Q1 Attachment – Organizational Change narrative

QUESTION #1: Please provide a narrative explanation of any organizational changes made during the previous year.

DGS has retained the organizational structure approved at implementation, on October 1, 2011. However, within the approved structure, some organizational refinements have been made which are designed to streamline the structure, improve organizational and operational efficiency and effectiveness, as well as, to enhance customer service.

·  DGS collapsed the Communications Manager, ES-10 and the Director Communications, MS-15 into one leadership position which is established as Public Information Officer, MS-15. The Communications function was moved to the Administrative Support Division with other critical management support functions.

·  DGS collapsed the Director of Realty, ES-10 and Director of Realty, EG-16 function into one leadership position which is established as Associate Director for Portfolio Management, MS-16.

·  DGS received a number of supervisory positions which lacked sufficient managerial responsibilities or adequate numbers of subordinate positions in the DGS structure to support their managerial or supervisory status. In addressing organizational efficiencies, a number of employees have been reassigned to effectively and efficiently support required organizational operations.

·  DGS reviewed and identified positions within its component organizations which have very similar duties and responsibilities, but have been allocated different titles and/or series; and may have different union representation. Where appropriate, those positions have been collapsed and re-described to a single title and series within their respective grade levels.

·  Positions have been identified for creation as required to support the approved DGS organizational structure. The agency is in the process of requesting a realignment of some agency components and has begun preliminary discussions with DCHR to determine the feasibility of implementing our findings.

·  DGS has reviewed organizational operations and activities and refined internal operating structures as required to ensure the adequacy of operations and appropriateness of both supervisory and non-supervisory coverage. The refinements are required to support variations of shift work; number of buildings to be covered, required skill sets, etc.