03456 122 144

Contract of Employment– PERMANENT FULL TIME / PERMANENT PART TIME / (delete as applicable)

Personal Particulars

Employer’s Name and Address:insert Company's name and address

Employee’s Name and Address:insert employee's name and address

Start Date:insert start date

Job Title:insert job title

Probationary Period: Sixmonths.(New starters only)

Your Main Duties: insert a brief description of the roles/duties

Your full duties are described in your job description.

Reporting to:insert name of person

Place of Work:At the Company’s premises in insert location

ORAt the Company’s premises in XXXXX and various locations as specified by your employer.

Pay: Salaries will be payable monthly in arrears, by the last Friday of each month, by credit transfer to a nominated bank/ building society account.

£ insert annual salary per annum

Overtime: Any associated work accruing overtime will be paidat time and a half.

Hours of Work:Normal working hours are XXhours per week from XX.XX a.m. to XX.XX p.m. Normal working days shall be Monday to Friday, excluding Public and Bank Holidays.

You will be entitled to a 30 minuteunpaid lunch break.

These breaks must be taken at a time to suit the business and when it is safe to do so. This may be as instructed by your supervisor.

Travelling Time: Travelling time is paid at £insert travelling time rate per hour(If applicable).

Holidays:20days per annum in addition to eight Bank and Public Holidays. This accrues at a rate of 2.33 days per month.

(Part Time Only):Holiday entitlement is based on the statutory obligations of 28 days per year on a pro rata basis. The pro rata will be against what is defined as full-time for the role by the Company. Paid holiday calculations will be done on total hours eligible per annum and will be taken in agreement with the Company.

Pension:Non-contributory Stakeholder Pension Scheme. Full details of the scheme can be obtained fromInsert Contact Name .


Pension: The Company does not currently offer a pension scheme. It is envisioned that the Company will participate in the Auto Enrolment scheme from the date that will be set by the government implementation schedule. We will keep you informed of any developments in this area.

OR if AE date within service year:

Pension: The Company will participate in the Auto Enrolment scheme from insert start date. We will keep you informed of any developments in this area.

Pension (after AE): The Company complies with the employer pension duties in respect of you in accordance with Part 1 of the Pensions Act 2008. Further details regarding the pension scheme and your entitlements can be obtained from insert job title

(Optional) (Postponement clause)

The Company staged for Auto-enrolment on 1st June 2016. You will be assessed for eligibility upon joining the Company and automatically enrolled if you meet the criteria. The Company operates a three month postponement period.

Grievances: Any grievances should be raised initially with Insert Primary Contact Name in accordance with the procedure set out in the Staff Handbook.


This Contract of Employment incorporates the statement of terms required under Section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996. It sets out the main Terms and Conditions of Employment agreed between you and your employer, and shall supersede any earlier arrangements whether oral or written.

The headings used in this contract are for convenience only and shall not affect its interpretation.

Company Rules, Policies and Procedures

You are required to comply with all rules, policies and procedures issued from time to time by the Company.

A copy of the Staff Handbook is available for you to consult in the office. Whilst the policies and procedures contained in the Staff Handbook do not form part of your Terms and Conditions of Employment, unless specifically incorporated, it is important that you familiarise yourself with those policies and procedures as failure to comply with them will result in disciplinary action being taken against you.

Outside Interests

Unless you have obtained the Company’s written consent you may not work for any other employer or carry out work on any other basis during the term of your employment, whether in or out of your normal working hours.

Start Date

Your employment will commence on the date set out in the Personal Particulars. Your period of continuous employment with the Company will commence on [original start date]. No previous employment counts towards the calculation of the start of your continuous employment.

Job Title

Your job title is set out in the Personal Particulars. You shall report to the person named in the Personal Particulars.The Company may require you to undertake other duties and responsibilities according to the needs of the business.

Probationary Period(New Starters only)

Your employment is subject to a probationary period, the length of which is set out in the Personal Particulars. At the end of the probationary period, your employment will be reviewed. The Company reserves the right to extend the period of probation if necessary.

During the first 30 days of your probationaryperiod, employment may be terminated without notice. Thereafter, until the satisfactory completion of your probationaryperiod, including extensions to it, employment may be terminated by either side giving notice of one week.

Place of Work

Your normal place of work is set out in the Personal Particulars. If necessary, your employer may change the normal place of work on a temporary or permanent basis to any other place within a 10 mile radius of your normal place of work, subject to one month’s notice. If we do so, you may, at our discretion, be entitled to financial or other relocation benefits.

(Optional)The nature of your employment does not require you to work outside the United Kingdom.


(Optional)You may from time to time be required to work at other locations throughout the UK and Europe depending on business requirements. Appropriate travel and accommodation arrangements will be made in such circumstances.

(Optional)We may also need you to work outside the UK for periods of more than one month, and, if we do so, we will let you know the length of your stay abroad, the currency in which you will be paid, any benefits in kind you will receive whilst abroad and the terms and conditions of your relocation package. We will also give you details of the terms and conditions applying to your return to the UK.


Details of your pay are set out in the Personal Particulars.

Your pay will be reviewed annually/at the Company’s discretion. The Company shall not be under any obligation to award the Employee an increase in salary.

The Company reserves the right to deduct any outstanding monies due to the Company from your pay, or on termination of employment from your final pay. This includes, but is not limited to, outstanding loans, overpayments, the costs of damages or losses caused attributable to your negligence, penalties relating to traffic offences, the cost of personal calls on Company telephones, and any other monies due to the Company during the course of employment.

Where you have entered into a training agreement with the Company, any outstanding costs detailed in the agreement will be deducted from your final pay.

Hours of Work

Your normal working hours are set out in the Personal Particulars.

Given the nature of the Company’s business, the management reserves the right to vary your hours of work according to the needs of the business.

(Optional) Your hours of work will include night shifts and weekend work where necessary. Travel time may be payable where applicable and where it is authorised and confirmed by the Contracts Director.

(Optional) Hours worked between 6am and 8pm, Monday to Friday and between 6am and 1pm on Saturday will be paid at your normal hourly rate. Hours worked between 1pm and 6pm on Saturdays or for Sunday working will be paid at an agreed rate appropriate to the work undertaken.

(Optional) You may be required to work additional hours from time to time as is necessary for the proper performance of your duties, and this may include night work and weekend working. All overtime must be authorised and pay rates shall be agreed beforehand.

(Optional) You may be required to work additional hours from time to time as is necessary for the proper performance of your duties. In the interests of the Company and its clients, however, all staff are expected to complete the day’s business before leaving.

(Optional)Travelling Time Hours of Work are defined as when you are carrying out activities or duties on site. This includes time spent travelling between jobs. ‘Travelling Time’ is time spent travelling directly to and from your normal home address and any client job site. This may also be referred to as ‘Working Time’ under the Working Time Regulations 1998 for the purposes of calculating work breaks and monitoring working hours under this regulation.

Hours of work are paid at:

Travelling Time is paid at:


You are required to be on-call on a rota basis. Where you are called out you will receive payment for the hours worked at a designated rate, details of which are available from management. The Company reserves the right at any time to review this designated rate and will give you four weeks’ notice of any changes. Further details of the on-call rota and responsibilities are available from management


Due to the nature of the Company’s business, you may be required to participate in an on-call rota. An additional payment may be made at the discretion of the Company. When you are on-call, you must make yourself available for work and be contactable by telephone.

(Optional)Time Recording

You are solely responsible for your own time recording on commencing and finishing work. Time sheets must be completed and submitted to a Director each Monday by 10.00 a.m. Any errors or omissions must be cleared with management who will then authorise or endorse any amendment.

Please note that late submission of time sheets may result in late payment of wages.


(Optional)Time Recording (Diary)

You are solely responsible for your own time recording on commencing and finishing work. You are required to use the diary system provided by the Company to register your attendance and hours at work. Any errors or omissions must be cleared with management who will then authorise or endorse any amendment.

Timekeeping and Punctuality

You are expected to arrive at your place of work on time. If you anticipate being late you should make every effort to contact the office or a Directorbefore your appointed start time orXX.XXa.m., whichever is earlier, with an estimated time of arrival. Frequent lateness will be dealt with under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure.

The Company reserves the right to withhold or to recover (whether by deduction from wages or otherwise) pay in respect of hours that you have not worked.


In the event that there is any disruption in provision of work and, accordingly, a diminution in the requirements of the business for work of a kind for which you are employed, or any other occurrence, including but not limited to adverse weather conditions, affecting the normal working of the business in relation to the work you are employed to do, the Company reserves the right to temporarily lay you off from work without contractual pay or to reduce your normal working hours and to reduce your contractual pay proportionately.

If you are laid-off you will be entitled to the statutory guaranteed payment for the relevant period at the current statutory rate as outlined within the Company HR Policies Handbook.


Your entitlement to paid annual leave is set out in the Personal Particulars.You maybe required to work on Bank and Public Holidays and you will receive time off in lieu or double time payment for them unless the holiday falls on a day of the week that you would not normally be required to work. Compensation arrangements must be agreed in advance with a Director.

The Company recognises the following Bank and Public Holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Late Summer Bank Holiday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.

The holiday year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Employees joining the Company will accrue annual holiday entitlement at the rate of one twelfth of the full entitlement per month, in advance.

Holiday entitlement for part-time workers is calculated on a pro rata basis.(P/t Contracts only) The pro rata will be against what is defined as full-time for the role by the Company. Paid holiday calculations will be done on total hours eligible per annum and will be taken in agreement with the Company.

Part time employees are entitled to Bank and Public Holidays pro rata. Where the Company closes on a Public Holiday and the employee has exhausted his or her pro rata Bank and Public Holiday entitlement, the employee will not be paid for this day. If the employee wishes to be paid for this day, he or she should take this time from his or her annual holiday entitlement, or arrange to work on an alternative day, at the sole discretion of the Company in accordance with the needs of the business.

If you joined part way through the year you will only be entitled to holiday that accrues in the remainder of that holiday year, at a rate defined in the statement of particulars.

You will be paid at your normal rate of pay in respect of periods of annual holiday. Overtime and call-out payments will not normally be included in the calculation of holiday pay.

All holiday requests should be made at least four weeks in advance for one week or more and givingone week’s notice for up to four days’leave. You must not book holidays until your request has been formally authorised by the Company. The Company will normally try to accommodate individual preferences for holiday dates, but the needs of the business may have to take precedence, particularly where inadequate notice is given.

The Company reserves the right to declare a shut-down period during which you will be expected to take annual leave. Any Company shut-down period will be declared at the beginning of each holiday year, or by the Company giving notice of at least double the period to be enforced.

The Company does not normally operate during the period between Christmas and the New Year and as such sufficient holiday must be reserved to cover the non Bank/ Public Holidays during this period. Time off in lieu will be given for any days worked during a Company shutdown.

You may not normally take more than two working weeks consecutively.

Unused holiday cannot be carried over from one year to the next.


A maximum of xx unused holiday days can only be carried over from one year to the next with a Director’s express agreement.

On termination of employment, the Company reserves the right to deduct an amount from your pay in respect of any holidays taken in excess of your accrued entitlement and/or seek to recover the same as a debt if you have already been paid the said excess. The Company reserves the right to request that you take any outstanding holiday entitlement during your notice period. However, the Company may at its discretion require you not to take any holiday during your period of notice and require you to work during that period in order to effect a smooth handover or finish any outstanding work. Any outstanding holiday entitlement will be paid with the final salary at ordinary contractual rate.

Sickness and Absence

If you are unable to come to work for any reason, you must notify the office andthe Contracts Managerof the reason as early as possible and before your contracted start time on the first day of absence by telephone. Failure to do so may render you subject to disciplinary action. In notifying the Company you should indicate the reason for your absence and its likely duration.

Subject to eligibility, the Company will pay statutory sick pay (SSP) in the event of absence due to ill health. An explanation of SSP is contained in the Staff Handbook.

You are/are not entitled to any additional contractual sick pay.

The Company reserves the right to require you to attend a medical examination with a doctor or occupational health specialist nominated by the Company, to determine your fitness for work, and you agree to allow the Company to have access to any relevant medical reports.

If you have been absent due to sickness and are found not to have been genuinely ill, you will be subject to action under the Disciplinary Procedure, which could include dismissal.