June 12, 2017
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The Board of Trustees of the Village of Winnebago met at 7:00 p.m.
GRAHAM - absent
Guests: Attorney Mary Gaziano, Todd Weegens, Sally Bennett,Chad Insko, Chief Todd Stockburger, Lori Schultz, Ann Lawson, Mary Beth Elsen, and Officer Nick Haff.
In the absence of President Eubank the Clerk requested a motion to appoint a President Pro Tem for the meeting. A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MR. MC KINNON to appoint MRS. GAINES President Pro Tem for the meeting. Motion carried on a voice vote. When asked, MRS. GAINES said that she would vote as the President, for the meeting, not as a Trustee.
There was nodisclosure of any conflict of interest.
Item C2 was removed from the agenda by MR. KIMES.
A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded byMRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI, to accept the agenda as amended. Motion carried on a voice vote.
The minutes of the May 8, 2017 were removed from the consent agenda.
A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MR. KIMES to accept the consent agenda as amended. Motion carried on a unanimousroll call vote of those present.
The minutes were corrected to spell Kieper correctly in item 2A2 and 3H3.
A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MR. KIMES, to accept the minutes of May 8, 2017 as corrected. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
Mary Beth Elsen approached the Board about a need for an ordinance for planting of trees in the parkway etc. The Village has lost many trees the last few years and it would be best to replace them in an organized manner. She provided her research, including Naperville’s information, which is very
June 12, 2017
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thorough. Mr. McKinnon and Mr. Insko noted trees are aesthetically pleasing to the community. Mrs. Elsen was thanked for her information and Public Works will be working on this.
Ann Lawson is unhappy with the retention pond near her home at 102 Westfield Road. She is also unhappy her neighbor hasn’t mowed. She feels the construction area is a problem. Mr. Insko noted the sewer project by RRWRD may help relieve some of the problem.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON to amend applicable ordinances and implement permits for installation/replacement of driveways, fences, and trees (when planted in the Right of Way). Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, to advertise for bids for seal coating of portions of McNair Road. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MC KINNON to approve the Amendment to the Rock 39 IGA to increase the monthly rate to $5,833.34. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- Mr. Weegens’ monthly report was provided in the Board packet.
He noted the street project started today. The UDO is close to completion.
- Covered above.
- A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MR. MCKINNON to preapprove the 4th of July expenses up to $28,355.00. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
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- A motion was made by MR. MALIGRANDA, seconded by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to adopt Ordinance 2017-06
An Ordinance Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages
for Construction Work in the Village of Winnebago, Illinois
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI reported that if the state doesn’t pass a budget or stopgap budget money will not be available for MFT projects etc.
- The Audit for 2016 has been completed. The report will be provided to the Finance Committee at their meeting July 10, 2017 and at the Board meeting that evening.
- The Board agreed with the updated Collection Policy where a cashier’s check or money order will be required for anything over $500.00.
- The Jeep Wrangler Rubicon sold for $28,811.00 and the Dodge Charger sold for $7,859.00. This money will be applied to the purchase of a new squad.
Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to purchase and outfit a 2017 Ford Explorer police SUV from line item 01-43-831 at a cost not to exceed $44,000.00. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to adopt Ordinance 2017-07
An Ordinance Establishing Rules and Regulations, on Public Streets, Alleys, and Public Right of Ways, and Revoking, Replacing, and Superseding Ordinance No. 2011-07 Previously Passed Relating to the Same
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
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- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to pay the Village’s portion of the county-wide Consolidated Records Management Consultant fee in the amount of $1,854.00 from line item 01-43-512. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- The President’s Report was not provided in the Board packet.
- A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MRS. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI to ratify the Constellation Electrical Aggregation contract. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- The need for a backup generator for the Village Office was discussed. Mr. Insko noted the Village owns two at lifting stations and when the RRWRD sewer project is complete they will be available. Mr. Insko will check on when they will be available.
- Upcoming Meetings:
Public Works Committee / June 26, 2017 / at 5:00 p.m.
Police Committee / June 28, 2017 / at 5:30 p.m.
Finance Committee / July 10, 2017 / at 8:00 a.m.
4th of July Team / June 29, 2017 / at 7:00 p.m.
Community Development / June 14, 2017 / at 5:00 p.m.
UDO / August 16, 2017 / At 6:30 p.m.
Liquor Commission / TBA
Errant Water Subcommittee / July 10, 2017 / at 6:45 p.m.
Admin Team / TBA
WIPC / June 15, 2017 / at 4:30 p.m.
Pecatonica Prairie Path / June 16, 2017 / at 9:30 a.m.
It was noted that residents got a letter today that they will now be with ComEd but in reality if they are under the Aggregation of Electricity Agreement they will be with Dynergy Energy.
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Mrs. Gaines received a call from a resident who met with our Code Enforcement Officer, Casper, about her tall grass. The woman said Casper was a very nice man. Mrs. Gaines complimented Casper for being a great ambassador for the Village.
A motion was made by MR. KIEPER MACHAJEWSKI, seconded by MR.MALIGRANDAto adjourn at 8:10p.m. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Sally Jo Huggins, Village Clerk
Approved July 10, 2017