Council has resolved that a ten minute “question time” be allowed at the beginning of each meeting, where members of the public can put their concerns before Council for discussion on the following basis:

·  Requests to speak to be submitted in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

·  Requests to be accompanied by a copy of any questions.

·  Each speaker to be allowed three minutes.

The following requests have been received:-



SECTION A - Matters for information

1.  LGSA, A3.9.1: Forwarding Weekly Circulars numbered 19/2007, 20/2007, 21/2007, 22/2007 and 23/2007.

Note: Councillors may obtain copies of selected items from the Secretary.

2.  Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Forwarding Circular No. 07-20 concerning Asset Management Planning for NSW Local Government.

The purpose of this circular is to announce the release of the Asset Management Planning for NSW Local Government paper for discussion.

The Asset Management paper explores the development of a new asset management framework for NSW councils. It promotes a planning process intended to assist local government with the sustainable management of community assets. It considers current asset management practices in NSW and other jurisdictions and their possible application in NSW. It is also consistent with the National Framework for Local Government Financial Sustainability.

Submissions on the Asset Management Planning for NSW Local Government position paper will be received by the department until 13 July 2007.

Referred to Directors

3.  Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Advising the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal has made determinations under section 242 of the Local Government Act 1993 of the annual fees to be paid to mayors and councillors effective on and from 1 July 2007.

The Tribunal’s Report and Determinations dated 30 April 2007 was submitted to the Minister and published in the Government Gazette of 4 May 2007 and Determinations are accessible on

4.  Department of Lands, A3.6.46: Concerning a number of reforms to the management of Crown Land which resulted in the implementation of minimum annual rents of $350 (plus CPI adjustments) for all Crown tenures including enclosure permits.

For the three financial years 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, the total rent fee payable for any enclosure permit was set at $350.

The purpose of this letter is to personally advise you, as an enclosure permit holder, that in light of the continuing drought conditions the Minister has agreed to extend this single rental fee of $350 for a further 3 year period from 2007/8 to 2009/10. In addition to these rental concessions the costs of purchasing enclosure permit roads have been reduced and processes streamlined to speed up purchase time.

5.  NSW Department of Health, H1.5: Concerning a review of the standards for mortuaries. The NSW Health Department is in the process of reviewing funeral industry policies related to public health and includes “Standards for Mortuaries” which is specified under the Local Government (General) regulations 2005, Schedule 2.

Please return the enclosed table by June 20, 2007.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

6.  The Hon John Cobb MP, U1.11.1: Writing to you in regard to concerns that have been expressed by some councils in regional NSW that subsidised broadband services will not be available in some areas after 1 July this year.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

7.  The Hon Nathan Rees MP, E3.8.1: Advising drought and the impacts of climate change continue to impact on town water supplies throughout NSW. With forecasts predicting longer, hotter and drier bouts of weather than ever before, it is critical we continue to focus on long term water planning for the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to council as the new Minister for Water Utilities.

The NSW Government currently delivers several programs which support local water utilities. Emergency Drought Relief Funding for country town water supplies has swiftly assisted those areas in need of urgent water services.

The Country Towns Water Supply and Sewerage Program (CTWSSP) has been extended to 2014 with a commitment of a further $160 million announced in March 2007.

It is essential that a close working relationship with local councils be maintained to assist in the delivery and management of water and sewerage services.

I look forward to working with you.

8.  NetWaste, E3.3.12: Advising that Quadro Australia has recently been appointed by NetWaste to undertake the ‘Study for Permanent Household Hazardous Chemical Collection Facilities’ in the Central and Western regions.

The purpose of the study is to determine a household hazardous chemical collection service that is financially and environmentally sustainable for member Councils.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could please assist Quadro Australia with their request for information and provide relevant advice that will improve the outcome of this study.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

9.  RTA, T3.6.3: Concerning the Regional Traffic Committee appeal regarding Council’s decision to act against the Local Traffic Committee recommendation involving the location of a Taxi Rank in Main Street, Grenfell.

It has recently been brought to my attention that Council’s Director of Engineering has been asked to speak on behalf of Council.

It should be remembered that the decision of the Local Traffic Committee in this matter was unanimous. If the Director of Engineering is required to make submissions against the Local Traffic Committee recommendation then this would place him in a conflict of interest.

10.  RTA, T4.3.13: Concerning the Drought Relief Concert 30 June 2007 and your letter requesting our concurrence to the traffic arrangements proposed for the above event. I have examined the proposals and the Roads and Traffic Authority has no additions or alterations to the Traffic Management Plan as presented.

Could you please pass on our congratulations to all those involved in putting together the plans for a job well done.

Referred to Director Engineering

11.  RTA, T3.6.1: Concerning the Higher Mass Limit (HML) request correspondence lodged at your office recently by Gordon Moss for Henry Lawson Way (MR239).

Please be advised that your approval is not required for travel on the above Main Roads and in this instance the matter will be dealt with by the Roads and Traffic Authority.

12.  Railcorp Level Crossing Unit, T3.4.5: Advising we are updating the information of road traffic volume and the percentage of heavy vehicle usage in our level crossing database for road level crossings located within your area. Would you please provide us the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Volume and percentage of heavy vehicle (%CV) to use with the year of data obtained.

Referred to Director Engineering

13.  IPART, U1.4.1: Concerning the Country Energy public lighting increase 2007 and thanking you for your recent submission which will be of assistance to the Tribunal in its consideration of this inquiry.

14.  Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, E3.9.2: Advising the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority (LCMA) is pleased to announce the opening of Round 2 of the Local Government Incentives Program. The LCMA has developed this program to offer funds to local councils to undertake natural resource management projects. Specifically Round 2 is targeting:

·  Vegetation Management

·  Biodiversity Strategies

·  Roadside Erosion Control

·  Gross Pollutant Traps

A LCMA Catchment Officer will contact you shortly to arrange a meeting with your nominated staff member to discuss these incentives and to help develop project ideas.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

15.  Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, E3.9.2: Advising in 2004 the NSW Environmental Trust provided funds to be administered by the NSW Roadside Environment Committee (REC) for a project titled ‘Saving our Corridors – linear reserves as a NSW environmental framework’.

In October 2005 the Weddin Shire Council agreed to pool the portion of the funding allocated to them to be consolidated into a funding pool to be administered by the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority (LCMA).

The LCMA is now in a position to commence the project and as an initial step is asking Council if they would nominate a contact staff member.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

16.  Bath, Stewart Associates, T2.2.75/2002: Concerning DA 75/2002 – Poultry Farm Complex. We confirm that Dillon’s Plumbing Pty Ltd have been contracted to install stage one of the water supply works to the development, and have taken possession of the work site as of Monday the 28 May 2007.

The writer attended the site early this week and set out this stage of the works, and construction is scheduled to commence on Thursday the 31 May 2007.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

17.  Cowra Shire Council, T4.4.1: Concerning Development Application No 14/2007, for the Broula Magnetite and Limestone Mine, Mid Western Highway, Broula via Cowra.

Referring to your submission lodged in respect to the above development application. The issues raised in the submission will be considered at Council’s Combined Corporate and Operations Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday, 12 June 2007.

A recommendation by the Combined Corporate and Operations Committee will then be referred to Council at its meeting to be held on Monday, 25 June 2007.

A public forum will be available at both meetings.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

18.  Greenethorpe Soldiers Memorial Hall, C1.3.8: Thanking you for the sealing of the Hall car park. It has made a big difference to the dust and weed burden around the Hall. The community values the Hall very much and we appreciate any help.

19.  Brian Holliday, R2.1.0: Advising the current track to my house goes through two blocks. Could you please look to realign this track. The storm water drain needs to be realigned as well.

I am also concerned about a large gum tree close to my fence and house, it look like it could fall over in a storm.

I also need a street sign for Grenfell Street.

Referred to Director Engineering

20.  Barry Bradtke, E3.5.4: Requesting something be done about the overhanging dead trees along the Adelargo Road. These trees died in the fire that went through about 3 to 4 years ago and some are hanging so low and out over the scaled surface of the road that cars have to stop if somebody is coming the other way.

Referred to Director Engineering

21.  Department Water and Energy, R2.11.5: Concerning the proposed crossing upgrade of Burrangong Creek at Bimbi.

I refer to a site inspection on 28 May 2007 regarding a proposed upgrade of an existing low level crossing of Burrangong Creek at Bimbi. It is the Departments understanding that the proposal is to raise the road crossing and install a series of pipe culverts to convey low flow events. This crossing is to be a temporary structure and it will be removed upon completion of the road bridge replacement. The Department has reviewed this concept and provides the following comments and recommendations for Councils consideration.

Referred to Director Engineering

22.  Access Recycling, R2.11.5: Writing to confirm that Access Recycling is interested in demolishing and removing the timber bridge on the Barmendman Road at Bimbi. We may have a use for the timber in a community project. We would be able to remove all materials and remediate the area at no cost.

Referred to Director Engineering

23.  Bland Shire Council, C2.9.7/E3.8.1: Addressed to the Mayor and advising that the Council at its meeting on the 15 May 2007 wished to pass on its thanks to the Alliance Councils in progressing drought initiatives to support our communities.

Of particular emphasis to the council is the recognition of the lead role you have played in conjuring the level of participation by the Federal and State representatives of parliament in listening to the real concerns of the member councils.

Your enthusiasm and level of commitment has not been lost on the Bland Shire.

24.  Parkes Shire Council, C2.7.25: Concerning the CENTROC Peer Review OHS Management System Audit.

Please find enclosed the Management Review Report.

The Audit Team has advised that the Non Conformances outlined in the Report are major in nature but are not difficult to rectify.

Referred to Director Engineering

25.  Loaders Coaches Pty Ltd, R2.10.090: Concerning the Cowra Road school bus service, operated by Loaders, which travels along the Bumbaldry-Gooloogong developmental road (Major West Road) to the Shire boundary and return twice daily whilst schools operate.

This road has become extremely corrugated and pot-holed in recent times, due to weather conditions and traffic flow.

This letter is to ask that when Shire equipment is in the area, and time permits, that this road could be graded to make it safer for all road users.

Referred to Director Engineering

26.  Alan Morse & Co, A1.2: Forwarding the Interim Management Letter – year ended 30 June 2007.

Specific areas addressed during our review included:

·  Revenue system including daily receipting and cashiering functions;

·  Payroll system, including leave entitlements and termination payments;

·  Expenditure and creditors system;

·  General ledger reconciliations Plant;

·  Rates;

·  Minutes.

We also reviewed Council’s readiness and proposed approach for the pending fair value revaluation of water and sewer assets at the year end.

Generally, our audit established that the financial management procedures and systems have been controlled effectively in a manner to Council’s structure and resources. However, as a consequence of our review one matter was noted which we have outlined in the attached audit memorandum.

Note: the matter raised was that plant sheets are not entered as a batch or checked to the costing report to ensure accuracy of data entry.

Referred to Director Corporate Services

27.  NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, H1.3: Concerning the Office’s state-wide audit program of licensed premises within the Weddin local government area. The program was conducted on 28 May 2007.

The secrecy provisions of the legislation prevent me from disclosing the identity of those premises inspected. However, for your information three licensed premises, were inspected and two non-compliance issues were detected. Compliance action has been against those premises found to be in breach of the legislation.