Paper published in research journals:
a)Kumar, R. R., Sharma, S. K., Goswami, S., Singh, K., Gadpayle, K. A., Singh, G. P., Pathak, H., Rai, R. D. (2013) Transcript profiling and biochemical characterization of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (mtSOD) in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) under exogenous stress.Aus. J. Crop Sci.7(3):414-424. (NAAS:7.7)
b)Kumar, R. R., Sharma, S. K., Gadpayle, K. A., Singh, K., Sivaranjani, R., Goswami, S., Rai,R.D. (2012) Mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide in wheat thermotolerance-interaction between antioxidant isoenzymes, proline and cell membrane. Afr. J. Biotechnol.11(78):14368-14379. (NAAS: 6.2)
c)Kumar, R. R.,Goswami, S., Sharma, S. K., Singh, K., Gadpayle, K. A., Singh, S. D., Pathak, H., Rai, R. D. (2012) Differential expression of heat shock protein and alteration in osmolyte accumulation under heat stress in wheat. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol.22:16-26, DOI: 10.1007/s13562-012-0106-5. (NAAS: 7.0)
d)Kumar, R. R., Singh, G. P., Sharma, S. K., Singh, K., Goswami, S., Rai, R. D. (2012) Molecular cloning of HSP17 gene (sHSP) and their differential expression under exogenous putrescine and heat shock in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Afr. J. Biotechnol.11(104):16800-16808. (NAAS: 6.2)
e)Kumar, R. R.,Goswami, S., Sharma, S. K., Singh, K., Rai, R. D. (2012) Cloning and Insilico characterization of HSP90 gene from wheat (Triticum aestivum L). Int. Res. J. Biochem. Bioinf.2(8):168-173.
f)Kumar R. R., Sharma, S. K., Goswami, S., Singh, R., Pathak, H., Rai, R. D. (2013) Role of differentially expressed stress associated proteins in starch granule development under heat stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Ind J. Biochem. Biophys.(Accepted on 15th February, 2013) (NAAS: 7.5)
g)Kumar, R. R.,Goswami, S., Sharma, S. K., Singh, K., Gadpayle, K. A., Singh, S. D., Pathak, H., Rai, R. D. (2013) Ascorbic acid at pre-anthesis modulate the thermotolerance level of wheat (Triticum aestivum) pollen under heat stress. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol.(Accepted on 27th March, 2013). (NAAS: 7.0)
Technical/Popular articles:
1)Kumar, R.R. and Rai, G.K. (2012) “LoLFk “kjhjesadSfY”k;e dh Hkwfedk” published in “KrishakDuniya” June issue, Pg. 12.
2)Kumar, R.R. and Rai, G.K. (2012) “LoLFk “kjhjgsrqlCth ,oaQy dh mi;ksfxrk” published in newspaper “DehaatSandesh”, 25th May, 2012.
3)Kumar, R.R. and Rai, G.K. (2012) “jDrkRUirkdkfunku&lCth ,oaQy” published in newspaper “DehaatSandesh”, 15th august, 2012.
4)Kumar,R.R. and Goswami,S. (2012) Expression analysis using Quantitative real time PCR, CAFT manual on “Current Biochemical and Molecular Techniques for Nutritional Enhancement and Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants”, Pg. 20-22.
5)Kumar,R.R. and Goswami,S. (2012) Isolation of genomic DNA from Plants, CAFT manual on “Current Biochemical and Molecular Techniques for Nutritional Enhancement and Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants”, Pg. 1-5.
6)Kumar,R.R. and Goswami,S. (2012) Restriction analysis and Southern Blotting, CAFT manual on “Current Biochemical and Molecular Techniques for Nutritional Enhancement and Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants”, Pg. 6-11.
7)Kumar,R.R. and Goswami,S. (2012)Elution of DNA fragment from agarose gel, CAFT manual on “Current Biochemical and Molecular Techniques for Nutritional Enhancement and Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants”, Pg. 12-13
Technical Bulletins/Books/Manuals:
- tSojlk;ufOkKkUklaHkkx ,d ifjp;was published in Hindi after collecting information’s from different sources.
- Ranjeet R. KumarandSunehaGoswami(2012). Assessing biochemical traits of crops for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Book on “Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation: Methodology for Assessment and Applications” Pg. 62-78.
- Ranjeet R. Kumar, Anil Dahuja, SunehaGoswami, I.M.Santha and Raj D. Rai (2012). Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism, a laboratory manual, IARI.
- Ranjeet R. Kumar, SunehaGoswami, I.M. Santha and Raj D. Rai (2012) Genetic Engineering - principle and methods, a laboratory manual, IARI.
Abstract Published in National/International conference/symposia/seminars:
a)Kumar, R.R., Sharma, S.K., Goswami S., Singh, K., Gadpayle, K.A., Rai, R.D. (2012) Effect of ascorbic acid on thermotolerance level of wheat pollen(Triticum aestivum) under heat stress. National seminar on physiological and molecular approaches for development of climate resilient crops, Indian Society of Plant Physiology,Pg. 111.
b)Singh, K., Kumar, R.R., Sharma,S.K.,Goswami S., Rai, R.D. (2012) Hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid modulate the expression of mitochondrial SOD (mtSOD) gene in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) under heat stress. National seminar on physiological and molecular approaches for development of climate resilient crops, Indian Society of Plant Physiology,Pg. 55.
c)Goswami S., Kumar, R.R., Sharma,S.K., Singh, K., Rai,R.D. (2012) Expression of heat responsive transcription factors and heat shock proteins in milky wheat under heat stress and effect on starch granule structure.National seminar on physiological and molecular approaches for development of climate resilient crops, Indian Society of Plant Physiology,Pg. 83.
d)Sharma, T., Kumar, R.R., Goswami S., Sharma,S.K., Singh, K., Rai,R.D. (2012) Wonder signaling molecule- role of hydrogen peroxide in wheat thermotolerance.National seminar on physiological and molecular approaches for development of climate resilient crops, Indian Society of Plant Physiology,Pg. 87.
e)Kumar, R.R., Sharma,S.K.,Goswami S.,Choudhary, M., Singh, K., Gadpayle, K.A., Singh, G.P., Pathak, H., Rai,R.D. (2013) Can wheat beat the heat: Effect of heat stress on expression of stress associated proteins and perturbation in starch granule structure, International conference on “Bio-resource and stress management” Kolkata, Pg. 69.
Any other Information’s:
- 9 stress associated genes were identified, cloned, sequenced and submitted in NCBI Gen Bank.
S. No. / Name / Accession No
1 / CDPK gene isolated from C306 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / JX878360
2 / Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) gene isolated from HDR77 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / KC158224
3 / Heat shock responsive transcription factor isolated in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / JQ801451
4 / SODII isolated from C-306 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / JQ613154
5 / AGP small isolated from C306 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / KC347594
6 / Rubiscoactivase isolated from C306 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / KC776912
7 / Novel Transcript 152 isolated from HD2329 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
8 / Novel Transcript 514 isolated from HD2985 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / KC776913
9 / Novel Transcript 3714 isolated from HD2985 cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / KC788219