Please Check the Funding Opportunity you are Applying for:

FERB Research Grant

Saybrook University Funds

NOTE: Grants will be made based on availability of funds.

Applicant’s Name:______Year in School:______

University/Institution:______Name of Mentor: ______


City:______State: Zip:______Phone:______

Email: SSN:______

Please Note: Applications must be limited to 5 pages, including reference, not including support letters, budget, and other supporting document. See for information

  1. What is your major research question and your primary hypothesis? ______





  1. Please state how this question adds to the literature and/or the field:______





  1. What procedures will you use to test the hypothesis?______




  1. Please state a brief overview of your research design and statistical methodology: ______




  1. What is the number of subjects in your study?Is the number of subjects large enough to clearly examine your hypothesis?______




  1. What are the anticipated limitations of the study?______




  1. Is IRB approval necessary and are you in the process of obtaining approval______




Additional information:

A.Provide budget sheet with itemization

B.Provide a timeline for data collection, analysis and final paper

C.Identify what institutional support is needed for accessing subjects, collecting data, and acquireing statistical advise for analyzing results.

Signature of Applicant:______

Signature of Applicants Research Advisor/Supervisor/Mentor:______

Checklist of required items:

Name, affiliation, contact info, SSN

Title and abstract

Proof of full-time student status (copy of class schedule or copy of student ID)

Proposed Budget, timeline, statement of institutional support

One letter of recommendation from a faculty member, which discusses the applicant’s overall performance and special interest in psychophysiology and biofeedback

Note: FERB reserves the right to change the amount of the award without notice.

Return the application to yMonday, January 16, 2017

Foundation for Education and Research in Biofeedback and Related Sciences (FERB)

c/o New England Institute for Neurology and Headache

30 Buxton Farm Rd, Suite 230, Stamford, CT 06905

Fax: 203-914-1907