Knights of Columbus

St John Francis Regis Council


Serving St John Francis Regis Parish

Kansas City, Missouri

June 2016 Newsletter

The next General Meeting is 7:10PM, Wednesday June 8, 2016. The next officers’ meeting is 7:00PM, Wednesday June 22, 2016.

Grand Knights Notes:

This month finishes my first year as grand knight of our council. We have accomplished many service projects and fraternal activities. I want to especially thank our financial secretary, Rob Colombatto, for his tireless efforts in support of our council, and his help to me in providing much appreciated advice and counsel. Also, special thanks to Rob, Mike Apprill, and all the other members who provided leadership and expertise in working on very long range projects, such as the kitchen renovation, and painting the parish hall.

I am very happy to announce that six new members joined our council at the 1st degree exemplification by DVD conducted before our May general meeting. We welcome new members: Marvin Chaney, Eddie Villegas, Richard O'Herron, John Hanes, Ryan Scarborough, and James Kabelis to our council. We now need just two members purchasing new insurance products, i.e. insurance policies or annuities, to be in line for Star Council for Fraternal Year 2015-2016. On November 3rd, 2015, the Knights of Columbus surpassed $100 billion dollars of insurance in force, cementing its position as one of the largest, and no more highly rated, life insurers in North America.

Remember the Amazon link on our council website. Just click the Amazon to enter the online. Our council earns 2% of your total purchase.

Trivia Night has been cancelled until a date to be determined in the Fall months of 2016.

The slate of officers for Fraternal Year 2016 – 2017 was presented and approved at the May general meeting. This slate will be voted on at the June general meeting. The new officers of the council and the ladies auxiliary will be installed at an installation ceremony at the July general meeting. A 1st degree exemplification by DVD may be conducted prior to the July meeting.

The Knights of Columbus Missouri State Golf Tournament and Charity Fund Raiser will be held July 16, 2016 at Adams Pointe Golf Course, 1601 NE R.D. Mize Road, Blue Springs, MO. Sponsored by Holy Sprit Council 8334. POC: John Dean at 816-210-3042.

Knights of Columbus Council 4962 is having a Hog Roast on June 10th from 5:45 - 7:30PM. K of C Hall, 5101 Blue Ridge Cutoff. Adults $10 per person, $8 seniors and kids under 6 free. Entertainment by the Burnt Ends Band.

Unfinished Business:

We need volunteers to work at St James Place on June 20th. Volunteers can meet at St Regis parking lot at 3:45PM to carpool to St James Place. Or, volunteers can drive to St James Place to arrive at 4:00PM. POC: SK David Vorbeck.

Dancing with the Stars – June 11th at the Overland Park Convention Center. We need 14 to 16 volunteers to perform various tasks. Volunteer for this worthy cause, and have a very enjoyable evening. POC: Brother Robert Brown.

Totus Tuus (Vacation Bible School): Council members will be cooking hamburgers and hot dogs on June 22nd beginning at 5:30PM for the Parish Pot Luck. Volunteers are needed.

New Business:

2016 Missouri Convention Report – A brief report by me on the convention in Jefferson City.

Little Sisters of the Poor - Annual picnic is June 26, 2016, beginning at 12:00PM. Council members will sell beer and wine coolers in the beer tent. Volunteers should arrive there at 11:00AM to stock the coolers with beer and wine coolers as provided by Little Sisters.

Cleanup projects: Council members are needed to work on three projects for parish members. We will meet at 9:00AM on Saturday June 25th at the church parking lot. Many volunteers are needed for these very worthwhile projects. Wear yard working clothes and gloves.

Discuss 2016 - 2017 Fraternal Year budget.

June Birthdays:

SK Deacon Kenneth Albers - 6/4

David Duerr - 6/12

SK James Julo - 6/12

David Ross - 6/27

SK John Walker - 6/14

Calendar of Events for June:

June 8th – General Meeting.

June 10th - Council 4962 Hog Roast

June 11th - Dancing with the Stars - POC: Robert Brown

June 20th - St James Place - POC: SK David Vorbeck

June 22nd – Officers’ Meeting. We will cook hamburgers and hot dogs for Totus Tuus.

June 25th - Cleanup projects - Meet at 9:00AM in the church parking lot.

June 26th - Little Sisters of the Poor - Annual picnic - Sell beer in the beer tent.

May Degree Schedule:

1st Degree:

June 9th - Council 14266 - Holy Family Parish Hall, K. C. MO. At 6:00PM.

June 14th - Council 6819 - VFW Hall, Lee's Summit, MO. At 7:00PM.

June 27th - Council 4387 - Arch. O'Hara, K. C., MO. At 7:00PM.

2nd & 3rd Degree

June 12th - Council 14745 - St. Robert Bellarmine, Blue Springs, MO. At 1:00PM

For the Good of the Order:

Please remember in your prayers council members and/or their family members: SK Jack Mitchell, Mary Pat Lambert, John Weaver, Fran Wadle, Dean & Mary Starr, Gregg Fournier, and Ed Batcheler.