Form 3: LLST application form for organisations looking for funding for one off capital costs.
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LLST are particularly interested in supporting applications associated with capacity building or improving sustainability (i.e. reducing costs, increasing efficiency through new systems, technology or moving/altering premises)
Organisation Name:Charity Reg. No:
Company Reg No:
How much funding are you looking for?
What is the funding for? (50 – 100 words max please, there is space for more detail below)
Have you applied to the Big Lottery Awards for All programme for this? / Yes / No
If yes, why was it unsuccessful? If no, why is it not eligible?
Contact name (full name):
Contact email:
Contact telephone number:
For admin purposes if you are awarded a grant:
Name of Bank Account:Sort Code:
Account Number:
Twitter Account:
Facebook Group:
Where does your organisation provide services?
What services does it provide?
Why does your charity exist
Note: We are already convinced of the importance of free legal advice provision however we want to know what your key focus is, and why it is particularly important in the area you work in (geographically or area of law).
Organisation Structure
How many members of staff do you have (paid) fulltime:How many members of staff do you have (paid) part time:
How many regular volunteers (unpaid)?
Do you have any patrons (and if yes, who are they)
Do you (please answer Yes or No and provide details of Area(s) of Law)
Yes/No? / Area(s) of LawHold a Legal Aid Contract?
Provide pro bono advice services?
Employ paid solicitors?
Where has your organisation made a difference?
Note: these do not need to show exact legal detail, they are to help LLST understand your work and may potentially be used as an example of the work we fund, in our own promotional materials (in this event, we will contact you to ensure they are suitably anonymised or permission has been given).
One off capital support
The questions here are designed to help show clearly what you are seeking funding for and the impact this will have on your organisation’s ability to provide its services. We also want to ensure you (and we) receive the best value for money and so ask for a thorough break down of costs in case we can help you source a portion of these at a better rate.
What would you like to buy/hire/pay for (including prices)?Where will you get it from?
How have you found the prices you are quoting here?
Have you considered all the options (i.e. renting instead of buying if the application concerns equipment)? Why have you decided on this path?
How will it help your organisation to function better?
What difference will this make to your beneficiaries?
Last updated April 2016