Effective: 01 March 2007 © 2007, ISAF


NB - Crew - Race Committee

This certificate is not valid until signed and stamped by the Certification Authority. This certificate indicates that the boat complied with Sections D, E, F, G and H of the class rules at the time of certification control. Compliance with Section C of the class rules and Appendix G of the RRS has not been checked.

Hull Registration Number / ......
Boat’s Name / ......
Owner’s Name / ......
Design’s Name / ......
Designer’s Name / ......
Date of Initial Certification Control / Fundamental Measurement / ......

Measured rigs and its sails 1 2 3

Effective: 01 March 2007 © 2007, ISAF

NB - Certification Authority

Cross out number and box of un-measured rigs and its sails - tick box for measured rigs and its sails.

NB - Crew

Only rigs and its sails shown on this certificate are permitted for racing.

NB - Owner

To have rigs and its sails added to this certificate you shall have the equipment measured by an officialmeasurer and send the completed measurement forms with this certificate and any re-certification fee that maybe required to the certificationauthority who may then issue a new certificate.

Certification Authority ......
Name ...... Position ......
Signed ...... Date ......


New Owner's Name ......
I undertake to maintain this boat in compliance with the class rules and that alterations or repairs to equipment required by the measurement form to be measured will be checked by an official measurer before use.

New Owner's Signature ......

Address ......


1 / This certificate ceases to be valid after change of ownership.
2 / After completion of this section, the new owner shall return this certificate to the certification authority.
3 / On receipt of a certificate correctly completed by a new owner the certification authority may issue a new certificate.

Effective: 01 March 2007 © 2007, ISAF

New certificate issuedYES NODate......

Effective: 01 March 2007 © 2007, ISAF

Effective: 01 March 2007 © 2007, ISAF