Biennial Report 2006-2008 of the Iranian IBBY Section
1.1 Iran, The Islamic Republic of
1.2 National Section: Children’s Book council (CBC)
Iranian National Section of IBBY
69 Shahid Vahid Nazari, Aburayhan St.,
Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran
P.O. Box 13145-133 Tehran, Iran
Tel/Fax: +98 21 88 0023 69
www.cbc.ir <http://www.cbc.ir>
1.3 Representatives
1.3.2 Secretary General: Ms. Noushine Ansari
Address: Same as above
Tel. Home: +98 21 88 01 20 94
1.3.3 Liaison Officer: Touran Mirhady
Address: 21 Saadi St., Homayonfar,
Bahonar, 19794 Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 22 71 15 11
1.4 Organization
1.4.1 Registered as a non-governmental, non-profit organization. Administered by a ten member Board of Directors elected by the General Assembly, in accordance with the CBC Constitution, every two years. CBC has no regular support from any other organization.
1.4.2 No, our organization is not affiliated to, or a branch of any other organization or institution in Iran.
1.4.3 CBC secretariat has an office situated at the first floor of the above said address. For its activities dealing with children’s literature it has 7 full/part time paid staff and all other activities are on voluntary basis. The Encyclopedia for Young People section of CBC situated on the second floor of the above said address has 19 full/part time pad staff and many of the remaining colleagues, such as authors, editors, researchers, promoters, etc. are working on voluntary basis.
1.4.4 The Board of Directors has meetings every two weeks. Besides the board meetings, meetings of committees responsible for various activities are held regularly.
1.4.5 Yes, eight non-governmental organizations are members of CBC. They promote and/or participate in all CBC activities.
1.4.6 CBC has more than 900 official and/or affiliated individual members some 300 of them actively participate in all CBC activities and the rest attend special events such as CBC Founding Anniversary held once a year. But they all pay their annual membership fees.
1.4.7 CBC is now working on a Member’s Data Bank but at the moment it does not have all the required statistical data to offer on the exact picture of teachers, authors, illustrators, publishers, students, parents, researchers and librarians.
1.4.8 Two categories of membership exist: official and affiliated; the latter may become an official member upon request after 3 years.
1.4.9 Through the CBC’s site, members who actively participate in many CBC activities are informed of the activities through their regular visits to CBC premises. All members are regularly invited to a number of gatherings and exhibitions and received the CBC monthly newsletter.
2. Funding
2.1 CBC’s annual budget is approximately US $30,000 excluding The Encyclopedia for Young People.
2.2 Sources of Income
2.2.1 Yes, annual membership fees for affiliated members are Rials 70,000and Rials 10,000 for the official members. This is about 3% of our annual budget.
2.2.2 Yes, we do receive financial support from individual sponsors and/or donors and this accounts for 82% of our annual budget.
2.2.3 No we do not receive grants from government for national institutions.
2.2.4 No we do not receive such grants.
2.2.5 Yes, IBBY Canada as a travel grant for H.C.A Jury President (amount not disclosed).
2.2.6 Yes we generate income through royalties from The Encyclopedia for Young People and CBC Quarterly Bulletin which is 15% of our annual budget.
2.2.7 No.
2.2.8 No, only 2.2.1 and 2.2.6 are regular contributions.
2.2.9 No, we do not receive support specifically for our IBBY dues.
2.2.10 In order to support preparation of The Encyclopedia for Young People (EYP) a new fundraising program was launched in December 2007 with the aim of attracting successful businessmen to make specific monthly contributions.
3. The National Section’s Monthly Activities
3.1 Main Activities
3.1.1 No.
3.1.2 No.
3.1.3 CBC and The House of Librarians and Promotion of Reading offered a variety of courses and workshops. These were aimed at teachers, librarians, writers, illustrators, booksellers etc.
3.1.4 Yes, CBC has organized and hosted exhibitions and fairs.
3.1.5 Yes, CBC awarded diplomas to authors, illustrators, translators and personalities contributing to the development of children’s literature. It did organize a contest of illustration based on poems by the Iranian mystic poet Jalaludin Mohammad Balkhi /Rumi (celebrated by UNESCO, 2007).
3.1.6 CBC runs a research library, a public library for children and young people and a public library for adults all aimed at the promotion of reading and reading research.
3.1.7 Yes, the speed up project of the Iranian Encyclopedia for Young People (IEYP), the publication of CBC’s annual bibliography in a critical form, establishment of libraries in deprived areas, creative reading workshops aimed at facilitators of working and street children.
3.2 Communication
3.2.1 CBC’s website is www.cbc.ir <http://www.cbc.ir>
3.2.2 CBC published a regular monthly newsletter sent to all its members (900+). It is also available online.
3.2.3 Yes, CBC reviews published books on a regular basis and produces different lists: an annual general critical bibliography; a quarterly book list; various subject bibliographies related to different events and award-winning books of the year.
3.2.4 CBC publishes the proceedings of major events. For example Bozorgdashte Abbas Yamini Sharif (Commemoration volume of the founder of children’s poetry Abbas Yamini Sharif) spring 2007.
3.2.5 Yes, very much so. CBC has used many occasions on radio, T.V. and the print media to introduce IBBY and its international activities.
3.3 Cooperation at a National Level
3.3.1 Yes, by parents, teachers, writers, translators, students, librarians, etc.
3.3.2 Yes, very much so, namely the Institute for Research on Education (Pooya), the Research Institute on Children (Donya), Modern Mothers’ Attitude (MAM), Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature, the Center for the Cultural Development of Children, organizations supporting street and working children (Yari) and the Hosseinieh Ershad Public Library. There is close collaboration and exchange of information between us.
3.3.3 Yes, very much so.
4. Cooperation with IBBY
4.1 International activities in cooperation with IBBY
Congresses and General Assemblies
4.1.1 One member participated in Cape Town, two members participated in Macau. CBC was represented in both General Assemblies.
4.1.2 Unfortunately, no.
International Children’s Book Day (ICBD)
4.1.3 CBC translated the message; promoted its publication and use in the media; published 5000 bookmark calendars with ICBC poster and motto; published poster in the CBC Diary (500 copies); laminated collection of ICBD posters to facilitate lending and use; organized two exhibitions of paintings by working and street children in Tehran and Karaj and organized differed activities at CBC’s children’s library.
4.1.4 No, we used the message and the poster of the sponsoring NS.
4.1.5 On our premises, through the newsletter, our website, at the CBC anniversary meeting in January attended by several hundred members and friends.
IBBY Awards and Projects
4.1.6 No, difficult to reach consensus on “lasting contribution” due to publication restrictions prevailing in Iran.
4.1.7 Yes, Arman Aryan (author), Morteza Zahedi (illustrator), Niloofar Taymouriyan (translator).
4.1.8 No, activities were not extensive enough.
4.1.9 Yes, we did and three appeared in the 2007 selection.
4.1.10 No.
4.1.11 No (due to various restrictions),
Book Bird and other Projects
4.1.12 We do not have this information
4.1.13 Yes, CBC does have a BB associate editor, Zohreh Ghaeni is a BB referee; CBC has also contributed to BB.
4.1.14 Yes, nomination of candidate for the HCAA Award Presidency 2010, nomination of IBBY Iran to sponsor ICBD 2011.
4.2 Cooperation with other National Sections
4.2.1 No, due to the difficulties in the region.
4.2.2 CBC has responded to KBBY (Nambook Festival) by sending books and attending the exhibition. The present situation does not permit bilateral activities.
4.2.3 Rarely, because the CBC newsletter is in Persian.
4.2.4 The volatile political situation in the region; nevertheless CBC welcomes all possible venues for communication.
5. Additional Comments
CBC notes commendable effort towards more international work and understanding in IBBY. Many thanks to all of you, EC and the Secretariat.