Beechdale Health Centre
Palliative Care Policy & Protocol
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C.Document Revision and Approval History
Version / Date / Version Created By: / Version Approved By: / CommentsIntroduction
This document establishes the process for undertaking multi-disciplinary reviews of the Register of Palliative CarePatients at Beechdale Health Centre.
QOF Indicator PC2 requires that multi-disciplinary case review meetings are held regularly and at least on a 3 monthly basis.
The aims of the multi-disciplinary case review meetings are to:
- Improve the flow of information between teams in relation to these patients and in particular to Out-of-hours providers.
- To ensure that each patient on the register has a personal management plan, and that decisions are taken and acted upon by the most appropriate person.
- To ensure that each personal management plan clearly details a preference for the patient’s chosen place of care.
- To ensure that carers’ needs are discussed and addressed where possible.
At each and every meeting, each Patient’s Palliative Care Record Sheet is reviewed with the following topics being discussing and recorded:
•Patient Name;
•Carer Name;
•GP / District Nurse initials;
•Problems / concerns discussed;
•Anticipated needs;
•Statement and date of preferred place of care;
•Actual place and date of death;
•Bereavement Care;
•Crisis events /Notes.
Reporting the Death of a Patient to the CQC
The Practice is required to notify the CQC without delay of the death of a patient when:
a)The death occurred whilst a regulated activity was actually being carried out (e.g. during a GP's home visit, or during the patient’s visit to your surgery),
b)The death occurred as a result of a regulated activity being carried out,
The Patient had seen their GP in the two weeks before the death,
The death was avoidable / related to inappropriate care and treatment.
There is a dedicated notification form to report such deaths – it is contained in the Outcome 18 document “Notification of Death - Outcome 18 Composite Statement and Form”.
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