(Some UNC institutions require a minimum 2.0 GPA for admission; others, a 2.5. Advice: Aim for a 4.0 GPA and maintain it after transfer. Good luck!)



A. ENGLISH COMPOSITION (6 SHC) Developmental Courses

SHC COURSE GRADE Course CPT Score Grade Course CPT Score Grade

English Foundations / S = 20-35
R = 20-33 / Math Foundations / AR = 20-28
3 / 1. ENG 111 / ENG 075 / S = 36-40
R = 34-38 / MAT 060 / AR = 29-54
3 / 2. ENG 112 or 113 / ENG 085 / S = 41-65
R = 39-56 / MAT 070 / EA = 20-54
ENG 095 / S = 66-85
R = 57-79 / MAT 080 / EA = 55-74


FOUR courses are required. A fine arts course, a literature course, and COM 231 are required. Select the fourth course from one of the following areas: art, drama, foreign languages, interdisciplinary humanities, literature, music, philosophy, and religion. The elementary foreign language core courses require labs.


3 / 1. ART 111, 114, 115, or MUS 110 (select one) / Prerequisite for ART 114 and ART 115: Proficiency in reading. Prerequisite for ART 111 and MUS 110: None.
3 / 2. COM 231 / Prerequisite: Proficiency in reading (minimum ASSET score of 41 or CPT score of 80 on the reading OR a grade of “C” or better in ENG 095 or RED 090).
3 / 3. ENG 131, 231, 232 or 233 (select one) / Prerequisite/Corequisite for ENG 131: ENG 111 / ENG 112 or 113 or 114. Prerequisite for other literature courses: ENG 112 or ENG 113 or ENG 114.
3 / 4. (Recommended: One foreign language) / Choices: FRE 111, 112, 211, or 212; OR, GER 111, 112, 211, or 212; OR, SPA 111, 112, 211, or 212. These core courses have prerequisites.


Select FOUR courses from at least three of the following areas: anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. Select one of the following history courses: HIS 115, HIS 121, or HIS 122. PSY 150 and SOC 210 are required. PSY 241 is recommended.


3 / 1. HIS 115 or 121 or 122 (select one) / Prerequisite: Proficiency in reading (minimum ASSET score of 41 or CPT score of 80 on the reading OR a grade of “C” or better in ENG 095 or RED 090)
3 / 2. PSY 150 / Prerequisite: Proficiency in reading (minimum ASSET score of 41 or CPT score of 80 on the reading OR a grade of “C” or better in ENG 095 or RED 090)
3 / 3. PSY 241 (Recommended) / Prerequisite: PSY 150.
3 / 4. SOC 210 / Prerequisite: Proficiency in reading (minimum ASSET score of 41 or CPT score of 80 on the reading OR a grade of “C” or better in ENG 095 or RED 090)


1. NATURAL SCIENCES (8 SHC): Select TWO courses.


4 / 1. BIO 110 or 111 / Prerequisite: Proficiency in reading (minimum ASSET score of 41 or CPT score of 80 on the reading OR a grade of “C” or better in ENG 095 or RED 090)
4 / 2. Select one: CHM 131/131A or CHM 151 or PHY 110/110A or PHY 151 / Check the prerequisite(s).



4 / 1. MAT 141 / Prerequisite: a. Proficiency in Numerical/Arithmetic Skills AND b. Proficiency in Intermediate Algebra (ASSET score of 41-55 on Intermediate Algebra OR a CPT score of 75-120 on Elementary Algebra OR a grade of “C” or better in MAT 080 or MAT 090 or MAT 095 OR successful completion of one of the following: MAT 120, 121, 171, or 175).
4 / 2. MAT 142 / Prerequisites: MAT 141.

II. OTHER REQUIRED HOURS (20-21 SHC) Recommended: Select at least 18 hours from one of these areas: diversity studies; global issues; the arts; or math, science, and technology. Within the chosen area, select courses from a minimum of two and a maximum of three different fields. SHC COURSE GRADE ADVISOR SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS

4 / 1. EDU 216 / Prerequisite: a. Proficiency in Numerical Skills or Arithmetic. b. A grade of “C” or better in MAT 080 OR an ASSET score of 43-55 on Intermediate Algebra OR a CPT score of 85-120 on Elementary Algebra. Corequisite: Enrollment in or successful completion of ENG 111.
2. / Check the prerequisite(s).
3. / Check the prerequisite(s).
4. / Check the prerequisite(s).
5. / Check the prerequisite(s).
6. / Check the prerequisite(s).
7. / Check the prerequisite(s).

Graduates must take a computer test in the Learning Lab or one of the following: CIS 110 or CIS 115 or CSC 151.____Total SHC (64-65 SHC)


I. General Education Core (44 SHC)

A. English Composition (6 SHC) ENG 111

ENG 112 or 113

B. Humanities/Fine Arts (9 SHC) ART 111, 114, 115, 116, 117

COM 231

DRA 111, 122, 126, 211, 212

ENG 131, 231, 232, 233, 241, 242, 261, 262 FRE 111, 112, 211, 212*

GER 111, 112, 211, 212*

HUM 110, 115, 120, 121, 122, 130, 150, 160, 161, 220

MUS 110, 112, 113, 114, 210, 211, 212

PHI 210, 215, 220, 221, 230, 240

REL 110, 111, 112, 211, 212, 221

SPA 111, 112, 211, 212*

C. Social Behavioral Sciences (12 SHC) ANT 210, 220

ECO 151, 251, 252

HIS 115, 121, 122

POL 110, 120, 210, 220

PSY 150, 241, 281

SOC 210, 213, 220, 230, 240

D. Natural Sciences/Mathematics (14 SHC)

Natural Sciences (8 SHC) BIO 110, 111 (One course is required.)

CHM 131/131A, 151

PHY 110 and 110A, 151

Math (6 SHC) MAT 141, 142

*Elementary foreign language courses in the general education core require labs, which are listed as “Other Required Hours.”

Other Required Hours (20-21 SHC)

At certain UNC institutions, EDU 216 (offered at CFCC) and EDU 221 (not offered at CFCC) may fulfill major requirements. At most of the institutions, these courses will transfer only as free electives. EDU 216 is required at CFCC.

It is recommended that a student select the remaining hours from one of four interdisciplinary or corollary studies areas: (1) diversity studies; (2) global issues; (3) the arts; or (4) math, science, and technology. Select courses from a minimum of two and a maximum of three different fields.

I. Diversity Studies

Select courses from a minimum of two and a maximum of three different fields.
Anthropology SHC
ANT 210 General Anthropology 3
ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology 3
ART 117 Non-Western Art History 3
COM 120 Interpersonal Communication 3
COM 140 Intercultural Communication 3
DRA 126 Storytelling 3
ENG 261 World Literature I 3
ENG 262 World Literature II 3
ENG 273 African-American Literature 3
HIS 221 African-American History 3
HIS 227 Native American History 3
HIS 228 History of the South 3
HUM 120 Cultural Studies 3
HUM 121 The Nature of America 3
HUM 122 Southern Culture 3
HUM 150 American Women’s Studies 3
HUM 170 The Holocaust 3
HUM 220 Human Values & Meaning 3
FRE 211 Intermediate French I 3
FRE 212 Intermediate French II 3
GER 211 Intermediate German I 3
GER 212 Intermediate German II 3
SPA 141 Culture and Civilization 3
SPA 161 Cultural Immersion 3
SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish I 3
SPA 212 Intermediate Spanish II 3 / Music SHC
MUS 114 Non-Western Music 3
PSY 211 Psychology of Adjustment 3
PSY 241 Developmental Psychology 3
PSY 259 Human Sexuality 3
PSY 281 Abnormal Psychology 3
REL 110 World Religions 3
REL 111 Eastern Religions 3
REL 221 Religion in America 3
SOC 213 Sociology of the Family 3
SOC 220 Social Problems 3
SOC 230 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC 234 Sociology of Gender 3
SOC 242 Sociology of Deviance 3

II. Global Issues-- Select courses from a minimum of two and a maximum of three different fields.

Anthropology SHC
ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology 3
BIO 150 Genetics in Human Affairs 3
BIO 173 Microbes in World Affairs 3
ECO 252 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
HIS 115 Intro to Global History 3
HIS 116 Current World Problems 3
HUM 110 Technology and Society 3
HUM 220 Human Values and Meaning 3
PHI 215 Philosophical Issues 3
PHI 240 Intro to Ethics 3
PHI 250 Philosophy of Science 3
Political Science
POL 210 Comparative Government 3
POL 220 International Relations 3
REL 110 World Religions 3
SOC 220 Social Problems 3

III. The Arts-- In the ARTS, the courses must be drawn from a minimum of two and a maximum of three categories/disciplines (prefixes) across the two lists below. Students may choose up to six (6) hours of coursework from List II. The remainder of coursework (12-18 hours) must be selected from List I.

List I: Non-Applied Courses (Choose 12-18 hours from this list.)
ART 111 Art Appreciation 3
ART 114 Art History Survey I 3
ART 115 Art History Survey II 3
ART 116 Survey of American Art 3
ART 117 Non-Western Art History 3
DRA 111 Theatre Appreciation 3
DRA 120 Voice for Performance 3
DRA 122 Oral Interpretation 3
DRA 126 Storytelling 3
DRA 128 Children’s Theatre 3
DRA 211 Theatre History I 3
DRA 212 Theatre History II 3
MUS 110 Music Appreciation 3
MUS 111 Fundamentals of Music 3
MUS 113 American Music 3
MUS 114 Non-Western Music 3
MUS 121 Music Theory I 4
MUS 122 Music Theory II 4
MUS 271 Music History I 3
MUS 272 Music History II 3
List II: Applied/Skilled/Ensemble Courses (Only 6 hours may be chosen.)
ART 121 Design I 3
ART 122 Design II 3
ART 131 Drawing I 3
ART 132 Drawing II 3
ART 171 Computer Art I 3
ART 231 Printmaking I 3
ART 232 Printmaking II 3
ART 240 Painting I 3
ART 241 Painting II 3
ART 261 Photography I 3
ART 262 Photography II 3
ART 271 Computer Art II 3
ART 281 Sculpture I 3
ART 282 Sculpture II 3
ART 283 Ceramics I 3
ART 284 Ceramics II 3 /
List II: Applied/Skilled/Ensemble Courses (continued)
Drama/Theatre SHC
DRA 130 Acting I 3
DRA 131 Acting II 3


MUS 123 Music Composition 1
MUS 131 Chorus I 1
MUS 132 Chorus II 1
MUS 135 Jazz Ensemble I 1
MUS 136 Jazz Ensemble II 1
MUS 137 Orchestra I 1
MUS 138 Orchestra II 1
MUS 141 Ensemble I 1
MUS 142 Ensemble II 1
MUS 151 Class Music I 1
MUS 152 Class Music II 1
MUS 161 Applied Music I 2
MUS 162 Applied Music II 2
MUS 214 Electronic Music I 2
MUS 215 Electronic Music II 2
MUS 253 Big Band 1
MUS 271 Music History I 3
MUS 272 Music History II 3

IV. Math, Science, and Technology-- Select courses from a minimum of two and a maximum of three different fields.


CIS 110 Introduction to Computers 3
CIS 115 Intro to Programming and Logic 3
HUM 110 Technology and Society 3
PHI 230 Introduction to Logic 3
Mathematics (Reminder: Students may not take any of these combinations: MAT 171/175 OR MAT 172/175. While the math labs are no longer offered at CFCC, the math lab credit hours may not be included in the 18-hour concentration.
MAT 155 Statistical Analysis 3
MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra 3
MAT 172 Precalculus Trigonometry 3
MAT 175 Precalculus 4
MAT 263 Brief Calculus 3
MAT 271 Calculus I 4
MAT 272 Calculus II 4
MAT 273 Calculus III 4

Science (The following courses have mandatory labs: BIO 140, CHM 131, and PHY 110.)

BIO 110 Principles of Biology 4
BIO 111 General Biology I 4
BIO 112 General Biology II 4
BIO 120 Introductory Botany 4
BIO 130 Introductory Zoology 4
BIO 140 Environmental Biology 3
BIO 143 Field Biology Minicourse 2
BIO 150 Genetics in Human Affairs 3
BIO 163 Basic Anatomy and Physiology 5
BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II 4
BIO 173 Microbes in World Affairs 3
BIO 175 General Microbiology 3
CHM 131 Introduction to Chemistry 3
CHM 151 General Chemistry I 4
CHM 152 General Chemistry II 4
CHM 251 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHM 252 Organic Chemistry II 4
GEL 113 Historical Geology 4
GEL 120 Physical Geology 4
GEL 230 Environmental Geology 4
PHI 250 Philosophy of Science 3
PHY 110 Conceptual Physics 3
PHY 151 College Physics I 4
PHY 152 College Physics II 4
Universities may add math, science and technology choices to this list with courses they have available and deem appropriate.

Other Required Hours or Electives (continued)-- Additional hours may be selected from the remaining general education core and/or the electives below. EDU 216 is required. ↓

ACA 122 College Transfer Success 1
ANT 240 Archaeology 3
ART 264 Digital Photography 3
ART 265 Digital Photography II 3
BIO 140A Environmental Biology Lab 1
CHM 131A Intro to Chemistry Lab 1
COE 111 Co-op Work Experience
(Non-Transferable) 1
CSC 151 JAVA Programming 3
EDU 216 Foundations of Education 4
FRE 181 Elementary French Lab 1 1
FRE 182 Elementary French Lab 2 1
GER 181 Elementary German Lab 1 1
GER 182 Elementary German Lab 2 1