AP Computer Science Name:

Test 10/31/2014 Period:


//Write a class Students. Use two instance variables. One should be of data type int and the other one should be of the String class.

// Students has a constructor that takes the grade level as a parameter (9 for Freshman, 10 for Sophomore, 11 for Junior, and 12 for Senior)

// public Students(int gradeLevel)

//If grade Level is not 9 to 12, set it to 9

//And 2 methods

// public String getClassName() Use if / else if /else if ...

// public int getNumberOfStudents() Do NOT use a separate if / else branch for each month. Use Boolean operators (&, ||, !).

// You will have an if then else if then else.

// For Freshman return 900, for Sophomore return 700, for Junior and Senior return 500.


//Now write a class StudentsTester which will instantiate a Students object, ask the user for a month number

//and print the name of the class and the number of students for the class.

//If the grade level is 10, the output should look exactly like this

//Sophomore 700

//If the user enters an invalid month number print this error message: "Number must be 9 through 12"

//If the user enters a non-integer, give this error message: "Not an integer. Terminating"

//To be considered correct, you must enter the message exactly as specified.

//In StudentsTester, ask the user for a number 9 to 12 and create a month object with that number.

// Do not use a loop for to implement this class, but use nested if statements.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MonthPrinter


public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Enter a month (9 through 12) " );

//your code here



2. What will this code print? Ans:______

String school = new String(“Udacity”);

If(school == “Udacity”)








3. What will be printed if grade is 85? Ans:______

String letterGrade = “F”;

if(grade >= 90){letterGrade = “A”;}

if{grade>=80){letterGrade = “B”;}

if{grade>=70){letterGrade =”C”;}

else{letterGrade =”D”;}


4. What does this code segment print?

int count = 0;

for(count = 0; count<=10; count=count+3)


System.out.print(count + “ “);




5//. Complete the code below to print each letter in the //string name followed by a space.

// You must use the length() and substring( , ) method.


public class StringTester


public static void main(String[] args)


String name = "Udacity";

//your code here

