Student Information Handbook 2015
Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG)
Funded Courses
Welcome 4
About the IMVC 4
IMVC’s Statement of Principles 5
Contact Information 5
IMVC Head Office: 5
Eligibility Criteria: 6
Pre-Enrolment Interview 7
Enrolment 8
Unique Student Identifier: USI 9
Refunds 9
Work placement 10
Excursions 11
Student Absences 11
Assessments 12
Special Provision 12
Special Provision Procedure 13
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 13
Recognition of qualifications issued by other RTO’s 13
Credit Transfer 13
Certificates and Statements of Attainment 14
Access to Student Records 14
Student Supervision 14
Transport 15
Medical Conditions 15
Emergencies 16
Emergency Contact Telephone Numbers 16
First Aid 17
Uniform 17
Mobile Phones 17
Consumption of Food and Drink 17
Services – Momentum Youth Services 17
Access and Equity 20
Occupational Health and Safety 20
Prohibited Items and Behaviour 21
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying 22
Complaints and Appeals 24
Code of Conduct and Disciplinary procedures 25
Cheating and Plagiarism 27
Privacy Policy 28
Relevant Legislation 29
We are looking forward to working with you throughout the course to create a memorable, positive and productive learning experience for you.
If at any stage you have any questions about the course please talk to your trainer or a member of staff.
About the IMVC
The Inner Melbourne VET Cluster (IMVC) is a not-for-profit incorporated association established in 1998. IMVC develops and implements best-practice initiatives and models to serve the needs of young people and others in the community.
The IMVC provides a range of courses giving us the capability to provide our students and clients with a holistic approach to the development of skills, assets, opportunities and capabilities to:
· Learn – participate in education and training;
· Work – participate in employment, unpaid or voluntary work; and
· Engage – connect with people and community.
The IMVC mainly works in the Inner, Northern and Eastern regions of Melbourne. We are well respected amongst schools, government, industry and the broader community.
IMVC’s programs overall are aimed at skill shortage areas.
Programs at IMVC include the following:
Career and Transition Courses – providing hands-on opportunities to explore career options.
Brokering of Vocational Training – linking young people with Registered Training Organisations to undertake over 30 accredited courses.
Delivery of Community Education – linking young people disengaged from IMVC with opportunities for applied learning.
Delivery of Accredited Training – providing quality courses in Hospitality, Hairdressing and Retail Make-up & Skin Care.
Brokering of Workplace Learning – providing young people with access to applied learning via structured workplace learning program.
Delivery of Youth Courses – providing case management support to young people who are most at risk of disengaging or already separated from IMVC and /or training.
National Disability Coordination Officer Program– provides information, coordination and referral services for people with a disability who are looking for post IMVC education and training, to help them gain employment.
IMVC’s Statement of Principles
1. The IMVC supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a democratically elected government and the rule of law. IMVC supports and promotes equal rights for all before the law, freedom of religion and freedom of speech and association, and values of openness and tolerance.
IMVC is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in employment and training which undertakes to:
· promote equal rights and opportunities in all aspects of the IMVC’s activities;
· treat all staff, students and contractors equally regardless of their background, sexual orientation, culture, gender, age, marital status, disability, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs
· create an environment where all staff and students are able to work effectively, without fear of discrimination, bullying or harassment.
· use non-discriminatory, inclusive language and practices
· being fair, equitable and sensitive to the diverse needs of our students, staff and contractors and to supporting access by disadvantaged groups with due regard and respect for the sensitivities of all stakeholders.
Contact Information
IMVC Head Office:
Level 1, 71 Palmerston Crescent
South Melbourne VIC 3205
Tel: (03) 9686 2354
Fax: (03) 9686 3572
Eligibility Criteria:
Students wishing to undertake this courses will be either eligible for government subsidised training or be a Fee for Service student.
To be eligible for a government-subsidised training place
You must be:
· an Australian citizen
· an Australian Permanent Resident (holder of a permanent visa)
· a New Zealand citizen
and are any of the following:
· under 20 years of age
· seeking to enrol in VCE or VCAL program
· seekingto enrol in anapprenticeship
· 20 years and older and ‘upskilling’ byseekingto enrol ina course at a higher level than your existing qualification.
In addition to meeting the above Victorian Training requirements, an individual is only eligible to undertake the following to be eligible for VTG funding:
· commence a maximum of two government subsidised courses in a calendar year. Where an individual is enrolled in a course(s) that is scheduled to commence at a later date in that calendar year, this course(s) must be counted for the purpose of this clause when assessing eligibility;
· undertake a maximum of two government subsidised courses at any one time;
· commence a maximum of two government subsidised courses at the same level within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) in your lifetime; and
· commence a maximum of two government subsidised accredited courses with the title ‘Course in…’ in your lifetime.
The following qualifications are not taken into account when a student is applying for VTG eligibility:
· the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Intermediate or Senior), Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), International Baccalaureate Diploma; and senior secondary school certificates from other Australian jurisdictions
· qualifications listed in the Foundation Skills List
· any VET certificates completed as part of a senior secondary qualification (including School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships).
· qualifications with the title „Course in…‟ which are not aligned to a specified level within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF); and
· non-Australian qualifications, except where equivalency has been formally established with a qualification within the AQF.
If you do not qualify for government funding this does not exclude you from enrolling and undertaking this course as it is also available for Fee for Service students. Details can be obtained from the RTO Operations Manager.
Pre-Enrolment Interview
All potential students are required to attend a pre-enrolment interview. The purpose of this is to ensure that you receive information prior to enrolling so that you are enrolled into the most appropriate course.
At this session, aspects of the course will be outlined as per Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG) requirements. This includes:
· About IMVC
· IMVC’s Statement of Principles
· VTG Eligibility Criteria
· Course Outline
· Course requirements , including units of competency, duration and mode of delivery, training and assessment
· Locations of training delivery,
· Pathways and potential employment opportunities.
· Unique Student Identifier (USI) Information – Do you have one? If not, how to obtain one.
· Enrolment Process, including the required Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment
· Work Placement expectations, including travel and the types of workplaces
· Recognition of Prior Learning, Credit Transfer and recognition of Current Competency and how to apply
· Complaints & Appeals
· Fees, charges, concessions, fee waivers and exemptions, payment terms and conditions
· Refund policy
· Student Code of Conduct
· Support Services available
· Special Provision Policy, Procedure and Forms
· Attendance - guidelines
· Centrelink / Support Organisation Involvement
· Job Seeker Referral Form (if applicable)
· Mobile Phones / Personal Property
· Use of Internet
· Notification of any changes to the agreed services which include changes in ownership of the RTO
· If the RTO closes or ceases to deliver any part of the qualification how IMVC will support me in my efforts to find another RTO to complete this course
You will be required to undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment which will assist us in determining whether the course you are wishing to enrol in is the most suitable level and if additional support is required.
Once the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment is completed, this is marked by a suitably qualified staff member and you will be notified to attend an enrolment session. Those who are under eighteen years of age must have their parent/guardian in attendance to sign enrolment documents.
All prospective students enquiring into enrolling into an IMVC Skills Vic Course are required to have an interview with the RTO Operations Manager or RTO Training Coordinator before enrolment may occur.
At your interview, you will need to bring a copy of your Medicare Card, Birth Certificate or Driver Licence and Referral Forms (if applicable).
If you have one please bring along your Centrelink Concession card. We are required to keep a copy of this on file.
Paperwork that will need to be completed at this session include an Enrolment form, Student Declaration, Privacy Notice, Special Provision Application (as applicable), Emergency Contact, Disclosure of Confidential Information Agreement and Photographic permission forms. These forms will be explained to you in detail as you go through them so please ask questions if you do not understand something.
Once you and/or your parent/ guardian have completed these, arrangements for the payment of fees will be made. Payment plans are available. If required, please discuss this with the RTO Operations Manager.
Students with particular needs may require additional resources or time to enable the successful completion of the course. This will be discussed at your pre-enrolment interview and or enrolment interview and incorporated into your course as much as it is possible.
When charging fees, IMVC will adhere to the following principles:
· Tuition fees under $1000 will be due in full before the commencement of a course unless a Payment Plan has been approved.
· Where tuition fees are over $1000, only up to $1000 will be collected in advance prior to course commencement. Remaining tuition fees will be collected prorata, so that no more than $1500 will be held in advance at any one time.
· When charging a materials fee, students will have the option of purchasing equivalent materials that can be sourced externally if they choose to. In this circumstance, the materials fee would be reduced accordingly.
· Qualifications and Statements of Attainment will not be issued until all fees have been paid.
The enrolment requires proof of identity/citizenship and age.
Forms of ID accepted are:
· Green Medicare card
· Driver’s License/Photo ID
· Australian Birth Certificate (not extract)
· Current Australian or New Zealand Passport
Students will be required to complete a Medical Information form to ensure all IMVC staff are aware of pre-existing medical conditions. Where students are under the age of 18, the parent/guardian/carer/carers are required to sign the supporting document.
Students who are Anaphylactic must declare their medical information and they will be issued with the Anaphylaxis Policy and Procedure. They will also have an interview with the RTO Operations Manager to discuss the situation and provide the required medical documentation. Parent/guardian/carer/carers will also be issued the IMVC Anaphylaxis policy and procedure.
Students at the time of enrolment will be informed that data is collected by IMVC from students every 6 – 12 months through the initial enrolment forms, student evaluations and destination data surveys. IMVC monitors and analyses student results including - participation rates, completion rates, student outcomes and access to further education and work after leaving the IMVC. Students are made aware of the purpose of data, and sign a consent form at enrolment which gains acknowledgement and consent. In the case where a student is under the age of 18, a parent / guardian consent is also gathered.
Unique Student Identifier: USI
All students who enrol into an accredited program or qualification are required to have or obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI). IMVC requires this as part of the VTG regulations. Without this IMVC cannot issue you with your Certificate/Statement of Results or Statement of Attainment.
You are able to obtain a USI by either:
· Referring to the USI website or
· Completing a form so that IMVC is able to obtain one on your behalf.
Please contact the IMVC RTO Administrative Assistant if you require further information
There is no fee associated with this,
Scenario/Circumstances / IMVC’s Policy1. / IMVC cancels a course before it commences. / Full Refund
2. / IMVC cancels the course before its expected end date. / Balance of tuition fees paid for that portion of the course not yet delivered. No refund of materials fees.
3. / IMVC defers the course start date and the new date is unacceptable to the student. / Full refund
4. / Student does not commence the course on the start date and subsequently provides a written notice of withdrawal from the course within 5 working days. / Full refund less Administration Fee of $200. If total course fees are less than $200, no refund will be issued.
5. / Student commences the course on the start date and subsequently provides a written notice of withdrawal from the course within 5 working days. / Full refund less Administration Fee of $200. If total course fees are less than $200, no refund will be issued.
6. / Student commences in the course and completes any portion and withdraws after 5 working days. / No Refund of materials fee, tuition fees are still to be paid in full.
7. / Student does not return to their course after a holiday break and subsequently provides a written notice of withdrawal from the course. / No Refund of materials fee, tuition fees are still to be paid in full.
8. / Student provides written notice of withdrawal less than 5 days before course commencement by student / Full refund less Administration Fee of $200. If total course fees are less than $200, no refund will be issued.
9. / Extenuating Circumstances (circumstances that prevent the student from attending scheduled course dates that may include but not limited to sudden illness or injury, family or personal matters, or other reasons that are out of the ordinary. Evidence must be successfully provided to support the student’s circumstances which indicate that the student is unable to continue their studies and would not reasonably be able to continue). / At the discretion of the Youth & Community Transitions Manager, with consultation with the RTO Operations Manager – based on % of course completed and shall be assessed on a case by case situation.
10. / Issuance of a replacement Qualification or Statement of Attainment / Participation where the original document has already been provided to the student. / $20 for each document
11. / Issuance of a Statement of Attainment / Participation on withdrawal, cancellation or transfer, prior to completing the course, provided the student has paid in full for the tuition related to the units/modules to be shown. / No charge
12. / Student requests unit of competency/module resubmission. / No charge
13. / Student requests supplementary assessment/reassessment. / No charge
14. / Unit of Competency/module repeat / Subject to the unit of competency/module to undertake, the cost may vary depending on the duration required to complete the unit/module, assessment requirements, consumables or other costs incurred by IMVC.
15. / IMVC cancels the student’s enrolment in the course, because of students repeated misbehaviour , misconduct or breach of Student’s Code of Conduct / No Refund
16. / Students External Appeal Fees / Where the student elects to appeal a decision by IMVC, using the RTOs external appeals body (VRQA) and charges are incurred, the student is required to pay 50% of the cost. .
17. / Credit Transfer / No charge
18. / Student’s RPL Assessment Fee. / Fee on application as per CT & RPL Policy & Procedure
19. / Closure of IMVC. / Balance of course fees paid for that portion of the course not yet delivered will be refunded
or full refund if the course did not commence.
For the student to be refunded the following process applies: