Mickleover Patient Participation Group Meeting

Dr Doris & Partners

Meeting of Mickleover PPG 21stMarch 2012

Present: / Apologies:
Mary Innes (Assistant Practice Manager) / Janice Rokita
Jools Taylor (Chairperson) / Mary Carrigan
Ken Thompson / David Rogers
Celia Cullen / Patricia Rogers
Sue Hartley / Bill Peryer
Sue Askew / Jonathon Styles
Julia Vincent
Dennis Goold
David Hope
Keith Pratt
Resignations: Doug Lumley
Meeting Started at 7pm.
Julian Taylor: Chairperson
Mary Innes: Secretary


The Chairman welcomed the group and the minutes from the January meeting were reviewed. .

Reception Desk

Julian asked for an update regarding the Reception desk. This has now been moved back to its original position as it was felt that it was less confusing to patients, also there was more privacy afforded to patients. Since this change there have been no further negative comments from patients.

PPG Suggestion Box

The waiting room is being refurbished at the moment, decorating, seating being replaced and new flooring to the patient’s cloakrooms. Once this work is completed the suggestion box will be installed in the waiting room together with a poster explaining the role of the PPG and asking for any suggestions to be put in the box. Sue Askew volunteered to collect these suggestions once a week. This is because the group felt that maybe patients would put other items in the box that requires actioning by the Practice. Any suggestions collected would be brought to the next PPG meeting for discussion. Mary to inform Sue when this box is installed.

Chairman Resignation

Julian stated at the last meeting that he would no longer be able to stand as Chairperson and as yet there have been no candidates have put themselves forward for selection. The group requested that a message be placed on the Jayex board in the waiting room asking for a volunteer to stand for Chairperson. This led onto further discussion about advertising the PPG.

PPG Advertising

Julia Vincent suggested that a poster be put up in Primary schools to attract patients with children, she also suggested having the Practice Newsletters displayed within the local schools, library and Community Centre. Devonshire Drive post office was also suggested as a possible site for a poster. As Julia works in a Primary School she has kindly agreed to have a poster and leaflets sent to her and she will display them for the group. Mary will send these to her electronically. Mary will contact the Mickleover Library, community Centre, Devonshire Drive post office and also re-advertise in previous venues

Further discussion centred about other ways to inform patients about the services offered by the Practice and it was suggested that the Mickleover/Littleover books be used in this way. Group members were asked to bring some ideas for a piece to be written and inserted into these books. It was felt that this would be a good way of advertising Flu clinics and other seasonal services.


As there is no candidate, at present, for selection as a Chairperson, the Constitution needs to be discussed at the next meeting as if no Chairperson is selected it will affect other aspects. Ken Thompson has agreed to act s Secretary and Julia Vincent has agreed to be acting secretary in Ken’s absence. There was a suggestion that the group share the responsibility of being the Chair in rotation. This will be part of the discussion at the next PPG meeting.

Self Arrival Screen

As part of a recent update to the clinical system there is an option for the Self Arrival screen to inform patients how many appointments are in front of them, for their particular clinician, when they arrive. The Group did feel that this would be a very helpful addition to the service provided. Mary will forward this request onto the GPs at the next Partner Meeting.


Summary Care Record

The Group were all aware of the Summary Care Record and they had all received letters about this. Sue Askew asked about the computerised security of patients records within the National database. Some concerns were raised about some safety issues and whether the central server was outside of the UK. Mary said that there had been no reported issues with computer security within the NHS that she knew of.

The group asked about the manual records that were stored in the surgery and why they weren’t all computerised now. Mary explained that there had been a long term plan for all manual records to be scanned onto the computerised clinical records but this procedure would physically take a long time to complete but no further plans at present. .

New Out Of Hours Telephone Number

Mary informed the Group about the change on 27th March 2012 to the out of hour’s access telephone number. This new number is: 111 – there will be promotional material placed around the waiting room, a message on the Jayex board, notification on the Practice Website and Facebook page, an item in the April Newsletter and the answer phone message on the Practice telephone will be changed to reflect this. The NHS Direct telephone number of 0845 46 47 will cease to be used in Derby from 31st March 2012 and this new system will effectively replace it.

Blood Testing Machine for Warfarin Patients

Julia Vincent has been told by a patient that at the Hilton surgery they have a blood testing machine so the patients didn’t have to make an appointment to see the nurse. Mary suggested that this machine would be highly unlikely to test all blood requests and was probably just for patients that were on Warfarin. Mary will contact Hilton surgery to confirm.

(Post Meeting Note: Mary contacted Hilton surgery and it is a blood pressure reading machine that patients can use).

Coeliac Prescriptions

Sue Askew asked if the Practice had any information to a query she had received from a friend, namely that Coeliac patients were to have their prescriptions stopped due to the fact that supermarkets were supplying affordable gluten free products. Mary will contact the Practice Pharmacist to confirm whether or not this is correct.

(Post Meeting Note: Mary has contacted the Practice Pharmacist who says “I don’t know anything about this at all - we don't prescribe cake mixes and sweet biscuits as considered not healthy and shouldn't be funded by NHS as can buy from supermarkets but not heard about any of the staple foods.There are some PCT areas that are looking at giving patients vouchers so can buy what they want from supermarkets/pharmacies rather than obtaining from GP on script. AmberValley has a scheme where patients go directly to pharmacy and GP not involved - I am not sure if this is what she is talking about - these schemes are still funded on the NHS though. Not aware of anything and nothing been discussed at our PCT that I know about and there are no plans at present”).

Feedback/Comments Forms

Mary asked for a volunteer to collate the feedback/comments forms for the surgery. There were about 150 in total and the Practice would like a brief summary/report. Ken Thompson and Celia Cullen volunteered and asked when the Practice would like the results by. Mary suggested after Easter, the end of April at the latest please. The Group members will collect the forms from the surgery.

Next meeting date:

Wednesday 23rd May 2012 at 7pm.

Minutes 21/3/2012 Page 1 of 3