5th Grade Curriculum Map - Traditional

Unit 1 / 8/20 – 8/31 (8)
Lesson 1 / 9/3-9/14 (9)
Lesson 2 / 9/17 – 9/21 (5)
Lesson 3 / 9/24 – 9/28 (5)
Lesson 4 / 10/1-10/5 (5)
Lesson 5
Essential Question / How can an experiment clarify an idea? / How can art and performance help people understand a text? / Why is determination a good quality for a politician to have? / How can being active in sports improve someone’s attitude? / How can overcoming a challenge change someone’s life?
Texts / Anchor: A Package for Mrs. Jewls 1T 18
Paired: Questioning Gravity 1T 36
Read Aloud: Ode to Lunch 1T 12 / Anchor: A Royal Mystery 1T 92
Paired: The Princess and the Pea 1T 112
Read Aloud: The Iron Princess 1T 86 / Anchor: Off and Running 1T 172
Paired: Vote for Me! 1T 194
Read Aloud: Should We Let Politics Become Personal?
1T 168 / Anchor: Double Dutch: A Celebration of Jump Rope, Rhyme, and Sisterhood 1T 250
Paired: Score! 1T 268
Read Aloud: Learning the Ropes
1T 244 / Anchor: Elisa’s Diary 1T 324
Paired: Words Free As Confetti 1T 342
Read Aloud: Fair or Foul? 1T 318
RL.5.1, RI.5.1, RI.5.2 / Skill: Story Structure, Point of View, Irony
Strategy: Summarize / Skill: Theme, Elements of Drama, Characterization
Strategy: Question / Skill: Compare and Contrast, Idioms, Formal and Informal Language
Strategy: Infer/Predict / Skill: Sequence of Events, Narrative Pacing, Rhythm
Strategy: Monitor/ Clarify / Skill: Theme, Dialogue, Sequence of Events
Strategy: Visualize
L.5.4 / Target Vocabulary: 1T 14,35
Strategy: Using Context 1T 40 / Target Vocabulary: 1T 88, 111
Strategy: Prefixes non-, un-, dis-, mis- 1T 122 / Target Vocabulary: 1T 170, 193
Strategy: Using Context 1T 198 / Target Vocabulary: 1T 246, 267
Strategy: Suffixes -ion, -tion 1T 272 / Target Vocabulary: 1T 320, 341
Strategy: Suffixes -ly, -ful 1T 346
Word Study / Short vowels 1T 46 / Long a and Long e 1T 128 / Long i and o 1T 204 / Vowel sounds /oo/, /yoo/ 1T 278 / Vowel Sounds /ou/, /o/, /oi/ 1T 352
Speaking & Listening
SL.5.1 / Conduct research to solve a problem 1T 43 / Present a multimedia story adaptation 1T 125 / Participate in a debate 1T 201 / Research and media literacy: Answer a research question 1T 275 / Participate in a group discussion
1T 349
Comprehension / Story Structure, Summarize 1T 64
Leveled Readers 1T 66 / Theme, Question
1T 146
Leveled Readers 1T 148 / Compare/Contrast, Infer/Predict
1T 222
Leveled Readers 1T 224 / Sequence of Events, Monitor/ Clarify
1T 296
Leveled Readers 1T 298 / Theme, Visualize 1T 374
Leveled Readers 1T 376
RF.5.4 / Expression
1T 12,23,37,44 / Accuracy
1T 86,95,117,126 / Intonation
1T 168,185,195,202 / Phrasing: Pauses
1T 244, 269, 276, 289 / Stress
1T 318, 327, 343, 350
Decoding / VCV Syllable Pattern 1T 45 / Vowels Sounds in VCV Pattern
1T 127 / VCCV Pattern 1T 203 / Digraphs in Multisyllable Words
1T 277 / Stressed and Unstressed Syllables
1T 351
Unit 1 / 8/20 – 8/31 (8)
Lesson 1 / 9/3-9/14 (9)
Lesson 2 / 9/17 – 9/21 (5)
Lesson 3 / 9/24 – 9/28 (5)
Lesson 4 / 10/1-10/5 (5)
Lesson 5
Writing Focus
W.5.4 / Narrative: Short Story
1T 52, LLG 272
Focus trait: Ideas 1T 53 / Narrative: Description
1T 134, LLG 274
Focus trait: Voice 1T 135 / Narrative: Dialogue
1T 210, LLG 276
Focus trait: Word Choice 1T 211 / Narrative: Prewrite a Fictional Narrative 1T 284, LLG 278
Focus trait: Ideas 1T 285 / Narrative: Write a Fictional Narrative 1T 358, LLG 280
Focus trait: Voice 1T 359
Grammar Focus / Complete sentences 1T 48 / Kinds of Sentences 1T 130 / Compound sentences 1T 206 / Common/Proper Nouns 1T 280 / Singular and Plural Nouns 1T 354
Possible Writing Prompts / Narrative: The author of “ A Package for Mrs. Jewls” uses third-person limited point of view to tell a humorous story. Write about a time when something extraordinary happened to you. Use third-person point of view.
Opinion: Mrs. Jewls’ class conducts an experiment to understand gravity. Do you think this experiment was a good way to learn about gravity?
Informative/Explanatory: Write a summary of the story, “A Package for Mrs. Jewls.” / Narrative: Write an alternate ending to the Teacher Read Aloud “The Iron Princess”. Explain what might happen after the announcer faints and falls to the floor.
Opinion: In your opinion, which of the characters in “A Royal Mystery” are you most like? Why? Include evidence from the text to support your opinion.
Write two paragraphs in which you explain how each scene moves the plot forward. Also, how do all the scenes fit together to create a complete story? Include evidence from the text in your writing. / Narrative: Imagine you have decided to run for class president. Use dialogue to write a scene in which you are telling your best friend about your choice to run.
Opinion: Think about what Miata and Rudy say in their speeches. If you were a member of the fifth-grade class in “Off and Running,” which candidate would you vote for? Why?
Informative/Explanatory: Thinking about the information in “Off and Running,” and “Vote for Me!,” explain what someone needs to do to run in a school election. / Narrative: Write a sports poem about your favorite sport to play. Use rhyme, rhythm and sound to capture what it is like to play that sport.
Opinion: What sport would make a good club at your school? Write a letter to the principal convincing them to create the sports club of your choice.
Informative/Explanatory: The Snazzy Steppers went from being one of the worst double Dutch teams in the league to being the best. How did they accomplish this feat? / Narrative: Write a story about a time you made a new friend.
Opinion: In your opinion, whose problem was worse, Elisa’s or Jose’s?
Informative/Explanatory: In “Elisa’s Diary,” the main character overcomes a challenge in order to be successful. Think of a challenge you have overcome. Write a short composition describing the challenge, your feelings about it, and what you learned.
Unit 2 / 10/8-10/12 (5)
Lesson 6 / 10/15-10/26 (7)
Lesson 7 / 10/29-11/2 (5)
Lesson 8 / 11/5-11/16 (9)
Lesson 9 / 11/19-11/30 (7)
Lesson 10
Essential Question / Why is it important to research and protect endangered animals? / How can dangerous situations bring people closer together? / What reasons do people have for protecting the environment? / How can an act of courage reveal a person’s true nature? / What can a scientist learn by observing the behaviors of a particular animal?
Texts / Anchor: Quest for the Tree Kangaroo 2T 18
Paired: Why Koala Has No Tail 2T 40
Read Aloud: America’s Eagle
2T 12 / Anchor: Old Yeller 2T 98
Paired: What Makes It Good? 2T 116
Read Aloud: Annie’s Pride
2T 92 / Anchor: Everglades Forever
2T 170
Paired: National Parks of the West 2T 192
Read Aloud: Attack of the Alien Species 2T 166 / Anchor: Storm Warriors 2T246
Paired: Pea Island’s Forgotten Heroes 2T 266
Read Aloud: A Watery Grave 2T 242 / Anchor: Cougars 2T 322
Paired: Purr-fection 2T 340
Read Aloud: Who Tamed the Cat? 2T 316
RL.5.1, RI.5.1, RI.5.2, RI.5.8 / Skill: Cause and Effect, Quotes and Description, Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Strategy: Question / Skill: Understanding characters, author’s word choice, dialect
Strategy: Visualize / Skill: Author’s Purpose, Explain Scientific Ideas, Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate / Skill: Conclusions and Generalizations, Point of View, Characterization
Strategy: Infer/Predict / Skill: Main ideas and Details, Explain Scientific Ideas, Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Strategy: Monitor/Clarify
L.5.4 / Target Vocabulary: 2T 14,39
Strategy: Synonyms/antonyms
2T 46 / Target Vocabulary: 2T 94,115
Strategy: Adages and Proverbs
2T 120 / Target Vocabulary: 2T 168,191
Strategy: Prefixes en-, re-, pre-, pro- 2T 196 / Target Vocabulary: 2T 244, 265
Strategy: Greek and Latin Roots
2T 273 / Target Vocabulary: 2T 318, 339
Strategy: Shades of meaning 2T 344
Word Study / Vowel +r sounds 2T 52 / More vowel + /r/ sounds 2T 126 / Homophones 2T 202 / Compound Words 2T 276 / Final schwa + /r/ sounds 2T 350
Speaking & Listening
SL.5.1 / Investigate different aspects of a topic 2T 49 / Report on a Text 2T 123 / Explain an author’s argument
2T 199 / Hold a literature discussion
2T 273 / Integrate information from multiple texts 2T 347
Comprehension / Cause/Effect, Question 2T 70
Leveled Readers 2T 72 / Understanding Characters, Visualize 2T 144
Leveled Readers 2T 146 / Author’s purpose, Analyze/Evaluate
2T 220
Leveled Readers 2T 222 / Conclusions/ Generalizations, Infer/Predict 2T 294
Leveled Readers 2T 296 / Main Idea/Details, Monitor/Clarify
2T 372
Leveled Readers 2T 374
RF.5.4 / Expression
2T 12,21,43,50 / Intonation
2T 92,103,117,124 / Adjust rate to purpose
2T 166, 179, 193, 200 / Phrasing: Punctuation
2T 242, 251, 267, 274 / Stress
2T 316, 329, 341, 348
Decoding / Common Beginning Syllables
2T 51 / Vowel + /r/ Sounds 2T 125 / Homophones 2T 201 / Compound Words 2T 275 / Recognizing Schwa + /r/ Sounds
2T 349
Unit 2 / 10/8-10/12 (5)
Lesson 6 / 10/15-10/26 (7)
Lesson 7 / 10/29-11/2 (5)
Lesson 8 / 11/5-11/16 (9)
Lesson 9 / 11/19-11/30 (7)
Lesson 10
Writing Focus
W.5.2, W.5.4 / Informative: Procedural Composition 2T 58, LLG 282
Focus trait: Organization
2T 59 / Informative: Compare-Contrast Essay 2T 132, LLG 284
Focus trait: Word Choice 2T 133 / Informative: Cause-and-Effect Essay
2T 208, LLG 286
Focus trait: Ideas 2T 209 / Informative: Prewrite a Research Report
2T 282, LLG 288
Focus trait: Ideas 2T 283 / Informative: Research Report 2T 356, LLG 290
Focus trait: Sentence Fluency
2T 357
Grammar Focus / Verbs 2T 54 / Direct and Indirect Objects 2T 128 / Conjunctions 2T 204 / Complex Sentences 2T 278 / Quotes/ Interjections 2T 352
Possible Writing Prompts / Narrative: Imagine you are part of the expedition to research the tree kangaroo. How might the expedition continue now that the animals have been collared?
Opinion: Is it important to research and protect endangered animals?
Informative/Explanatory: What are the challenges of studying the tree kangaroo? / Narrative: Write a narrative paragraph about an experience you have had with an animal, or an experience you would like to have. Include details that convey your thoughts and feelings.
Opinion: Who loves Little Arlis more, Old Yeller or Travis? Write a paragraph stating your opinion. Include examples from the text to support your opinion.
Write a paragraph explaining how Travis’s actions reveal a general message about life of people. Support your ideas with quotations and other text evidence. / Narrative: Write an adventure story about being stranded and trapped in a National Park.
Opinion: The author of “Everglades Forever” believes it is important to preserve the Everglades. What reasons and evidence does the author include to support her point? Write a paragraph to explain whether you agree or disagree with author’s argument. Use facts, examples, and other text evidence to support your position.
Choose a National Park. Write an informational article about visiting the park. Include advice for travelers, exciting sites to visit, and how the park was founded. / Narrative: Write about a time when you had to show bravery. Make sure your narrative has an introduction, main events, transitional words, and a conclusion.
Opinion: Characters in “Storm Warriors” could be considered heroic. In your opinion, is Nathan a hero? Support your opinion with evidence from the text.
Informative/Explanatory: Write a historical biography about the Pea Island s/urfmen and their bravery. / Narrative: Write a poem about an animal that contains alliteration, simile, and metaphor.
Opinion: After having read “Cougars”, how do you think the author feels about cougars? Why? Write about opinion using text evidence.
Informative/Explanatory: Write an informational report about how cougars have adapted to life in the wilderness. Include domain-specific vocabulary in your writing.
Unit 3 / 12/3-12/7 (5)
Lesson 11 / 12/10-12/21 (10)
Lesson 12 / 1/2-1/11 (8)
Lesson 13 / 1/14-1/25 (8)
Lesson 14 / 1/28-2/1(5)
Lesson 15
Essential Question / What can individuals do to help shape a new government? / How can people’s differences of opinion lead to a revolution? / How do individual acts of bravery shape history? / What events or feelings would lead someone to fight for freedom? / How are patriotism and courage related?
Texts / Anchor: Dangerous Crossing
3T 16
Paired: Revolution and Rights 3T 38
Read Aloud: Mother and Son
3T 12 / Anchor: Can’t You Make Them Behave, King George?
3T 96
Paired: Tea Time! 3T 114
Read Aloud: A Taxing Problem 3T 90 / Anchor: They Called Her Molly Pitcher 3T 174
Paired: A Spy for Freedom
3T 194
Read Aloud: Lydia’s Journey
3T 170 / Anchor: James Forten 3T 248
Paired: Modern Minute Man
3T 268
Read Aloud: Freedom for Chatham Freeman 3T 244 / Anchor: We Were There, Too!
3T 322
Paired: Patriotic Poetry 3T 344
Read Aloud: Citizen Spies 3T 318
RL.5.1, RI.5.1, RI.5.2 / Skill: Cause/ Effect, Visual Elements, Primary Sources
Strategy: Visualize / Skill: Fact and Opinion, Tone, Similes
Strategy: Question / Skill: Conclusions and Generalizations, Domain-Specific Vocabulary, Text Structure
Strategy: Analyze/ Evaluate / Skill: Sequence of Events, Explain Historical Events, Main Ideas and Details
Strategy: Summarize / Skill: Compare/ Contrast, Text and Graphic Features, Text Structure
Strategy: Monitor/ Clarify
L.5.4 / Target Vocabulary: 3T 14,37
Strategy: Reference Materials
3T 44 / Target Vocabulary: 3T 92, 113
Strategy: Figurative Language 3T 124 / Target Vocabulary: 3T 172, 193
Strategy: Reference materials 3T 198 / Target Vocabulary: 3T 246
Strategy: Greek and Latin Roots: graph, meter, port, ject 3T 272 / Target Vocabulary: 3T 320, 343
Strategy: Prefixes 3T 348
Word Study / VCCV pattern 3T 47 / VCV Pattern 3T 130 / VCCCV Pattern 3T 204 / VV Pattern 3T 278 / Final schwa + /l/ sounds 3T 354
Speaking & Listening
SL.5.1 / Research an early American government 3T 47 / Summarize and Paraphrase Information3T 127 / Dramatize an Event 3T 201 / Create and Present a Timeline
3T 275 / Discuss poetic elements 3T 351
Comprehension / Cause/ Effect, Visualize 3T 68
Leveled Readers 3T 70 / Fact and Opinion, Question 3T 148
Leveled Readers 3T 150 / Conclusions and Generalizations, Analyze/Evaluate 3T 222
Leveled Readers 3T 226 / Sequence of Events, Summarize 3T 296
Leveled Readers 3T 298 / Compare/ Contrast, Monitor/Clarify
3T 376
Leveled Readers 3T 378
RF.5.4 / Accuracy, Self Correction
3T 12, 21, 41, 48 / Rate
3T 90,99,115,128 / Phrasing: Pauses
3T 170, 185, 195, 202 / Expression
3T 244, 257, 269, 276, / Intonation
3T 318, 327, 345, 352
Decoding / Vowel Sounds in Stressed Syllables 3T 49 / Open and Closed Syllables, VCV Pattern 3T 129 / Recognizing Initial and Medial Digraphs 3T 203 / VV syllable pattern 3T 277 / Vowel + /l/ sounds in unstressed final syllable 3T 353
Unit 3 / 12/3-12/7 (5)
Lesson 11 / 12/10-12/21 (10)
Lesson 12 / 1/2-1/11 (8)
Lesson 13 / 1/14-1/25 (8)
Lesson 14 / 1/28-2/1(5)
Lesson 15
Writing Focus
W.5.1, W.5.4 / Opinion: Opinion Essay
3T 56, LLG 292
Focus trait: Voice 3T 57 / Opinion: Problem-Solution
3T 136, LLG 294
Focus trait: Organization 3T 137 / Opinion: Persuasive Letter
3T 210, LLG 296
Focus trait: Ideas 3T 211 / Opinion: Prewrite a Persuasive Essay 3T 284, LLG 298
Focus Trait: Organization
3T 285 / Opinion: Write a Persuasive Essay 3T 360, LLG 300
Focus trait: Word Choice 3T 361
Grammar Focus / Subject and Object Pronouns 3T 52 / Verb Tenses 3T 132 / Regular and Irregular Verbs
3T 206 / Commas and Semicolons 3T 280 / Transitions 3T 356
Possible Writing Prompts / Narrative: Imagine you are young Johnny Adams in the story. Write a letter home to your mother detailing the events of one day from your journey. Include details about the characters and setting in your letter.
Opinion: In your opinion, is it better to remain safe or be brave? Why or why not? Write an opinion paragraph stating your reasons. Be sure to backup your reasons with evidence and examples from stories you’ve read and real life.
Write a paragraph explaining what you have learned about the Revolutionary War from reading “Dangerous Crossing”. / Narrative: Write a diary entry for a day in the life of King George. Include key details from the text concerning your thoughts and feelings that aid your narrative entry.
Opinion: Write a letter to King George convincing him to let America be a free country. Use information from the text to help you.
Informative/Explanatory: Why were King George’s thoughts and feelings important to understanding the topic? How did they influence events in America? Write a paragraph explaining your answers to these questions. Use evidence from the text, including quotations, to support your ideas. / Narrative: Imagine what might have happened in the battle if Mollie Hays hadn’t been there. Write an alternate story of the battle.
Opinion: Did women play an important role in the Revolutionary War? Why or why not?
Informative/Explanatory: Think about the contributions Molly Pitcher made to the American Revolution by helping the soldiers. Write two paragraphs describing her actions and how they showed her bravery and helped shape history. / Narrative: Write about a time when you feel like you were not treated fairly. What happened? How was it resolved?
Opinion: What type of person was James Forten? What evidence in the text will support your opinion? Write a paragraph supporting your opinion on the first question with text evidence.
Informative/Explanatory: Write a paragraph in which you explain how Forten came to serve his country during the Revolutionary War. What events led him down the path to war? Support your explanation with quotes and specific evidence from the text. / Narrative: Write a patriotic poem about being a United States citizen.
Opinion: Of all the heroes’ we’ve learned about in this unit, which person do you feel was the most heroic? Write a letter to an author of your choice convincing them to write a book about this person. Be sure to include facts and details from the person’s life in your letter.
Informative/Explanatory: Write and make a speech that summarizes the information you’ve learned about either Sybil Ludington or Joseph Plumb Martin.
Unit 4 / 2/4-2/8 (5)
Lesson 16 / 2/11-2/15 (5)
Lesson 17 / 2/18-3/1(8)
Lesson 18 / 3/4-3/15 (9)
Lesson 19 / 3/18-3/22 (5)
Lesson 20
Essential Question / In what ways can illustrations enhance a reader’s experience? / What role does imagination play in the invention process? / What do facts and opinions contribute to a story? / Why is it important to be aware of your community’s needs? / What can a person learn by building a relationship with an animal?
Texts / Anchor: Lunch Money 4T 18
Paired: Zap! Pow! A History of the Comics 4T 36
Read Aloud: Japanese Cartoons are Manga-nificent
4T 12 / Anchor: LAFFF from Best Shorts 4T 92
Paired: From Dreams to Reality 4T 114
Read Aloud: The Visitor
4T 86 / Anchor: The Dog Newspaper
4T 170
Paired: Poetry About Poetry
4T 186
Read Aloud: Hundreds Rally at Fullerton High 4T 164 / Anchor: Darnell Rock Reporting
4T 240
Paired: Volunteer! 4T 262
Read Aloud: The Power of Spirit Lake 4T 236 / Anchor: The Black Stallion
4T 316
Paired: Horse Power 4T 340
Read Aloud: The Huntress
4T 312
RL.5.1, RI.5.1, RI.5.2, RI.5.8 / Skill: Author’s Purpose, Voice, Visual Elements
Strategy: Monitor/ Clarify / Skill: Story Structure, Literary Devices, Point of View: First Person
Strategy: Infer/ Predict / Skill: Fact and Opinion, Main Idea and Details
Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate / Skill: Author’s Purpose, Dialogue, Characterization
Strategy: Summarize / Skill: Story Structure, Characterization, Theme
Strategy: Question
L.5.4 / Target Vocabulary: 4T 14, 35
Strategy: Word Origins 4T 40 / Target Vocabulary: 4T 88, 113
Strategy: Reference Materials 4T 118 / Target Vocabulary: 4T 166, 185
Strategy: Using Context, Homophones and Homographs 4T 190 / Target Vocabulary: 4T 238, 261
Strategy: Greek and Latin Suffixes -ism, -ist, -able, -ible