Oak Ridges Moraine Protection Act, 2001
Loi de 2001 sur la protection de la moraine d’Oak Ridges



Historical version for the period October 12, 2001 to November 16, 2001.

Last amendment: O. Reg. 387/01.

This Regulation is made in English only.

Land exempt from ss. 1 to 6

1.The following land is exempt from the application of sections 1 to 6 of the Act:

1. Any land that is the subject of a draft plan of subdivision and in respect of which, on or before May 16, 2001, approval was given under subsection 51 (31) of the Planning Act but approval was not yet given under subsection 51 (58) of that Act, if an agreement pursuant to subsection 51 (26) of that Act was entered into on or before May 16, 2001 by the municipality and the owner of the land as a condition of the approval.

2. Any land that is the subject of a draft plan of subdivision, for which the file number is set out in a schedule to this Regulation, and in respect of which, on or before May 16, 2001, approval was given under subsection 51 (31) of the Planning Act but approval was not yet given under subsection 51 (58) of that Act.

3. Any land described in a schedule to this Regulation. O.Reg. 281/01, s.1.

Schedule 1
Town of Richmond Hill — Draft Plans of Subdivision

1. 19T-94049.

2. 19T-88038.

3. 19T-88092.

4. 19T-89099.

5. 19T-91013.

6. 19T(R)-98004.

7. 19T-94002.

8. 19T-86100.

9. 19T-89092.

10. 19T(R)-98012.

11. 19T(R)-99003.

12. 19T-95121.

13. 19T-85049.

14. 19T-89105.

15. 19T-85088.

16. 19T-94026.

17. 19T-93003.

18. 19T(R)-00002.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.1.

Schedule 2
Land in the Town of Richmond Hill

1.Part of Lot 56, Concession 1, Vaughan, identified as PIN No.03208-0076 (LT) in the Land Registry Office for York Region (No.65).

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.2.

Schedule 3
City of Vaughan — Draft Plans of Subdivision

1. 19T-99V05.

2. 19T-95093.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.3.

Schedule 4
Land in the City of Vaughan

1.The lands described as “Avondale” and “Primary Buffer Area” on Schedule “1” to By-law Number 364-91 being Schedule “E-838” to By-law Number 1-88 of the City of Vaughan.

2.The lands zoned “OS2(H)” and “OS1(H)” on Schedule “1” to By-law Number 237-98 of the City of Vaughan, as amended by Ontario Municipal Board Order No. 0202, issued February 2, 1999.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.4.

Schedule 5
Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville — Draft Plans of Subdivision

1. 19T-88097.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.5.

Schedule 6
Land in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville

1.Blocks 1, 6 and 8 on Registered Plan 65M-3356, Township of Whitchurch (Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville), identified respectively as PIN Nos. 03686-0218 (LT), 03686-0223 (LT) and 03686-0225 (LT) in the Land Registry Office for York Region (No.65).

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.6.

Schedule 7
Town of East Gwillimbury — Draft Plans of Subdivision

1. 19T-89010.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.7.

Schedule 8
Town of Newmarket — Draft Plans of Subdivision

1. 19T-99N02.

2. 19T-98N02.

3. 19T-97N02.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.8.

Schedule 9

1.The lands zoned “Detached Dwelling First Density (H)R1-28 Exception Zone”, “Environmental Protection (EP-13) Exception Zone” and “Open Space (O-14) Exception Zone” on Schedule “AC” to By-law Number 4172-00.D, as amended by the Ontario Municipal Board.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.9.

Schedule 10
Town of Uxbridge — Draft Plans of Subdivision

1. 18T-98020.

2. 18T-95019.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.10.

Schedule 11
land in the Town of Uxbridge

1.Lots 1, 2, 12, 13 and 14 on Registered Plan 40M-1679, Township of Uxbridge, identified respectively as PIN Nos. 26830-0025 (LT), 26830-0027 (LT), 26830-0040 (LT), 26830-0041 (LT) and 26830-0042 (LT) in the Land Registry Office for Durham (No. 40).

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.11.

Schedule 12
Town of Caledon — Draft Plans of Subdivision

1. 21T-94009C.

2. 21T-86007C.

3. 21T-89003C.

O.Reg. 281/01, Sched.12.

Schedule 13
land in the City of Kawartha Lakes

1.Lots 7, 8 and 12 on Plan 57M-734, City of Kawartha Lakes in the Land Registry Office for Victoria (No. 57).

O.Reg. 387/01, s.1.

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