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REGULAR MEETING THE HENEFER TOWN COUNCIL July 7, 2015 Council Meeting Room 150 W Center Street

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Henefer Town Council held July 7, 2015 in the Council Meeting Room at 150 W. Center Street, Henefer, Utah.

Roll Call: Randy C. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Brent G. Ovard, Earleen Paskett, Lisa Yoder, Anita Lewis, Darrell Jefferson, Marie Jefferson, Daniel Stephens, and Matt Shill.

Mayor Ovard opened the meeting at 7:10 PM. The opening prayer was offered by Richard N. Butler, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Daniel Stephens.

Review and approval of the minutes of June 2, 2015 was postponed until the end of the meeting as some of the Councilmembers had not received their copies and needed a few minutes to read through the minutes.

Daniel Stephens attended the meeting to ask the Council for ideas for an Eagle Scout project. There were several projects suggested,(1) painting the gable ends of the control building at the sewer ponds, (2)placing a flag and solar lighting for the flag at the location of the H on the Richins’ property. Jay Dearden has also been told about this project and perhaps Daniel and Jay could work together. The Richins family would furnish the materials and (3)fencing around the source springs for the Henefer water supply, the town would furnish the supplies. Mayor Ovard told Daniel to think about the projects and to let the Council know if there was one he would like to do.

The first item on the Agenda was the resolution amendment to raise the water utility rates. Mayor Ovard explained to the public that in order to obtain a CDBG grant for a new storage tank, or a water line replacement rates would have to be raised in order to be more competitive with other communities. Resolution amendment 2015-207 was read. Mayor Ovard asked for discussion from the Council on the need to raise rates. All of the Councilmembers were in agreement that the rates needed to be raised as secondary water is not an option at this time and grant money will be needed for water projects. Mayor Ovard called for a motion to approve the water rate increase. Brent G. Ovard made a motion to approve the water utility rate increase for Henefer Town. Richard N. Butler seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: Kay H. Richins

Mayor Ovard re-read Resolution 2015-207 and called for a motion to accept the resolution . Richard N. Butler made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-207 raising the water utility rates. Joyce R. Housley seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley NAY: noen ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: Kay H. Richins.

Lisa Yoder, the Sustainability Coordinator from Summit County, presented the Council information dealing with the Be Wise Energy program. The County is looking into obtaining a bond that will in turn be used to provide low interest loans to those residents of the County wanting to update to energy efficient windows and to add insulation to increase energy efficiency. The plan is to charge 3% interest on the loans. The County plans to hire an administrator for the program and also a loan administrator. The bond will be paid back with user fees. Lisa Yoder wanted Henefer Town to adopt a resolution to become a part of the bond area so that the residents of Henefer could be included in the program for the low interest loans. Another step in the process would be adopting the program by ordinance, and the Town could opt out at this time. Lisa Yoder told the Council that there would be no cost to the Town. The County has not yet approved the program, they tabled the discussion until the information was presented to Henefer and Oakley. They also wanted further information as to the cost of administration and if the loans could actually be kept at 3% interest. The money from the bond has to be dispersed within three years but the loans could be paid off anywhere from 5 to 10 years.

The Council had several questions concerning the Program, and Mayor Ovard asked for input from the public. There were concerns that most of the older homes needing energy efficient upgrades would belong to widows or widowers and it might be hard for them to qualify for a loan. Hiring outside administration was also a concern because of increased rates that might increase the cost of loans and cause tax hikes to repay the bond. Another concern was how the program would be administered after the three year dispersal period. Summit County will hold a meeting on the second week of August to make a decision on the program. Mayor Ovard asked for a motion to adopt the resolution opting into the bond area at this meeting. No motion was made. Brent G. Ovard made a motion to table the item until the August 4th meeting. Joyce Housley seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Joyce R. Housley, Richard N. Butler NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: Kay H. Richins

Mayor Ovard asked Lisa Yoder to come back for the August 4, 2015 Council Meeting with more information on the cost of the low interest loans. The Council will make a decision that night whether to opt in or not. Mayor Ovard thanked Lisa for presenting the Council with the information.

Brent G. Ovard made a motion to approve the minutes of June 2, 2015 with the added notation that the Open Meeting Training materials were read and understood, and no other changes to the minutes. Richard N. Butler seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Joyce R. Housley, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: Kay H. Richins.

Joyce R. Housley asked that the dog signs be put up at the Town Park, and also informed the Council that the security system will soon be ready to install. She also asked the Council to sign thank you cards for Eric Fristrup, Cheryl and Marty Preator, and Robin Riches.

Brent G. Ovard told the Council that a small fridge will need to be purchased for the control building at the sewer ponds to keep test samples in.

Richard N. Butler made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Brent G. Ovard seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.

______Earleen T. Paskett Clerk Randy C. Ovard Mayor

BILLS ORDERED PAID: Ace Disposal, $203.00, Ace Hardware, $71.99, Alan Fawcett Electrical, $360.00, All West Communications, $194.33, AMP Curbing, $318.50, Atkinson Sound, $2,800.00, Big Door Entertainment, $1,500.00, Blue Stakes of Utah, $51.56, Caselle, $500.00, Colonial Flag & Speciality, $278.01, Custom Events, $500.00, Dallin, Stephen, $250.00, Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., $441.18, Fristrup, Eric, $542.25, Greenwood, Nathan, $127.37, , HoeHoeHoe Services, $300.00, Honey Bucket, $438.90, Honey Bucket, $279.00, Housley, Joyce, $218.73, KHSA, $320.00, Krazy Cutters Lawn Care, $900.00, KR Excavations, $4,227.50, KR Excavation, $450.00 , Kristen, Schroeder, $72.64, Moreton & Company, $200.00, Nicholas & Company, Inc., $2,246.65, Ovard, Brent G., $147.76, Patch, Timothy Adam, $127.37, Preece, Malorie, $40.00, Questar Gas, $47. Rees Landscaping, $7,600.00, Richins, Jordan, $92.96, Richins, Kelly, $614.77, Richins, Stockton, $243.00, Rock Chuckers, $1,031.25, Rocky Mountain Power, $1,236.79, SNOOKCO, $750.00, Snyder, Don, $962.77, Sprinkler Supply Co., $613.43, Summit County Public Health $60.00, Summit County Public Works, $330.00, Summit Mercantile, $21.96, Supersonic Bounce, $1,800.00, Utah State Tax Commission, $214.90, $Zions Bank, $1,864.00, Zions Bank Credit Card, $1,341.24, Richard Butler, $200.00, Jill Fawcett, $325.60, Joyce R. Housley, $200.00, Christian Northrup, $1,176.00, Tristen Northrup, $918.00, Arlin S. Ovard, $525.00, Brent G. Ovard, $200.00, Randy C. Ovard, $550.00, Earleen Paskett, $1,100.00, Kay H. Richins, $200.00, Scott D. Richins, $380.00, Rozanne F. Staples, $100.00.