So what made American victory possible in the Revolutionary War?

In 1778, the British army consisted of nearly 50,000 well-trained and supplied troops combined with over 30,000 German mercenaries (Hessians). George Washington never had more than 20,000 troops under his command at any one time. Most of these American soldiers were young (ranging in age from their early teens to their mid-20s), unskilled, and poor. Others were indentured servants and slaves who were serving as substitutes for their masters and had been promised freedom at the war's end. Many of these troops had little training, few supplies, no uniforms to keep them warm, and were one the verge of starving. So just how did the Americans win the Revolutionary War to gain independence?

For one thing, conquering the colonies was an almost impossible task. Geographically, the enormous size of the colonies made it impossible for British forces to take over the entire area. Because of the size of the colonies, the British found it difficult to protect Loyalists from the patriots, who sometimes tarred and feathered and even murdered those who remained loyal to the King.

Another major British mistake was failing to take advantage of Loyalists. Before the Revolutionary war began, some 50,000 Loyalists formed nearly 70 militias to help the British keep control the colonies. But British leaders did not trust the loyalists or respect their fighting ability.

In addition, the guerrilla tactics that Americans had learned during Indian wars proved very effective in fighting the British army. Militias struck quickly, often from behind trees or fences, then disappeared into the forests. Because many Americans wore ordinary clothing, it was difficult for the British to distinguish rebels and loyalists.

George Washington used a strategy of avoiding large battles with the royal army, which made it impossible for the British to deliver a knock-out blow.

Additionally, the help the U.S. received from France, Spain, and the Netherlands in the conflict made a big difference in the outcome. It is quite unlikely that the United States could have won its independence without the extra money, men and naval forces these countries provided.

Perhaps the single most important reason for the patriot victory was the support for the Revolution by the common man. The revolution would have failed miserably without the help of the thousands of uneducated farmers, immigrants, and freed slaves who fought in the Continental Army.

Finally, in the years before the war, thousands of ordinary Americans began to participate in politics – in boycotts, in anti-tax collector mobs, and in committees of correspondence. Many men joined groups like the Sons of Liberty to protest British taxes. Many women took the lead in boycotts of British goods. During the Revolution itself, some 400,000 Americans, including at least 5,000 African Americans, served in the fighting for at least some time.

Despite being terribly outnumbered, suffering a lack of money, training, and having virtually no navy, the patriots were able to hold off one of the toughest armies in the world at the time. The American Revolution truly is one of the greatest upsets in history.

Name ______Block ______

1) Which of the following was NOT a problem for George Washington’s Continental Army at the outset of the war?

A)  The Continental Army was badly outnumbered

B) The Continental Army received no support from the citizens

C) The Continental Army was untrained

D)  The Continental Army was suffering from a lack of supplies

2)  According to the article, the United States would never have won the war if it weren’t for

A)  The help of the French, Spanish and Dutch

B) The Hessians assisting them

C) The use of European (rows) fighting style

D)  The support of Loyalists

3)  Which of the following was NOT a factor in the United States winning the American Revolution?

A)  The size of the colonies

B) Use of guerrilla fighting tactics

C) Support of the military by common citizens

D)  The assistance of the Hessians

According to the article, there were several factors that led to the United States victory over Britain in the Revolutionary War. Describe one factor the U.S. that helped the to win the war, and explain how this factor helped achieve success. Use details from the article to support your answer.







