM.
Chairperson’s Report
Colin McMillan presented the Chair MikeWallace’s report,outlined the workof ClubSportEdinburgh over the last yearand a full report was included in all delegate’s packs. Highlights included:
- 2013Festival of Sport
- Creation of YouthSportEdinburgh
- Website designed through new funding
- Introduction of Lifetime Achievement Awards
Report was officially accepted firstly by Cath Fleming, seconded by Gordon Love
Additionally, Gordon Love asked all to forward any feedback on the new website to the CSE committee to continue to improve the service & Colin McMillan noted his thanks to Mike Wallace from the committee for his leadership & tireless work this past year.
Treasurer’s Report
Colin McMillan presented the Treasurer’s Report as prepared by Mike Wallace. Man figures were:
Accounts 2013/14Balance of Funds as at 31/3/14
Income £6,001.70Current Account £2,328.43
Expenditure £3,754.71Savings Account £2,100.58
Surplus £2,246.99Current Net Assets £8,697.61
The report was adopted as a true record.
Vote of thanks to outgoing Executive
Vote of thanks declared for Mike Wallace’s chairmanship of ClubSportEdinburgh to all the ClubSportEdinburgh Executive Committee.
Election of Office Bearers
Chairperson:Mike Wallace (Edinburgh Wrestling Club)
Proposed by Kevin Rowe, seconded by Andy Anderson
N.B. Mike had offered to step down but agreed to remain as Chair in the interim period if no permanent replacement could be found.
Treasurer: Kevin Rowe (HotScots FC)
Proposed by Gordon Love, seconded by Jim Donachie
Secretary: Unelected
Executive Member: Helen Murray (Warrender BC)
Proposed by Gordon Love, seconded by Jim Donachie
Executive Member: Gordon Love (Fencing Is Fun)
Proposed by Colin McMillan, seconded by Neal Herbert
Executive Member: Jim Donachie (Royal High & Costorphine Rugby Club)
Proposed by Colin McMillan, seconded by Kevin Rowe
Executive Member x 3: Unelected
Nominations were invited for the remaining posts. No further members stepped forward. If no further nominations are forthcoming, the existing Office Bearers will appoint a Vice Chair & a Secretary from amongst those members elected above. However, there are several vacancies so the committee will proactively seek further volunteers to step up.
Proposed Constitutional Changes & Vote To Adopt
Colin McMillan outlined the proposed changes (attached). All were adopted unanimously with the following amendments:
Section 4 (paragraph 2): Keep “and the payment of an annual affiliation fee to be agreed annually at the AGM.”
Section 7 (paragraph 5): Correct two errors from casual to causal.
Helen Murray also suggested that paragraphs should have sub-headings to make the document consistent. Agreed.
SALSC Lifetime Achievement Awards
Colin McMillan reported on the inaugural award which was previously presented to the winner Jack Snowden MBE. Colin read a note of thanks from Cath Fleming, Jack’s daughter. The runners-up in this award were Maggie Bisset (Meadowbank Gymnastics Club), Vivien Gourlay (Kestrel Gymnastics) & John Whittaker (Edinburgh Triathletes).
Any Other Business
There was no further business so Kevin Rowe declared the Annual General Meeting 2014 officially closed.
After the Annual General Meeting,Kris Gilchrist, Olympic & Commonwealth swimmer, gave a presentation on My Experiences In Sport, followed by Q&A.
A huge thank you to Kris for taking the time to join us tonight.