Computer Organization ICRN 25301Course Administration

CMSC 2833Spring2008

Document: / Computer Organization I Course Administration
Revised: / April 9, 2008
Course Title: / Computer Organization I
Course Number: / CMSC 2833
Section: / CRN 25301Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11:00 – 11:50 a.m.MCS 115
Instructor: / Dr. Thomas R. Turner; Office: MCS 134; Work Phone: 974-5383, e-mail:
Office Hours: / Time / Monday / Wednesday / Friday
10:00 – 10:50 a.m. / Office Hours
MCS 134 / Office Hours
MCS 134 / Office Hours
MCS 134
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. / Office Hours
MCS 134 / Office Hours
MCS 134
Text: /
  1. Mano, M. Morris and Kime, Charles; Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4th Ed.; Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2008 ISBN 9780131989269
  2. Quinn, M. Ethics for the Information Age, 2nd Ed. Addison-Wesley, 2006, ISBN: 0-321-37526-2.

References: /
  1. Tannenbaum, A., Structured Computer Organization 4th Ed. Prentice Hall, 1999, ISBN: 0-13-095990-1
  2. Fletcher, W. An Engineering Approach to Digital Design. Prentice-Hall, 1980, ISBN: 0-13-277699-5.
  3. Stroustrup, B. The C++ Programming Language 3rd Ed.; Addison-Wesley 1997 ISBN 0-201-88954-4

Prerequisites: /
  1. CMSC 1613, Programming I

Programming Projects: / You may turn in an assignment early if you know you cannot attend class on the day it is due. If you cannot turn in an assignment in class put the assignment in my mailbox in the Computing Science Office, MCS 117. One-quarter of the value of the project will be deducted if the project is slipped under my office door.
Course Scoring: / Task / Date / Value
Test 1 / 2-18 / 150
Test 2 / 3-31 / 150
Final Test / 5-5 / 300
Assignments & Quizzes / Table 2 / 300
Total / 900
Grading: / A: 90% (810-900); B: 80-89% (720-809); C: 70-79% (630-719); D: 60-69% (540-629); F: 59% (0-539) and below.
Notice: / Beepers and cellular phones are prohibited in class.
Caveat: / This lecture schedule, programming projects and due dates, number and dates of tests are all subject to change. Changes are presented in class You are responsible for the material presented in class.
Class Web Page: / The course administration and assignments can be found on URL
Course Directory / The course directory is on the department computer ( You can find project test data files in the course directory. ~tt/cs2833/
Student Disabilities: / Students with disabilities who require accommodations may contact Disability Support Services.
Excused absences: / Students need an excused absence to submit an assignment or report after it is due. Students need an excused absence to take a quiz or test after it has been given. Students are encouraged to attend every class but a student will not be asked to provide documentation warranting an excused absence unless the student wishes to submit an assignment or report after it is due or take a test after it has been given. Excused absences are granted when the conditions of notification, qualification, and documentation are satisfied.
  1. Notification.
  2. You must notify your instructor, in writing, as soon as possible, if your absence is cause for submitting an assignment or report after it is due. In the same way, you must notify your instruction in writing, as soon as possible, if you wish to take a quiz or test after it has been collected. Written notification is very important.
  3. Please notify your instructor before your absence whenever possible. Notification after an assignment, report, quiz, or test was due will be accepted only in emergency situations such as a sudden, serious illness.
  4. Please send a note to indicating the date of absence and your reason for absence.
  5. Qualification. The following circumstances are accepted as valid reasons for excused absences:
  6. Travel considered part of the instructional program of the university; and requiring absence from class (e.g. field trips, research presentations, etc.)
  7. Invited participation in activities directly sponsored by and in the interest of the university (e.g. athletic teams, debate teams, dance company, etc.)
  8. Military obligation
  9. Serious illness or injury
  10. Death or serious illness in immediate family
  11. Documentation. Appropriate documentation for absences is always required. For example, a note from your doctor can serve as adequate documentation if you are seriously ill or injured. An obituary is a appropriate for a death in the family.

Academic Honesty and Collaboration: / Students are encouraged to collaborate. However, each student must make a unique contribution to any joint effort and that unique contribution must be visible in the work submitted by the student. Partially or completely copied assignments shall be considered a prima facie case for academic dishonesty. .
Table 1. Lecture Schedule
Lecture / Date / Topic / Reference
1 / 1-14 / Course administration / Lecture notes
2 / 1-16 / Analog and digital signals
Number systems
Polynomial notation and conversion to decimal / Lecture 1, Mano & Kime Chapter 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
3 / 1-18 / Conversion from decimal / Lecture 4, Mano & Kime Chapter 1
4 / 1-23 / Complements of numbers
Turn in a01 / Lecture 5, Mano & Kime Chapter 4
5 / 1-25 / Codes / Lecture 6, Mano & Kime Chapter 1
6 / 1-28 / BCD arithmetic
Error Codes
IEEE 754 floating-point representation / Lecture 6, Mano & Kime Chapter 1
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
7 / 1-30 / Margin
Turn in a02
8 / 2-1 / Logic and assertion
Truth-tables / Lecture 10
Lecture 11, Mano & Kime Chapter 2
9 / 2-4 / Logic gates and Boolean operators / Lecture 12, Mano & Kime Chapter 2
10 / 2-6 / Boolean algebra / Lecture 13, Mano & Kime Chapter 2
11 / 2-8 / Minterms and maxterms
Turn in r01 / Lecture 14, Mano & Kime Chapter 2
12 / 2-11 / Combinational circuit analysis / Lecture 15
13 / 2-13 / Algebraic minimization
Turn in a03 / Lecture 16, Mano & Kime Chapter 2
14 / 2-15 / Karnaugh Map
Labeling K-Maps
Plotting K-Maps / Lecture 17, Mano & Kime Chapter 2
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
15 / 2-18 / Test 1 / Lectures 1-15
16 / 2-20 / Test 1 reprise / Lectures 1-15
17 / 2-22 / Reading K-Maps
Don’t care entries / Lecture 20
Lecture 21
18 / 2-25 / POS expression
Variable-entered mapping / Lecture 22, Mano & Kime Chapter 2
Lecture 23
19 / 2-27 / Decoders
Turn in a04 / Lecture 24, Mano & Kime Chapter 3
20 / 2-29 / Encoders / Lecture 25, Mano & Kime Chapter 3
21 / 3-3 / Multiplexers / Lecture 26, Mano & Kime Chapter 3
22 / 3-5 / Half adder
Full adder / Lecture 27, Mano & Kime Chapter 4
Lecture 28, Mano & Kime Chapter 4
23 / 3-7 / Margin
24 / 3-10 / Margin
25 / 3-12 / Turn in a05
26 / 3-14 / Margin
27 / 3-24 / a04 & a05 review
Table 1. Lecture Schedule (continued)
Lecture / Date / Topic / Reference
28 / 3-26 / Subtraction
Overflow / Lecture 29, Mano & Kime Chapter 4
Lecture 30, Mano & Kime Chapter 4
29 / 3-28 / Basic flip-flop cell
SR flip-flop / Lecture 33, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
Lecture 34, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
30 / 3-31 / D-Latch flip-flop
Clocked T flip-flop / Lecture 35, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
Lecture 36, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
31 / 4-2 / Clocked JK flip-flop
Flip-flop conversion / Lecture 37, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
Lecture 38, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
32 / 4-4 / Test 2 / Lectures 1-39
33 / 4-7 / Test 2 reprise / Lectures 1-39
34 / 4-9 / Latches, master-slave, and edge-triggered flip-flops / Lecture 39, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
35 / 4-11 / Sequential analysis / Lecture 40, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
36 / 4-14 / Present state/next state table
State diagram
Turn in a06 / Lecture 41, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
Lecture 42, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
37 / 4-16 / Counters
Sequential design / Lecture 45, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
Lecture 43, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
38 / 4-18 / No Class
39 / 4-21 / Shift register
Register transfers and operations / Lecture 48, Mano & Kime Chapter 5
Lecture 49, Mano & Kime Chapter 7
40 / 4-23 / Microoperations / Lecture 51, Mano & Kime Chapter 7
41 / 4-25 / Register cell design
Turn in a08 / Lecture 52, Mano & Kime Chapter 7
42 / 4-28 / Margin
43 / 4-30 / Margin
44 / 5-2 / Margin
45 / 5-5 / Final Exam, 11:00 – 12:50 p.m. Monday, May 5, 2007 / Comprehensive
Table 2.Assignments
Assignment / Due / Value / Description
a01 / 1-23 / 30 / Programming project: Convert to decimal
a02 / 1-30 / 30 / Data representation
a03 / 2-13 / 30 / Logic and Boolean algebra
a04 / 2-27 / 30 / K-Maps and minimization
a05 / 3-12 / 30 / Addition, subtraction, decoders, and multiplexers
a06 / 4-14 / 30 / Flip-flops
a07 / 4-11 / 30 / Sequential analysis and design – All students will receive 30 points
a08 / 4-25 / 45 / Quinn Chapter 4 review questions
r01 / 2-8 / 45 / Library research report
Total / 300