Curriculum: This curriculum is appropriate for 4-5th grade students

25th Anniversary of Twinning with the Dominican Republic parish Our Lady of Altagracia

Items needed.

-A globe or map to show the children were the D. R. is located. ( good maps of the D.R. can be found on

-Music of the D. R.: Free downloads can be obtained from

-pictures of the D.R. flag, life in the D.R. downloads from and

-red, white and blue construction paper, a copy of the coat of arms at the center enlarged from the pictures on the websites above. (if you are going to make the flag.) glue or tape, American flag for display.


The goal of this program is to show children that although we live in different places and climates we are the same in God’s eyes. We should show the same respect to others as we expect to be shown to us. Hopefully the children will be excited to learn more and share that excitement with their parents.

Begin with prayer.

-Dear God, open our hearts to our brothers and sisters in the Dominican Republic. Make us anxious to learn about them and their country. Help us to see that they can offer us just as much as we can offer them. Give us the vision to see that we are more alike than different because we are all made in God’s image. Amen. (or you may use a prayer of your choice.)A prayer created for the 25th anniversary by the people of Sagrada Familia parish is available from World Mission Ministries at or 414-758-2280

Explain that as an Archdiocese we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the twinning with Our Lady of Altagracia in the D. R. and we will be learning something about our brothers and sisters there.

 Display the map of the D.R. and a map of the U.S. or use a globe to show the children where the D.R. is and its size in relationship to the U. S.

Explain that the D.R. is a country of the West Indies on the eastern part of the island Hispaniola. It was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. The original inhabitants were a branch of the Arawaks called the Tainos, they were seafaring group and they left paintings in caves that provide information about their culture. The D.R. has been an independent country since 1844, it briefly returned to Spanish rule in 1861, but again became independent two years later. Its national Independence Day is February 27, 1844, February 27 is a national holiday. There are 31 provinces in the D.R. (compare to our 50 states each with a capital etc.)

The country is tropical it has a rainy season from May – November and the hurricane season runs form June – November. There is very little difference in temperature, 75-81 degrees. In South eastern Wisconsin we have a wide range of temperatures, averaging form 18 – 71% We have had temperatures as hot as 105 and as low as –26. The D. R. also has more rain than we have, 75.70 inches our average is 34.81 inches.

There are 3 main ethnic groups in the D.R. white 16%, black 11% and Mixed race 73%

95% of the people in the D.R. are Catholic

84.7% of the people over 15 are literate, most of the children go to school just as we do in the U.S. It is more difficult for them because they are poor and do not have transportation systems as we do.

The Capital of the D. R. is Santo Domingo. The U. S. capital is WashingtonD.C.

At this point you will make the flag after discussing the look of the flag. A centered white cross that extends to the edges divides the flag into four, top blue on the hoist side, and red, bottom red hoist side and blue The coat of arms is in the center. The motto, DIOS, PATRIA, LIBERTAD… God, Fatherland, Liberty, and below, REPUBLICA DOMINICANA Allow approximately 15-20 minutes for this project. You may also want to display an American flag.

The main language in the D.R. is Spanish, in the U.S. it is English, but Spanish is becoming more common.

Baseball is the top National sport in the D.R. Many Dominicans play in the U.S. Albert Pujols, Sammy Sosa, Vladimir Guerrero, Pedro Martinez, Rafael Furcal, Miguel Tejada and Manny Ramirez. Many children in the D. R. belong to teams and dream of becoming baseball stars just as you do.

 The language of Spanish and the religion of Catholicism are part of the Spanish heritage, but the music is from the African heritage. The D.R. has many festivals and carnivals thoughout the year, these are also part of the African culture. Music is very important to the Dominicans.

The D.R. is known for a form of music called the Merengue and also Bachata as a traditional form of music. Today the young people enjoy rock music just as the young people in the U.S. do, the D. R. has the most Spanish language rock bands in Latin America. Some of the popular groups are Toque Profundo, Luis Dias, Tabu Tek, Tribu Del Sol, TKR, and La Siembra. Play some D.R. rock at this point Download sites for music include: or Type in merengue, bachhata, or Dominican rock, rap, etc. or one of the bands names listed above. You may want to have some simple instruments for the children to use as they listen.

Conclude with prayer. Prayer cards are available from World Mission Ministries (e-mail or 414-758-2280.)