Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Monday 11/7/2011

Standards Addressed
6.1 (B) generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. / We will convert decimals and fractions within our matching game. / I will identify fractions and decimals that are equivalent and share in a cooperative group. (3E) / Materials Needed
Cornell notes
Matching cards
Center copies

Lesson Name: Matching Game

/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?
Phase 1: Engage:
/ /
Students complete an equivalent fraction and decimal warmup problem. / Attendance / Completing warmup
Phase 2: Explore:
Students will continue working with their group on completing matching cards. / Monitoring the classroom for behavior and completion / Working on their cards
Phase 3: Explain:
The teacher will work with guided groups and spiral back on past concepts as needed. / Guided groups / Working with cooperative group or in guided group
Phase 4: Elaborate:
Students will check each other’s matches for accuracy / Working in the power zone / Checking each other’s work
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Cards will be graded according to the rubric / Checking projects on Wednesday
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: spiraling guided groups
ESL: visual representations
SPED: cooperative groups
GT: / Costa’s Questions:
Which fractions are more difficult to convert and why? / Guided Groups:
Centers to spiral back on previous Teks / Homework:
Converting fractions to decimals

Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Tuesday 11/8/2011

Standards Addressed
6.1 (B) generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. / We will explore equivalent forms of the same quantity and will introduce percent equivalents / I will write a percent for each of my matching cards and share with my group. (3E) / Materials Needed
Matching cards
Center copies

Lesson Name: Percent Equivalents

/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?
Phase 1: Engage:
/ /
The students will answer a warmup question about a grade on a test. / Attendance / Working on warmup
Phase 2: Explore:
Teacher will explain that a new card must be added to the matching game, which is an equivalent percent. / Explaining new aspect of game / Listening to instructions
Phase 3: Explain:
Teacher will explain that a percent is really just a fraction with a denominator of 100. / Lecture / Taking Cornell notes
Phase 4: Elaborate:
Students will work on making their new percent cards / Guided groups / Working with group
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Grade according to rubric
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: cornell notes
ESL: Pictorial models
SPED: Pictorial models
GT: / Costa’s Questions:
If you received a 3 out of 4 on a mini quiz, how would you know you’re your grade is? / Guided Groups:
Guided groups based upon need / Homework:
Converting decimals or percents worksheet

Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Wednesday 11/9/2011

Standards Addressed
6.1 (B) generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. / We will explore how making equivalent numbers can help us in ordering fractions, decimals and percents. / I will choose some of my fraction, decimal and percent cards to order from greatest to least and compile a list. / Materials Needed
Matching cards

Lesson Name: Converting FDP to Order

/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?
Phase 1: Engage:
/ /
Warmup on ordering decimals or fractions / Attendance / Completing warmup
Phase 2: Explore:
Students will attempt to order their fractions decimals and percents / Reminding students how to convert from one form to another / Working on ordering their cards
Phase 3: Explain:
Students will pose their fractions decimals and percents to a group mate and have them ordered from least to greatest or greatest to least. / Monitoring / Posing questions to their group
Phase 4: Elaborate:
1 or 2 students will be chosen to put their cards on the board to have the class order them. / Facilitating / Answering the presenters’ questions
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Explain one type of way to convert fractions, decimals or percents / Discussing with group or exit ticket / Discussing or writing
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: Collaboration and Writing
ESL: foldable for ordering
SPED: foldable for ordering
GT: / Costa’s Questions:
In what ways can knowing these conversions help us in real life applications? / Guided Groups:
N/A / Homework:
4 word problems using UPS check

Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Thursday 11/10/2011

Standards Addressed
6.1 (B) generate equivalent forms of rational numbers including whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. / We will show our knowledge through completion of the common assessment / I will complete the common assessment within 30 minutes. / Materials Needed
Common assessment

Lesson Name: Common Assessment

/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?
Phase 1: Engage:
/ /
Prep for common assessment / Attendance / Getting pencil out
Phase 2: Explore:
Students will complete the common assessment / Monitoring / Completing common assessment
Phase 3: Explain:
Phase 4: Elaborate:
Students will play their matching games if time / Walking through power zone / Playing their matching game
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Scan answer documents / scanning
Differentiation Strategies
SPED: mods to be followed
GT: / Costa’s Questions: / Guided Groups: / Homework:

Kellie Arnold 6th Grade Math xtn:6073 Date: Friday 11/12/2011

Standards Addressed
6.2B – Use addition and subtraction to solve problems involving fractions and decimals. / We will use menus to learn the addition and subtraction of decimals. / I will create a menu, with my group, that has prices written using decimals. (3E) / Materials Needed
Blank paper

Lesson Name: Adding and Subtracting Decimals

/ What is the teacher doing? / What are the students doing?
Phase 1: Engage:
/ /
Students will complete a decimal warmup / Attendance / Completing warmup
Phase 2: Explore:
We will discuss restaurant ads students have seen on TV / Discussion / discussion
Phase 3: Explain:
Cornell Notes on adding and subtracting decimals / Leading discussion / Taking notes
Phase 4: Elaborate:
Students will create a menu, using a variety of decimals for the prices. / Walking around monitoring and helping / Making a menu
Phase 5: Evaluate:
Students will visit another group, order off the menu, add their total, and subtract to find their change. / Monitoring / Ordering and checking
Differentiation Strategies
AVID: Cornell Notes
ESL: discussion
SPED: cooperative groups
GT: / Costa’s Questions:
What is a good price point for store and restaurants to use? / Guided Groups: / Homework: