Workshop on Reporting under Bathing Water Directive
30 September 2008, DG Environment BU5 -0C
Draft minutes
(version 16/10/08)
1Introduction and adoption of the minutes of previous meeting
There were representatives from 18 Member States. ETC-Water was represented by Anita Kuenitzer andLidija Globevnik and the DG Environment - by Violeta Vinceviciene (VV) and Helmut Bloech (part of the meeting). VV chaired the meeting. The list of participants is available in separate file.
The updated agenda (see Annex) was distributed and accepted without changes. In the absence of GIM, Violeta Vinceviciene (VV) gave the presentations for GIM.
It was announced that on 29 September, the handover of WISE Bathing water Directive reporting had taken place between GIM and European Topic Centre on Water (ETC/W). From now on, ETC/W is responsible.
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted after one clarification: The question was raised, how to use UTM-9 code list (page 3 of the minutes of the last meeting (use of specific national character) use CODE list in names. It was clarified that MS are asked to use the characters in the code list to report national names of BWD.
All presentations and documents related to the workshop arte available from WFD CIRCA at:
2Final version of the reporting sheets and related guidance documents. Updated list of reporters for 2008 report
VV gave a presentation on final version of reporting sheets.
-The list of reporters for BWD of last year was distributed for corrections. An updated list will be sent to participants by 10/10/08 for final check. This finalised list will then be sent to EEA by 15/10/08 to guarantee access/uploading rights to reporters.
-The final ‘Background document on coding of IDs and specifications for reporting geographical data under BWD - FINAL’ is without changes and only mentioned as it is the same as for the previous year reporting exercise and should be used/referred for reporting exercise as a reference document.
-The final version of reporting sheets 'Reporting sheets for Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC - FINAL DRAFT’ was not changed since the last meeting on 26/06/08with only one minor inclusion of the proposal from DK on page 27in regard to minimum detection limits, that was a point for discussion.
- After a short discussion it was decided to delete proposal from the table 5: 'Monitoring results of bathing waters' leaving the message in the table "see explanation in text" and to leave only the textual description of this proposal in the final version of the document.
- Further clarification on the use of reporting standards for geo-information in Table 1 'Inventory of identified BW' is that "For overseas territories instead of ETRS89 system the WGS84 might be used".
3Implementation of reporting into WISE
Lidija Globevnik (LG) gave a presentation on the implementation of BWD reporting into WISE presenting 3 options to report: old BWD in 'old' way (by using BWATER and uploiading txt files to Reportnet), old BWD in 'new' way by using templates (xml/xls files) to be downloaded from Reportnet, and new BWD in 'new' way by using templates (xml/xls files) to be downloaded from Reportnet. Presentation is available from WFD CIRca (see above link). Technical details are explained under agenda point 4.
During the discussion, some experts from Member States indicated that the letter announcing the reporting, which will include all links to relevant documents, data dictionary, CDR, helpdesk etc. is needed as soon as possible in order to allow MSs to coordinate the national dataflow for reporting.
4Technical formats/tools for reporting under BW directives
4.1aReporting under 'old' Directive 76/160/EEC
VV gave the presentation on reporting under the old Directive by using the old procedure of textual (txt) files.
During the discussion, the question was raised, if also xls-files with derogation should be submitted. The answer was: yes.
4.1bReporting under 'old' Directive 76/160/EEC via Reportnet tool
LG gave the presentation on reporting under the old Directive by using the Data Dictionary and Reportnet tools.
During the discussion, it was proposed that a list with existing bathing water locations from the current year will be provided by ETC/W as pre-filled templates.
4.2Reporting under 'new' Directive 2006/7/EC via Reportnet tool
LG gave the presentation on reporting under the new Directive by using the Data Dictionary and Reportnet tools.
During the discussion, the question of mandatory fields was raised. It was explained that all what was discussed and agreed as a final version of reporting sheets all information is needed / necessary to report not only to fulfil reporting obligations under BWD but also ensure that what is reported is also available for the EU citizens at the EU-level to see by using geographical means (e.g. WISE map viewer) as well as linking with other reported information under other EU water policies and reporting exercises on water, one of them being river basin districts and water bodies under water Framework Directive.
Anita Kuenitzer (AK) gave an online-presentation of Reportnet features on the Eionet website: regarding the data dictionary, the reporting obligation database, the CDR and the letter to countries announcing the reporting procedure.
Actions indicated:
-ETC/W will send Data Dictionary reporting templates to Member States as soon as possible that MSs can test technical formats for reporting and use them for their internal national coordination of reporting.
-ETC/W as soon as possible willdraft the letter to be sent to MSs on explanation of the overall process of reporting for season of 2008, including the links to all background information/documents needed for the reporting exercise, when all features for the reporting (like the GDEM for the automatic QA check) will be available on the internet. All IT features for reporting exercise in the ReportNet (DD, GDEM) should be ready by the end of October 2008.
5Concept of assessment of reported BW quality during transitional period
VV informed that the document drafted by GIM ‘Assessment of bathing water quality under BWD 2006/7/EC – DRAFT’ is available on Circa and invited participants to provide written comments on the outlined assessment methodology.
The following comments on the assessment document were made by participants and answered by Helmut Bloech (HB):
-It was indicated by one expert that the concept for assessment of transitional period is not acceptable and that a new proposal will be communicated by him in written form to the DG ENV colleagues.
-Question: (on page 9) Do we need to have 4 years of data to assess quality under new BWD?
Answer (by HB): article 17: MS need to have 4years of data sets available).
-Q: (page 7) Colour scheme used in draft paper – Committee level should decide symbols and signs;
A: presenting results in coloured classification scheme is not coding of beaches but just explaining the document in a more visually better way (the colours does not have any relation with 'signs and symbols of beaches)
-Question in regard to short term pollution: to what level should MS consider this pollution?
A: MS should use national legal basis to decide.
-Question in regard to parameter of conversion (page 10, Table of parameter conversion): Minimum sampling frequencies proposed are those taken from the frequencies of old BWD; Art 3 of new BWD (Art5): new frequencies are allowed. Is this interpretation correct? HB will answer shortly.
-Q: should MS respect both frequencies (new and old BWD) in the transitional period?
Answer will be send by EC shortly. 2 weeks plus before the start of season; new BWD: minimum samples taken every months and before the beginning of season; cold northern lakes and shores: three samples would be enough; Answer: yes (Art. 3.5): monitoring should take place according to Art 4 (every 4 weeks).
-Q: Are there background documents that explain rules given in the new BWD (95%, 90%)...
A: It has been decided in a co-decision procedure. It a result of a legal process and agreement/adoption of the directive by all Member States.
6Roadmap of reporting and next steps in 2009
LG gave a presentation of a roadmap/steps of work on reporting under Bathing Water Directive within WISE (via Reportnet) and further integration into WISE (taking into account reporting process under new BWDin 2009:
-1 step: as soon as data will be uploaded by a MSs to Reportnet, the automatic QA/QC procedures will start (so called GDEM rules and system prepared by ETC/W for that purpose); the list of errors (Error-Log file) will be available for a Member State(from Reportnet/CDR) in the same envelope where the data has been reported by this Member State
-2 step: manual QA/QC by ETC/W and communication with MS (by e-mails, phone) 31.01.2009
-3 step: BW Database with 2008 data prepared for WISE (by ETC/W)20.02.2009
-4 step: Preliminary assessment done (by ETC/W) and results put on CDR (under MS envelope). 20.02.2009
-5 step: MS check assessments and send comments and remarks.01.03.2009
-6 step: Comments and remarks by MS integrated into EU and national BW quality assessment (by ETC/W); MS check assessments and send final comments 15.03.2009
-7 step: MS confirm national reports.31.03.2009
-8 step: BW visualisation in WISE (by ETC/W) prepared31.03.2009
-9 step: EC/EEA report and national report prepared for publication, web and press conference . 30.04.2009
-10 step: EC/EEA press release on new bathing water quality report 01.06.2009
General discussion (questions and answers)
-Question:Are we completely free to choose new BW-ID?
Answer: yes, but please refer to the guidance document when creating the IDs[1]
-Q: How to deal with 12 months bathing season? When to report?
A: we will find a pragmatic solution.
-Q: Since algal blooming is more regular in Northern part of Europe e.g. particularly in the Baltic Sea, should we consider this as abnormal condition?
A: Abnormal situation is if it happens once every four years according to the Directive; not a natural situation as in the Baltic Sea; abnormal is not predictable.
-Q: Is a heavy rain abnormal situation? A: yes
-Q: Climate change is not included into the Directive.Heavy rains might become the normal situation. Other bacteria might become a problem if climate is changing.
A: as long as we do not have any scientific basis that other parameters than listed in the Directive need to be measured, we follow the Directive.
7.1 Visualisation of BWD information on WISE/status and next steps for improvement
LG gave a presentation on the visualisation of BWD data in the WISE data viewer and as maps in the WISE map viewer. Both will be updated with data for the 2008 season, but no major changes are foreseen for the presentations. Anita Kuenitzer added to that presentation by showing online the possibilities of the data viewer and the map viewer.
To access to WISE and BWD reports see websites:
- - annual report for BWD;
- - WISE page on BWD report – WISE data viewer and link to WISE map viewer ('click' n the pictures)
7.2News from WISE development
VV informed about the WISE conference on 12th of November in Paris: to know water community in EU; conference is about common tools, services for analysis...WISE is also about INSPIRE (geographical reporting); SEIS; All current participants are welcomed to participate and meet their colleagues from other Water Directives, who are also involved in reporting issues under WISE.
-Invitation can be downloaded from CIRCA at:
-registration on the conference :
-Next steps for bathing water reporting have been defined at this meeting
-List of BWD reporters will be send to MS, who should send updates to VV by 10 October2008
-List of NFP for Eionet will be put on CIRCA
-Draft minutes of this meeting will be available by 10.10.2008
-The document on assessments will be updated within one month.
-Templates for Reportnet reporting will be sent to MS by 15 October 2008
-The date for sending the letter on BWD reporting to MS will be announced in the minutes Post meeting notice : letter will be sent out by 31 October 2008
-There will be a new public EEA CIRCA interest group with all links needed for reportingpost meeting information; the new link is available:
-Next meeting: The date could be either before or after the press conference in early June. Belgium prefers a meeting early next year. Items for the agenda could be: Signs and symbols for BW, QA experiences, water profiles, assessment experiences.
Meeting ended at 16:00
Minutes drafted by ETC/W
Directorate D – Water, Chemicals and Cohesion
ENV.D.2 - Water and Marine
Meeting on Reporting on Bathing Water Directive
30 September 2008 from 10:00 to 16:00
Building of DG Environment (BU-5) – Room C
Avenue de Beaulieu 5, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
Agenda items10:00 / 1 – Introduction and adoption of the minutes of previous meeting.
10:15 / 2 –Final version of the reporting sheets and related guidance documents. (GIM/ENV)
Updated list of reporters for 2008 report.
11:00 / 3 – Implementation of reporting into WISE (ETC-W)
11:30 / 4 – The technical formats/tools for reporting under BW directives:
4.1a – Reporting under 'old' directive 76/160/EEC (GIM/ENV)
4.1b - Reporting under 'old' directive 76/160/EEC via Reportnet tool
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 / 4.2 – Reporting under 'new' directive 2006/7/EC via Reportnet tool (ETC-W)
14:45 / 5 – Concept of assessment of reported BW quality during transitional period (GIM)
15:15 / 6 – Roadmap of reporting and next steps in 2009 (ETC-W / DG ENV)
15:30 / Discussion
16:00 / 7 – AOB:
7.1 – Visualisation of BWD information on WISE/ status and next steps for improvement (ETC-W)
7.2 –News from WISE development (ENV)
16:30 End of the meeting
[1]Guidance document is available from CIRCA at: