


Chapter 8 Study Guide – The New Nation (1786-1800)

CHAPTER 8: SECTION 1 – THE CRISIS OF THE 1780s (p. 239 – 241)

Depression of 1787 (238 – 239)

Shays’ Rebellion (238)

nationalists (239)

Annapolis Convention (241)

Philadelphia Convention (241)

  1. Who were the people rebelling in Massachusetts and why? pp.238-239
  1. What were some symptoms of the economic crisis of 1787? p.239
  1. Why was there only a little silver coin in circulation after the Revolution and what effects did that have on the economy? p.240
  1. What was Rhode Island’s crazy plan to “Relieve the Distressed”? p.240
  1. Why were state tariffs on foreign shipping ineffective? p.240
  1. What was supposed to be the “sole and express purpose” of the national convention resolved upon by the Annapolis Convention? p.241
  1. According to Louis Otto, what was the real purpose of the convention called for in Philadelphia in 1787? p.241


Virginia Plan (aka Randolph Plan) (242)

New Jersey Plan (aka Paterson Plan)

Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)

“Commerce Clause” (243)

Three-Fifths Rule/Compromise

Sept. 17, 1787

Federalists (243 & 255)

Anti-Federalists (244)

The Federalists

Bill of Rights (245)

1.  Which state refused to send a delegation to the convention in Philadelphia in 1787? Why? p.241

2.  Who were the notable absentees at the Convention?

3.  Why do you think Patrick Henry said he “smelt a rat”?

4.  Who were the people present at the Convention (ie whom did they represent)? p.241-2

5.  What does the text mean when it says that the delegates were republicans but not democrats? p.242

6.  Who was the most talented and instrumental delegate that helped draft the Virginia Plan (also known as the Randolph Plan)? p.242

7.  According to Madison, where did the real difference of interests lay in negotiations regarding a new constitution? p.242

8.  What provisions for the preservation of slavery were included in the Constitution? Why were they included, according

to Madison? p.243

9.  What is the Electoral College and why was it included in the Constitution?

10.  Who is the “Father of the Constitution?” Why?

11.  How did Mercy Otis Warren’s opinion capture the sentiment of Anti-Federalists? p.244

12.  Most Anti-Federalists believed that the new Constitution would grant too much power to what?

13.  What did Madison believe was the best way to control factions? p.244

14.  What persuaded Virginia to finally ratify?

15.  What was the Bill of Rights patterned on?

16.  What is the most important constitutional legacy of the Anti-Federalists?


April 30, 1789 (246)

Judiciary Act of 1789 (247)

Judicial Review

Chisholm v. Georgia

Eleventh Amendment

Tariff of 1789

“Report on the Public Credit” (248)

“Funding and Assumption”

Bank of the United States

“Strict Constructionist”

“Loose Constructionist”

“Report on Manufactures”

Edmond “Citizen” Genet (250)

Proclamation of Neutrality

Intercourse Act (251)

Whiskey Rebellion (253)

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Treaty of Greenville

Jay’s Treaty (254)

Pinckney’s Treaty

17.  In terms of image, how were Washington and Adams different from Jefferson?

18.  Describe Washington’s cabinet. Is a presidential cabinet legal?

19.  What were some of the controversies of Jay’s Treaty? p. 247

20.  What was the main source of federal income until the 20th century? p.248

21.  In what way did Hamilton’s proposals result in a compromise?

22.  What was the Franco-American alliance of 1778? Why was it still relevant?

23.  How did the French Revolution further deepen the division of the Federalist coalition w/in Washington’s administration? Who was on what side? p.250

24.  How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 point in wildly contradictory directions?

25.  How did the Intercourse Act clarify the question of Indian sovereignty? (251)

26.  Describe the two components of Spain’s anti-American policy? (252)

27.  What role did the British play in trying to limit American western expansion?

28.  Why was 1794 a dire year for Washington’s presidency?

29.  What two things did Washington’s mobilization of the federal military demonstrate? (253)

30.  How was the deadlock over Jay’s Treaty resolved? (254)

31.  What is the significance of Jay’s and Pinckney’s Treaties?

32.  What was the central message in Washington’s Farewell Address, a theme which Jefferson would echo in his Inaugural Address in 1801?

33.  Why were Madison’s writings against factions in The Federalist Papers ironic considering his and Hamilton’s actions during the Washington presidency?(255)

34.  Why was the election of 1796 important?

35.  Who was the leader of the Republicans and why did they favor limited government?

36.  How was the new administration in 1796 “born divided?”


Federalism (243 & 255)

Republicans/Jeffersonian Republican/Democratic Republicans

XYZ Affair (256)


Alien and Sedition Acts (256 – 7)

1.  Naturalization Act

2.  Alien & Alien Enemies Act

3.  Sedition Act

Virginia and Kentucky Resolves (257)

Campaign of 1800

States Rights (258)

Twelfth Amendment


37.  How were the Alien and Sedition Acts a violation of the Bill of Rights? (256-7)

38.  What “right” did Madison think was essential for ensuring the security of every other right? (257)

39.  According to Jeffersonian Republicans like Jefferson and Madison, what should states do when threatened with overbearing central authority?! (oh, dear)

40.  In the election of 1800, the Jefferson Republicans (Democratic-Republican Party) presented themselves as the part of what? (258)

41.  What was strange about the election of 1800? How did the 12th Amendment solve it?

42.  Why do you think the election of 1800 also referred to as the Revolution of 1800?

43.  What were voting requirements before 1800 in many states and how did they eventually change? (258-9)

44.  What is voting viva voce? (259)


Benjamin West (259)

John Singleton Copley

Gilbert Stuart (260)

Charles Willson Peale

John Trumball

Essay on Liberty of the Press

“On the Equality of the Sexes” (262)

45.  What was the “new man”? (261)

46.  Despite it being a book of lies, why was Weem’s Life of Washington influential?