NRMS SAC 10052017
Call to Order
Called to Order at 4:36 PM
Review of May Minutes: Review of Minutes from 05042017 Meeting
Motion to approve Minutes from Ms. McDonald and seconded from Ms. Wong
Principals Report: Hurricane Update missed 7 academic school days. Early release days for Oct 19th and Dec 22 and cancelled.
I-ready Diagnostic tests will put them on an academic path to help with lacking skills. Way to track students growth. SAC is in charge of voting on how Accountability Fund is spent. We have approx. $20,000 in the budget rolled over from past year. Ms. Wessinger is asking for security for morning students who arrive before 8:30. Approx $1600 for year. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve for Security staff. Seconded by Ms. Eady. No one opposed. Sea Stars is in the morning, but only covers 50 students. Students who arrive early are required to attend learning . Mr. Kelly makes a motion to pay $1500 to pay teachers for the early morning program. Ms. McDonald seconds the motion. No one opposed.
School dances help fund activities, Teacher appreciation, special field trips. We will be having a Halloween themed dance on Oct 27th from 4-6. No costumes or masks. Cost is $5 per students. Refreshments will be sold and there will be a DJ.
School Bookfair is next week which also raises money to buy books for the media center.
Beach Cleanup is this coming Saturday. Outside sponsors are donating food. Pavillion is donated by the park.
Family technology night has been requested by parents for Single Sign-on, Pinnacle, Canvas, Shark 360 and Naviance.Remind App is just for communicating with teachers. What can we do to get more parents to attend these parents nights. We need to offer babysitting for younger siblings. Offer extra credit to students who bring their parents. Riverside Market has offered to donate food for the evening. Ms. Reep will check master calendar to find a date.
Shark 360 will be rolled out next week. Student and Parent Portal. November 15th will be the roll out date and training.
October 16th is picture day. Teacher McDonalds night is Oct 12th. New Marquee has arrived and will be digital.
Title 1 Mr. Trinard is the new dept chair. We need a parent representative for the Title 1 workshops.
SAF update.
Friends of New River Dance on Oct 27th. Please make sure Carla has your email for updates on Volunteer needs. T-shirts sales going well.
Old Business – nothing
New Business - By-Laws This councils purpose is to drive the academic plan. School Improvement Plan is the major business for SAC to review and give feedback. Article IV Members. Looking for a Co-chair and Secretary. Parents we need and ESE and ESOL representatives. Article VI Meeting must have 10 a year. Artivle VIII How we vote on items.
Elections : Active members Ms. Wong made motion to accept slate of council members. Ms. McDonald seconded motion. There were no Nays.
New Interested stake holders: Shannon Falzone, Jeremiah Whitfield, Chalin De Los Santos, Charlene Noltion. Mr Kelly calls a motion to add these new member , Ms. Wessinger and Ms. Reep seconded.
Call for meeting to be adjourned at 5:32