The Great Moray Sewing Bee: ​Are you creative?Are you crafty? Then enter The Great Moray Sewing Bee. collect an entry form and more informationfrom Miss Ainslie, thedeadline to enter is 27th of September. You have got to be in it to win it, give it a try! (KA)

​Speakers' Corner tomorrow will have Annabel Thompson talking. Her presentation is 'My Life in Cupcakes'. Please support Annabel in the library. Beginning at 1.20pm.

Meeting in Library: Could the following pupils please attend a meeting in the library on Tuesday 22 September at 1.10. Attendance is essential, please see Mrs Toonen as soon as possible if this causes you a problem:

Laura Thom, Carrie MacVicar, Lauren McDonald, Alan Adams, Matthew Hamilton, Rhiannon Smith, Caitlyn Gallacher, Anja Schobarth. (LL, ST)


S2 MidYis Assessment: This will take place on Friday 18th September 2015.

The following classes should report to the Assembly Hall at the following times please?

2J,K,L should report to the hall directly after lunch on Friday 18th September 2015 with the correct equipment – a blue or black pen, pencil, rubber and a ruler, Students will return to class during period 6.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please note that S1 MidYis assessments will take place in the near future. (KG)

Art Club: If you enjoy art and want to get involved in entering some great art competitions, as well as earn points for your house, then come along to B39 Thursday lunchtimes. We will meet every Thursday lunchtime to work on our first competition. Any questions see Miss Tullis. (MT)

S1 Drum Lessons: Can all S1 pupils who handed back a slip about school drum lesson please see Miss Macphail during registration this week.

S1 – S4 Girls: football team training on a Monday 15.30 til 16.30. Starts Monday 14th September.


S6 – Paired Readers: Would all S6 pupils who have kindly volunteered to be Paired Readers, please attend a short meeting on Friday 18th at 1.20pm in B07 – SFL Base. If you are unable to attend please see a member of SFL staff. Thank you.

S6 Social Committee: There will be a meeting for all S6 students who have signed up to be on the S6 social committee today Thursday 17th at 1:10 in B53.

S6 Fundraising Committee: All those who volunteered for the S6 Fundraising Committee are invited to a quick meeting at 1.10pm Today 17th September in Room G08 (Mr Terron’s classroom). If you are unable to attend please let Mr Terron know. There will be biscuits. And cake. (DT)

Aberdeen University Library Trip Thursday 1 October: Those pupils who have signed up for this trip - please remember that all forms and money should be handed into Mrs Toonen by Tuesday of next week.

Vacancy for Apprentice Joiner with The Moray Council:

The above post is currently live with a closing date of 18th September 2015. Any pupil interested in applying for this post should do so via the Myjobscotlandwebsite and quote MOR00479. The post is based at Mosstodloch Depot and the hours per week are 37. The salary is that of Craft Apprentice Year 1 rate and equates to £9,591.14 per annum. Interviews for this position will take place on 8th October 2015.

Further information can be obtained from Brian Anderson on 01343 823048.