Thursday, January 5, 2012

8:00 a.m. Pacific/9:00 a.m. Mountain/10:00 a.m. Central/11:00 a.m. Eastern


Jill Boland, APWA Staff

George Haines, Present

Andy Haney, Chair, Present

Larry Stevens, APWA Board Member, Present

Don Bruey, Present

Scott Brandmeier, Present

Stan Brown, Present

Geoff Benway, Absent


1.  Call to Order and Introductions – Andy Haney, Chair convened call at 10:05 am

2.  Review of Meeting Summary from December 1, 2011 conference call – approved as printed

3. Board update – Larry Stevens, Board Liaison: Regional Directors have met to improve communications going out to the chapter delegates. Going forward Regional delegates will meet via conference call approximately two weeks prior to board meetings with chapter delegates to improve the information that is getting out there. The ISI rating tool will be released the week of January 16, 2012. The committee discussed sitting in on possible face-to-face meetings at Congress with technical committees to improve inter committee work. Committees of interest would be Transportation; Stan Brown would like to be the liaison to the Transportation committee replacing Andy Haney.

4. Update on three education sessions for Congress 2012 in Anaheim

Stan Brown – Panel on Building Community Support

Andy Haney – TBD

Scott Brandmeier – Not sure if will be able to get the EPA discussion together

George Haines – A Message to My Boss

Andy advised that the committee needs to be very clear in the description of what the session will cover.

5. Editorial Calendar for coming year with authors/topics

January 15, 2012- Stan working on a Pavement Management article and hopes to have it completed by deadline

David Pinsonneault, Lexington, MA for February 15 deadline

Martha Graham, St. Augustine, FL for March 15 deadline

Bill Riccio, Newport, RI for April 15 deadline

George Haines, Gillette, WY for June 15 deadline

6. Topics and dates for On-Line Town Hall calls

“Making ADA requirements work for Small Cities/Rural Communities” –

Michele Ohmes, January 12, 2012

“EPA Stormwater update” - Scott Brandmeier, Date TBD

“Grants Streamlining” – Geoff Benway checking with consultant

7. Update on National Levee Safety Committee – Andy Haney – Will be looking into the update.

8. Update on EPA Small Business/Small Community Panel – Scott Brandmeier – Nothing to report.

9. Discussion of brainstorming issue dealing with members participating in

Chapters closer to their jurisdiction. – This issue is still of interest to Scott, and Andy has expressed the idea of why when you join APWA can you not just state what chapter you would want to be in. If this is a just a record keeping, fee issue, it should be able to be modified. Committee agrees to put this issue on the back burner. Committee advises that Larry might need to address this again, but Larry had to get off call earlier. They don’t want to drop this issue.

10. Review of Business Plan for next area of emphasis – Committee has not reviewed this in depth, will be discussed what is important and addressed on next call.

11. Items of interest to be added by members –

Agenda for Face-to-Face meeting.

Chapter members joining different chapters.

How do we provide institute training to the SC/RC individuals? Chapters with interest in this could meet together and discuss in holding a joint meeting to provide the training to all individuals in the associated chapters.

Committee is aware due to financial reasons will be staying at the Hyatt near the airport, however they would like the idea of meeting or being able to have a tour of national headquarters to be considered.

12. Adjournment – call ended at 10:42am