
Grade 9 Academic Science: Physics Project

Curricular Big Ideas

Physics – The Characteristics of Electricity

  • Students will be able to assess some of the costs and benefits associated with the production of electrical energy from renewable and non‑renewable sources.
  • analyse how electrical efficiencies and savings can be achieved, through both the design of technological devices and practices in the home.


  • You will examine one issue/topic associated with electricity (static electricity, renewable and non-renewable sources of electricity or reducing electrical energy consumption at home) and research how that topic affects humans.
  • You will prepare a brochurethat educates the public about the facts of this issue.

Suggested Topics:

  1. Analyse the design of a technological device that improves its electrical efficiency or protects other devices by using or controlling static electricity (e.g., paint sprayers, photocopiers, lightning rods, grounding wires)

Guiding questions: How does eliminating static electricity help or hinder the performance of a device? How have static electricity controls helped in developing new technologies?

  1. Assess some of the social, economic, and environmental implications of the production of electrical energy in Canada from renewable and non‑renewable sources (e.g., wind, solar, hydro, coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear)

Sample issue: The operation of wind farms along Lake Huron produces electricity from a renewable source, reducing dependence on non-renewable sources of electricity. However, the wind farms produce noise and visual pollution, affect local animal life, and reduce the amount of land available for agriculture.

Guiding questions: What is the price difference between electricity produced from solar power and by coal-burning plants?

What effects do coal mining, oil production, wind farms, and hydroelectric dams have on surrounding ecosystems?

What types of hazardous substances are used or created in the production of solar power and nuclear power? What types of emissions are produced by coal-burning and hydroelectric power plants?

What are the effects of these emissions on human health and the environment?

  1. Produce a plan of action to reduce electrical energy consumption at home (e.g., using EnerGuide information when purchasing appliances), and outline the roles and responsibilities of various groups (e.g., government, business, family members) in this endeavor

Sample issue: Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs can reduce the energy needed to light a home by 75%. Although the bulbs are more expensive than incandescent bulbs, electrical companies sometimes provide coupons to reduce the price. Also, the Ontario government is phasing out incandescent bulbs, which will further reduce energy consumption.

Guiding questions: What are EnerGuide and ENERGY STAR, and how can they be used when purchasing appliances or electronics?

What is the difference in energy consumption between a conventional and a front-loading washing machine? What appliances consume electrical energy even when they are not in use?


Additional expectations to be addressed regardless of topic selected:

  • identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study.
  • describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadians.


  1. What is your question?
  2. What do you already know about this topic?
  3. What else do you want to know about this topic?
  4. What words will you use to search for information about your topic?


Complete each of the following two tasks:

a.Works Cited Information


  1. Analysis of bias. Use the checklist provided at the end of this assignment to think critically about the information that you are using for EACH source of information. Provide a brief summary for each of your 2 (minimum) sources.
  1. How is the information covered in your project similar to what needs to be covered with respect to the Ontario Curriculum? You must consult curriculum documentation and discuss how your topic is related to specific curriculum expectations. Include the specific code, expectation and indicate how your project addresses that expectation. <

Example My project addresses the following specific expectation from the Ontario Curriculum: “E1.3 produce a plan of action to reduce electrical energy consumption at home”. My project address this expectation as I have analyzed my current level of energy use and through consulting appropriate resources I have researched and shared in my brochure how to reduce the overall energy use in my home.

Section A & B should be completed by ______.

This includes questions 1-5 and two copies of page 5 of this assignment


You are going to demonstrate your knowledge by creating a brochure to display your researched information.

6. What was the greatest issue or difficulty that you had to overcome while completing your project?

7. What is the most important thing that you learned from this research project?

Section C should be completed by ______.

This includes all questions (including 6 & 7), the marking rubric and at least two copies of page 5 of this assignment. Essentially you are handing back in what you handed in the first time plus your responses to question 6 & 7 and you final product.

Learning Skills and Work Habits

Learning Skills
and Work Habits / Excellent / Good / Satisfactory / Needs Improvement
I fully use this learning skill/work habit to reach my potential in this course. / I use this learning skill/work habit to reach my potential in this course a lot of the time. / I know this skill/habit is important for me to reach my potential but I have to be reminded about it. / I don’t show that I know this skill/habit is important for me to reach my potential.
- Does class work, including homework, within the set timelines
- Completes formative work
- Respects deadlines by setting priorities
- Takes time to consider formative feedback
- Asks specific questions when tasks are not clear
- Identifies, gathers, evaluates and uses information, technology and resources to complete tasks
-Contributes to group activities in a constructive manner
- Participates actively in discussion and delegation of group tasks
- Completes tasks required for group activities on time and to the best of their ability
Independent Work
- Uses time wisely during work periods and respects classmates’ work time
- Follows instructions with minimal supervision
- Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning
- Demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning
Self Regulation
- Identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals
- Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges

Evaluation Rubric

Category / “Look For”/Description / 80-100%
(Level 4) / 70-79%
(Level 3) / 60-69%
(Level 2) / 50-59%
(Level 1) / R
(< Level 1)
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and understanding of content(facts, ideas, theories, processes, terminology, concepts, procedures) / I understand my topic and all concepts, terminology and facts around my topic. / thorough understanding / considerable understanding / some understanding / limited understanding
Thinking and Investigation
Use of initiating and planning skills and strategies (e.g., formulating questions, identifying the problem, selectingstrategies and resources, developing plans)
Use of processing skills and strategies(performing, recording, gathering evidence and data, observing, solving problems)
Use of critical/creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies (e.g., analysing,interpreting, problemsolving, evaluating, forming and justifying conclusions on the basis of evidence ) / My questions (Q 1-7) are well formulated and provide clarity to my project.
My research sheets are completed and connect to an appropriate Cited References. Includes sources as appropriate.
My brochure is complete as a function of problem solving, evaluating and justifying conclusions based on research. I have been able to synthesize, interpret and convey researched data effectively. / high degree of effectiveness
high degree of effectiveness
high degree of effectiveness / considerable
considerable effectiveness / some
some effectiveness / limited
limited effectiveness
Expression and organization of ideas and information(e.g., clear
expression, logical organization) in written form
Use of conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline in written form (e.g., symbols, formulae, scientific notation, SI units) / I have organized my information and ideas to be presented in my brochure in an effective and concise manner. I have included text which has been cited appropriately.
I have checked my spelling, grammar, and SI units to ensure that they are correct. / high degree of effectiveness
high degree of effectiveness / considerable effectiveness
considerable effectiveness / some effectiveness
some effectiveness / limited effectiveness
limited effectiveness
Making connections between science, technology, society, and
the environment (e.g. assessing the impact of science on technology, people and other livingthings, and the environment)
Proposing courses of practical action to deal with problems relating to science, technology, society, and the environment / My presentation makes connections between science, technology and society. I have including in-depth information pertaining to contributions by scientists (including Canadians) and careers connected to my topic.
My presentation addresses and assesses the ethical and societal impact of my issue on humans as well as providing solutions. / high degree of effectiveness
high degree of effectiveness / considerable effectiveness
considerable effectiveness / some effectiveness
some effectiveness / limited effectiveness
limited effectiveness

Grade 9 Science: How Reliable Is The Information That You Are Using?

Book or article or web page address______




Year Published______

Question / Yes/No / Details
Are the authors of the site identified?
What qualifications do the authors have?
Where do they work?
Does their workplace have a good reputation?
Does this source credit the sources of its information?
Are there references or a bibliography provided that you can use to verify the information?
Are there links to reliable sites (or other sources) where the accuracy of the information can be confirmed?
What is the goal of the site? What is it trying to convince you of?
Are any stereotypes being promoted?
Is the language professional and appropriate?
Does the site use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation?
