Altenative encoding proposal BRGM, ISPRA
GeoSciML 4.1 and GWML 2are an on-going OGC standard for defining and standardising easy-to-process encodings for datasets conforming to the Geology, Borehole and Groundwater and also the work in the last year in how to provide data as LinkedData as RDF/SKOS or JSON-LD. There were several Eu project or initiative that have used the GeoSciML as basic standard to provide geological information like OneGeology-Europe, EGDI, EPOS and the become GeoERA the ERANET programme set-up by the European Geological Survey to build a common infrastructure.
On the GroundWaterML2 side, it is in the roadmap to be included in WMO Hydrological Observing System (WHOS) as a way to feed World Meteorological Organization system with groundwater data.
The GeoSciML-Base application schema (OGC 16-008) is a natural INSPIRE extensions based on using generic GML 3.2 feature structure and geometries, nevertheless we can use the GeoSciML-Lite version to provide in a simple way as simple features (sf0) geological information in a short time,providing access to main information and interlinked the most complex feature when these are available.
GroundWater ML2 (OGC 16-032r2) when specified has been successfully mapped to INSPIRE Geology Hydrogeology. Actually, properties where added to GroundWaterML2 to support compatibility with INSPIRE; JRC was following the specification process. An specific INSPIRE – GroundWater ML2 mapping document was developed during GWML2 specification process. As a result GWML2 is a natural alternative encoding for INSPIRE Geology Hydrogeology schemas.
The proposal come from 2 Geological Organisation that strongly support the OGC specification as well INSPIRE one; we considering the different encoding proposal (GML extension and RDF-JSON-LD) a fundamental element to add in the alternative encodings to the INSPIRE Data Specifications as part of the MIG Action2017.2.
Implementation evidence:
A classic implementation evidence of GeoSciML 4 is represented by the OneGeology-Europe layer provided by the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI Portal: where several EU countries have provided the geological map using the GeoSciML model but with INSPIRE code-list to be inline with EU Directive. At the same time the EPOS-IP project has encoded the simple borehole information using a harmonisation unique persistent index to access to more complex feature connected with borehole, like geological stratigraphy, groundwater, construction information, etc. An example is provided here:
As well an example how to serve the French aquifer dataset according to GWML2 is available at: