A RESOLUTION recognizing the third week in April as Kentucky Nonprofit Week and adjourning the Senate in honor of the thousands of nonprofit organizations in the Commonwealth of Kentucky that work for the good of its citizens and the world.

WHEREAS, there are well over 20,000 large and small nonprofit organizations at work in every Kentucky community, and these nonprofit organizations play a vital role by delivering needed services, improving people's lives, and binding communities together; and

WHEREAS, nonprofit organizations are committed to serving the educational, cultural, civic, health, religious, human service, recreational, philanthropic, environmental, and other diverse needs of the people of Kentucky; and

WHEREAS, nonprofit organizations positively impact the economy in the communities they serve and save taxpayers thousands of dollars by providing needed services to our citizens; and

WHEREAS, the staff and volunteers of the nonprofit organizations are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of community service, donating their time and effort to making a difference in the lives of others; and

WHEREAS, the 2012 observance of Kentucky Nonprofit Week provides a unique opportunity for the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to join together in appreciation of the many contributions made by nonprofit organizations to our continued wellbeing;


Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Section 1. The Senate does hereby recognize the third week of April 2012 as Kentucky Nonprofit Week.

Section 2. The Senate does hereby urge all of our citizens to recognize the positive impact nonprofit organizations have on the quality of life of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Section 3. When the Senate adjourns this day, it does so in honor of the nonprofit organizations throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

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