11 DECEMBER 2007

The Meeting commenced at 7pm and concluded at 9:05pm.

Members present:

Councillor Mrs Evans (Chairman)

Councillor Mrs Lavender (Vice-Chairman)

Councillors Brooke, Brown, Mrs Butt, Clements (substituting for Councillor Miss Wilson) Mrs Dion, Mrs Moore, White and Woodcock.

Diocesan Representatives

Mr K Newman and the Venerable Alistair Magowan, Archdeacon of Dorset

Parent Governor Representative

Mr R Bufton

Members of the public present: None


Apologies for absence were received from Mrs S Murphy and Councillor Miss Wilson.


The following personal interests were declared:

Councillor Brooke as LA Governor for Broadstone First School and because his daughter was employed at Hillbourne School as a part-time teacher and worked as a supply teacher for the Borough of Poole.

Councillor Brown as a Foster Carer for the Borough of Poole.

Councillor Mrs Dion’s husband was a Governor of Rossmore Community Sports College.

Councillor Mrs Evans as Governor of Old Town First School.

Councillor Mrs Lavender as a Foundation Governor at St Aldhelms CE VA Combined School and LA Governor of Heatherlands First School.

Councillor Mrs Moore as LA Governor for Canford Heath First and Middle Schools.

Councillor Woodcock as LA Governor for Baden Powell and St Peter’s CE Middle School.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 October 2007 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the addition of the words at the end of the penultimate paragraph in Minute CSO28.07:

“Concern was expressed by Councillors Brooke and Brown that discussion on Examination Test Results had been curtailed by the Chairman”.


The Overview Group considered the Report of the Head of Children and Young People’s Integrated Services, together with Appendices A to E, which set out the draft scheme for co-ordinated admissions, the draft admissions arrangements, the draft admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and the review of the “Relevant Area” for the academic year 2009/10.

The Overview Group was requested to recommend Cabinet to approve consultation being carried out on all the proposed admission arrangements and Relevant Area for Poole in accordance with statutory requirements.

It was noted that Poole was required to have concluded its consultation process on its admission arrangements by 1 March and required by statute. To determine them by 15 April 2008.

Members raised a number of issues, which required clarification/amendments to the submitted documents. After detailed discussion, it was

AGREED that the consultation be approved but that a further report be brought back to the Children’s Services Overview Group with amendments/additions as appropriate.


The Report, which was presented by the Head of Children and Young People’s Social Care, set out the Bournemouth and Poole Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) Business Plan FOR 2007/08.

The Business Plan (a) summarised key achievements of the Board during its first year in operation; (b) provided detailed work programmes for each of the LSCB working groups; and (c) identified six crosscutting key objectives which would form the new LSCB priorities over the next 3 years (2007/10) and would be reviewed on an annual basis.

It was noted that during the early part of 2007 the LSCB Steering Group reviewed the overall business capacity of the LSCB in the context of the wide statutory requirements and functions of the Board. As a result, a business case had been developed for the appointment of an Independent Chairman and an LSCB Business Development Officer.

Partner agency budget requirements in order to fund these posts had been presented to both the Poole and Bournemouth Children’s Governance Boards and funding had been agreed in principle by all Agencies.

It was planned that the above posts would be appointed with effect from 1 April 2008 and would support the LSCB and continue to lead and develop a challenging local safeguarding agenda.

After discussion, and subject to minor amendments, it was

AGREED that the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Business Plan for 2007/08 be noted and endorsed.


The Strategic Director, Children’s Services advised Members of the current situation regarding the following capital developments and the importance of having an integrated approach as these projects and programmes progressed. Approval was sought to widen the scope of the Schools for the Future Project Board to include oversight of the following:-

  • Building Schools for the Future
  • Primary Capital Programme
  • Special Schools
  • Targeted Capital Projects
  • Overall Capital Programme and Strategy

The Overview Group was reminded that following consultation with schools and other partners, a Children’s Services Capital Strategy for 2007-2014 was presented to Children’s Services Overview Group on 7 January 2007, approved by Cabinet on 23 January 2007 and by Council on 15 February 2007.

The Strategy set out details of estimated income for 2007-2014 and estimated costs associated with implementing the Capital Programme, which included:

  • Delivering the Targeted Capital Fund project for the re-organisation of schools in central Poole
  • Progressing changing the age of transfer
  • Developing Special Schools as centres of excellence
  • Preparing and planning for Building Schools for the Future
  • Preparing and planning for the Primary Capital Programme

Preparation for entering into Wave 6 of Building Schools for the Future (BSF) and for engaging with the Primary Capital Programme (PCP) was now reaching a crucial stage.

Previously the Council’s decision to implement the change in the age of transfer for the Borough in 2013 together with the Targeted Capital Fund Project and developing Special Schools were the key drivers in the capital programme process. This was no longer the case. The timetables set by the Government for BSF and PCP were now driving the process. Nevertheless, the Strategy still aimed to deliver the Council’s three other objectives (changing the age of transfer, TCB project and developing Special Schools). The importance of an integrated process to achieve these projects, could not be over-stated.

On 31 July 2007 the Children’s Services Overview Group recognised the need for an integrated Strategy and asked officers to submit proposals on “how the governance of the capital Strategy might be developed in order to further clarify the relationship of the capital programme to Project Boards, Children’s Services Overview Group, Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet”.

Internal Audit, in its Reports on the Rossmore and Hamworthy Pyramid Capital Projects issued in 2004 and on the Old Town First School and Nursery Capital Project issued in March 2007 identified weaknesses in the governance arrangements for projects which the proposals in this Report sought to address.

This Report aimed to inform Members of the current situation, in particular the timelines regarding BSF and PCP and the action required over the next nine months, together with proposals for governance arrangements for the whole Children’s Services Capital Strategy and programme.

The current situation on the key projects together with timelines was set out in the Appendices attached to the Report:-

(a)Primary Capital Programme

(b)Building Schools for the Future

(c)Targeted Capital Project for central Poole

(d)Development of Special Schools as centres of excellence

(e)Changing the Age of Transfer in the Borough

Considerable work would need to be undertaken over the coming months. In particular Members would be asked to agree:

  • the rationale, outcomes and vision documents and structures for school organisations across the Primary and Secondary sectors.
  • to the consultations proposals for BSF and PCP
  • the proposed methodology for each consultation exercise.
  • the outcomes of the consultation and a way forward.
  • the methodology to be adopted as part of the Primary Capital Programme prioritisation.
  • the scope of the master plans required as part of the preparation for the implementation of the Primary Capital Programme.
  • To endorse the final documentation produced prior to its submission to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (PCP – end March 2008, BSF – end May 2008).

In accordance with the request of Children’s Services Overview Group (paragraph3.4), officers had considered the most efficient and effective means of delivering the Council’s Children’s Services Capital Strategy.

Appendices A – E of the Report provided some indication of the complexity of delivering the Strategy and the need for a coherent approach.

Currently, Reports on the Capital Strategy had been submitted to Children’s Services Overview Group, Cabinet and Council. Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee may be involved in reviewing projects. In addition, BSF Reports were submitted to Poole’s Schools for the Future Steering Group, Poole’s Schools for the Future Project Board and the joint Bournemouth and Poole Building Schools for the Future Project Board.

In order for Members and Officers to have a greater focus and clearer understanding of the overall capital Strategy and the need for an integrated approach to the various projects within it over the coming years, it was proposed that the main vehicle for delivering the programme in Poole be the Schools for the Future Project Board. As the Portfolio Holders for both Children’s Services and Schools for the Future were Members of this Board it was proposed to retain their respective roles as defined. (Appendix F of the Report set out an overview on the current capital programme priorities)

In addition to these priorities the Project Board would consider the annual cycle of:

  • School Organisational Plan
  • Schools Asset Management Plan and
  • Children’s Services Capital Strategy

Financial support to the Board would be provided through the Education Capital Monitoring Group which consisted of both Children’s Services and Financial Services Officers.

In addition each project would have its own Project Board and Project Team to support the for of the Schools for the Future Project Board and typical terms of reference for these groups was detailed in Appendix G to the Report.

Major decisions would continue to be referred to Cabinet and Council as appropriate. Information Reports on overall progress of the Strategy would be submitted to Children’s Services Overview Group. Joint Reports on BSF would continue to be submitted to the Joint Bournemouth and Poole Building Schools for the Future Project Board.

If this approach was agreed, Officers would bring forward proposals on support arrangements for the Poole Schools for the Future Project Board. Regular Reports would be submitted to the Project Board on a variety of projects and a typical template to be adopted for this Reporting mechanism was shown in Appendix H of the Report.

Due to the importance, complexity, funding streams and consultation arrangements involved in delivering the various projects in the Children’s Services Capital Strategy to 2014, a coherent approach was crucial.

It was recognised that a considerable amount of work needed to be undertaken to progress these major projects. Failure to deliver could put funding at risk and would result in abortive work and delay.

It was important therefore, that mechanisms were in place, not only to meet the forthcoming deadlines set out in the Appendices, but to provide a focus within the Authority and with Poole’s partners, to deliver the Strategy.

After discussion, it was agreed that Cabinet be RECOMMENDED to

a)agree that the scope of the Schools for the Future Project Board be widened to include all of the Capital Projects and Programmes to effect a coherent transformation in education in Poole.

b)retain the role of the two portfolio holders within the Project Board as at present

c)note that Officers will bring forward proposals to the next meeting to establish arrangements that will support the Project Board

d)agree that, in order to meet the deadlines for these projects, it may be necessary to hold additional Board meetings in the coming months.


The Head of Strategic Planning Services outlined the next steps to be taken to meet Government deadlines and expectations in order to access funding under the joint Building Schools for the Future Project with Bournemouth and the Primary Capital Programme.

There were a number of funding sources being made available to the Council which would enable it to transform education and the school estate in Poole over the next 10 – 15 years. Changing the age of transfer for children from the Primary phase to the Secondary phase at age 11 in 2013 was part of that transformation.

The overall project ‘Schools for the Future’ currently comprised the successful Targeted Capital Bid (TCB) for Poole Grammar School, Poole High School and Parkstone Grammar School; Building Schools for the Future (BSF) project, a joint project with Bournemouth, which in Poole will include Ashdown Technology College, Rossmore Community College, Montacute School and Winchelsea School; and the Primary Capital Programme (PCP) which would involve rebuilding, remodelling or improving at least half of all our Primary phase schools. Projects for schools not listed above were included in the Children and Young People’s Services Capital Strategy.

To be able to transform Poole schools and implement the change in the age of transfer smoothly, it was essential that these complex programmes were co-ordinated, and for BSF that this was done in close partnership with Bournemouth.

The first step towards this has been taken by empowering the Schools for the Future Project Board to have an overview of Poole’s education capital strategy and the various projects and programmes (Minute COG36.07 refers).

Access to funding under PCP and BSF both required the Council to submit a Strategy for Change document for two projects within the timescales required by the Government. However, before doing so, the Council needed to agree, in principle, organisational changes involving individual schools. This would be followed by a comprehensive consultation with a wide range of partners. The timescales, as always, were challenging.

As PCP and BSF were dependent for their implementation on each other it would be reasonable to undertake consultation on PCP and BSF at the same time. For example, if the Council agreed in principle to close, expand, amalgamate or federate schools at the Primary phase this would have considerable repercussions for the Secondary phase schools.

The deadlines for having completed the (six week) consultation period and receiving Member approval to the organisational changes and completion of Part 1 of the Strategy for Change document was March/ May 2008 for PCP and BSF respectively.

In order to meet the deadlines, the school organisational changes and consultation documentation would need to be agreed by Cabinet at its meeting on 29th January 2008 at the latest. It was proposed that a special Meeting be arranged, in mid to late January, to consider proposals prior to Cabinet.

Over the coming months Members would be asked to –

  • agree the rationale, outcomes and vision documents and structures for school organisation across the Primary and Secondary phases
  • agree the consultation proposals for PCP and BSF
  • agree the methodology for each consultation exercise
  • agree the outcomes of the consultation and the way forward
  • agree the methodology to be adopted as part of the PCP prioritisation exercise
  • agree the scope of the master plans required as part of the preparation for the implementation of the PCP
  • endorse the final Part 1 Strategy for Change documents for PCP and BSF
  • endorse proposals regarding Special Schools as centres for excellence
  • agree on-going work regarding the TCB project

The timeline would be: –

December 2007 Approve vision for education in principle and

Special SfF Steering Group note that in January 2008 decisions will need Special SfF Project Board to be taken on consultation arrangements and, in

CSOG (11th Dec) principle, on organisational changes to schools

January 2008Approve in principle the organisational changes

Special SfF Steering Group to schools and the consultation arrangements

Special SfF Profect Board

Special CSOG

Cabinet (29th Jan)

February – March 2008Comprehensive consultation

End March / beginningFeedback on consultation and approval to

of April 2008submission of Strategy for Change for PCP

SfF Steering Group (? 13th Mar)

SfF Project Board (27th Mar)

Special CSOG

Cabinet (1st Apr)

Council (8th Apr)

April – May 2008Joint approval with Bournemouth to Part 1

SfF Steering Group (10th Apr) Strategy for Change BSF