B.S. in Business Administration (Accounting)
Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Business Administration
(Accounting Concentration)
Balance Sheet
Department of Business Administration
Name: / Advisor:Address: / ID #
Major: Business Administration (Accounting) /
120 Total Degree Hours
CORE REQUIREMENTS (34-38 Semester Hours) / CreditHours / Grade
Earned / Semester
Earned / Comments
CORE 100 New Student Orientation Seminar / 1 / ≥ D
CORE 150 Composition I / 3 / ≥ D
CORE 160 Composition II and Oral Communication / 3 / ≥ D
CORE 120 Critical Thinking / 2 / ≥ D
MATH 101/MATH 110/MATH 120 (satisfies CORE 131 requirement) *****Math 100 = 0 credits***** / 3 / ≥ D
CORE 201 Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship / 3 / ≥ D
CORE 260 Humanities / 3 / ≥ D
CORE 360 The World and Its Peoples / 4 / ≥ D
Choose one course from Groups A, B, C and E
A- Cultural Exposure: Art 291; 292; English 275; History 180,
270; Music 200,206; / 2-4 / ≥ D
B- Analytical Skills: CORE 132; BAD 200,260; Math 115,120;
NSCI 360; SSCI 280 (Required Cognates satisfy Group B) / 0 / ≥ D
C- The Arts: CORE 220; Music 207, 208,205: Art 207,208 / 2-4 / ≥ D
D – Science: CORE 240 or
Biol 101/101L and Chem 113/103L or
Chem 113/103L and PHYS 130/130L or
PHYS 130/130L and Biol 101/101L / 4 / ≥ D
E- Social Science: Econ 230,240; HIS 160; PSCI 122; PSY 180;
SOC 100 / 4 / ≥ D
Total Hours Earned ______Total Hours Needed______
FOREIGN LANGUAGE (0-12 Credits) – depending on the foreign language placement scores / CreditHours / Grade
Earned / Semester
Earned / Comments
SPAN or FREN 101 Elementary I / 4
SPAN or FREN 102 Elementary II / 4
SPAN or FREN 200 Intermediate / 4
Total Hours Earned ______Total Hours Needed______
REQUIRED COGNATES (8 Credits) / CreditHours / Grade
Earned / Semester
Earned / Comments
(Choose one course from the following)
BAD 260 Applied Statistics or
SSCI 280 Methods & Statistics for Social Research or
NSCI 360 Statistics / 4
(Choose one course from the following)
BAD 200 Applied Calculus for Business and Economics or
MATH 120 Calculus I / 4
Total Hours Earned ______Total Hours Needed______
MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (40 Credits) / CreditHours / Grade
Earned / Semester
Earned / Comments
ACC 230 Principles of Accounting I / 3
ACC 240 Principles of Accounting II / 3
BAD 110 Business Information Systems or
CSCI 100 Introduction to Computing / 3
BAD 220 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business / 4
BAD 250 Business Communications / 3
BAD 320 Marketing / 3
BAD 399 Internship Seminar / 2
BAD 490 Business Policy / 3
ECON 230 Principles of Microeconomics / 3
ECON 240 Principles of Macroeconomics / 3
FIN 320 Business Finance / 3
MGT 280 Management Principles and Practice / 3
MGT 330 Production Operations Management / 4
Total Hours Earned ______Total Hours Needed______
ACCOUNTING CONCENTRATION (24 Credits) / CreditHours / Grade
Earned / Semester
Earned / Comments
ACC 300 Cost Accounting and Control / 4
ACC 310 Intermediate Financial Accounting Theory I / 4
ACC 320 Intermediate Financial Accounting Theory II / 4
ACC 330 Federal Taxation I / 4
ACC 410 Advanced Accounting / 4
(plus one of the following)
ACC 350 Accounting Information Systems
ACC 420 Accounting Seminar
ACC 430 Federal Taxation II
ACC 440 Audition / 4
Total Hours Earned ______Total Hours Needed______
GENERAL ELECTIVES ( Credits) / CreditHours / Grade
Earned / Semester
Earned / Comments
Total Hours Earned ______Total Hours Needed______
Total Hours Required For Graduation 120 hours
CORE Requirements 34-38 ______
Foreign Languages 0-12 ______(Credits will vary depending on placement score results)
Cognates ______
Major Requirements ______
Accounting Concentration 24 ______
General Electives ______
Total Completed ______
Major Field Test (MFT) Examination / Date Passed:Exit Examination / Date Passed: