FULL NAME: Dr Biruk Solomon Haile

ACADEMIC RANK: Assistant Professor

ANY ADMINISTRATIVE OR ACADEMIC POSITION: Course chair for Supply Chain Research

OFFICE ADDRESS (Dept. and BLDG/Office No.): Logistics and supply chain management department,

B171 R 105

OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: +251 58 820 9974



EDUCATION (Start from recent study)

Degree / Year of Award / Awarding Institution
Doctoral / 2015 / University of South Africa
MA / 2008 / Addis Ababa University
Bachelor degree / 2004 / Addis Ababa University


  1. Supply chain management theories and practices
  2. Operations Management
  3. Research Methodology
  4. Quality Management
  5. Warehousing and materials management
  6. Logistics Engineering and Management


1. Member of Ethiopian teachers association, BDU zone

2. Member of Ethiopian Logistics and Supply chain management professionals association

PUBLICATIONS (Exhaustively list your publications here )

a)Refereed (i.e., peer-reviewed) papers: Investigating Quality of Education in Business and Economics Faculties of Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar Universities.

b)Book chapters/ reviews

c) Books authored/Books edited

d) Theses:

1. Quality Management of Education in Ethiopian Public Universities: Issues,

Challenges and Practices

2. Service Quality Management Practices and Its Relationship with Client

Satisfaction in Public Primary Healthcare Centres in Amhara Region, Ethiopia

3. Factors Affecting Total Quality Management Implementation in Ethiopian Public

Textile Factories

4. The Effect of Total Quality Management on Employees’ Job Satisfaction

in Bahir Dar Textile Share Company

5. Using Total Quality Management to Achieve Academic Programs Effectiveness:

Examining Attitudes ofAcademic Staff in Technology Institutes of Ethiopian Public


6. The Management and Utilization of Educational Materials in Bahir Dar University.

e) Published abstracts (if any)

f) Public Lectures delivered (Place (National/International) of last 3 years only)

Others… Please add.

RESEARCH INTERESTS(Use few sentences to express your research interest)

Areas of my research interest include: Quality management, service management, customers relationship management, customer satisfaction, performance management, process management and operations management.

SKILLS AND ABILITIES (Use few sentences to express your skills)

Working under strict rules in a very regulated environment where adherence to discipline is important, will not bother me easily. I may even experience frustrations when things need to be done without structure and control measures. I think this is my good habit for success in general.

Helping people in need comes somewhat natural for me. I get fulfilment from doing it and I have a strong sense for making life easier for people living under difficult conditions.

Hard work, long hours and tough assignments do not scare me. I have a strong habit of showing endurance when necessary.

It is not easy for me to give something important to others to do. I tend to rather do it myself. I think this is very good in situations where I have developed a high level of competency.

I have a positive participating attitude towards my world and the things I do. I will push for positive change by making myself available to actively work towards a better reality for all. I might even become actively assertive to get things done.

I have good skill in leading my day to day activities with plan. I perform almost all of my duties by plan. I have good skill to work with fellow human beings smoothly.

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Thank you!

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