Title: Work-Related Driving Risk Management Form / No: DEE ESWB 30-2-1
Authorised By: Manager ESWB
Issue Date: March 2013
Last Reviewed: N/A
Next Review Date: March 2015 / Page Number: 4 of 4
Note: Before completing this risk assessment can the task of driving be eliminated by catching public transport, taxis, by holding teleconferences or videoconferences or by other means?
1. Background information
School/Workplace: / <insert school/workplace name>
Activity being assessed: / Work-related driving
2. Documentation
Relevant Legislation/Standards/Documentation / Y / N / Comments
Is the activity/task required to be registered or approved? / Y T N / The trip must be authorised by the employee’s Manager.
Are instruction manuals accessible? / Y T N / All vehicles should have a user’s manual/owner’s handbook.
Is a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) required to be developed? (complete once risk assessment has been conducted) / Y T N
Key reference material: / Victorian Government Standard Motor Vehicle Policy
DEECD’s Motor Vehicle Policy
DEE ESWB 30-1-1 Work-Related Driving Procedure
Car Pool Services Terms and Conditions
3. Risk Assessment
Identify Hazard
List the hazards that could cause injury/incident / Description of Risk / Risk Rating
(refer to OHS Risk Management Procedure / Risk Control Measures
List the control measures required to eliminate or minimise the risk
Conseq / Likel’d / Risk
Drivers that are not competent and fit to drive / Risk of accident occurring due to driver having no license, not fit to drive or not following road rules and appropriate procedures. / Moderate / Rare / Medium / ·  Workplace Manager ensures driver has a valid licence
·  Safe driving is included into job descriptions
·  VPS drivers comply with DEECD’s Motor Vehicle Policy and the Car Pool Services Terms and Conditions
·  All drivers understand and comply with DEECD’s Work-Related Driving Procedure
Condition of vehicle / Flat tyres, damaged windscreens, headlights and tail lights not working can all increase the risk of an accident occurring. / Major / Possible / Extreme / ·  All Government vehicles are maintained as per the Victorian Government Standard Motor Vehicle Policy
·  Drivers follow Safe Work Procedures and complete a safety check prior to driving the vehicle
Adverse weather conditions / Road closures due to floods, bushfires or adverse weather can result in poor driving conditions and increase the risk of an accident occurring. / Major / Possible / Extreme / ·  Check traffic and adverse weather conditions (e.g. floods, bushfires, and road closures). The sources below provide updated information:
o  The Country Fire Authority website or FireReady application for mobile phones
o  Victorian Bushfire Information Line (Ph: 1800 240 667)
o  ABC Radio.
·  If necessary drivers may need to choose alternate routes if safe to do so, or postpone travel
Traffic conditions / Delays in traffic causing frustration. / Moderate / Likely / High / Drivers should check the traffic conditions prior to leaving for their trip to plan on to arrive at their location on time
Driving for long distances or for long periods. / Impacts on drivers concentration increasing the risk of an accident occurring.
Risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) due to sustained static postures. / Severe / Unlikely / Extreme / ·  Drivers should pre-plan their trip
·  Drivers should take adequate rest breaks as recommended in DEECD’s Work-related Driving Procedure
·  Drivers should adjust their seat prior to starting the vehicle
Distractions whilst driving / Distractions whilst driving such as eating and drinking, loose objects in the car, checking maps, adjusting radios and other devices such as GPS can increase the risk of an accident. / Major / Unlikely / High / ·  Avoid eating or drinking while driving
·  Pre-set music/radio and climate controls
·  Secure any loose objects in the vehicle
·  Pull over to check maps, adjust equipment
·  Ask passengers to help with tasks e.g. checking map
Fatigue / Drivers experiencing symptoms of fatigue can increase the risk of the vehicle running off the road or crashing. / Severe / Possible / Extreme / ·  Drivers should take adequate rest breaks as recommended in DEECD’s Work-Related Driving Procedure
·  Employees should be given the option to use overnight accommodation where necessary
·  Driving at night should be avoided
Employees not adhering to road rules / Drivers that do not follow the speed limits, do not wear seat belts, are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol whilst driving and/or are talking on their mobile phone whilst driving all increase the risk of an accident/injury occurring. / Major / Unlikely / High / ·  VPS employees are to adhere to the Victorian Public Service Code of Conduct
·  Workplace Manager is to ensure that employees have read and understand DEECD’s Work-Related Driving Procedure (refer to section 6.4 Managing Risk Factors on the Road) prior to driving
Route Planning / Drivers stressed/anxious by unfamiliar routes and locations may become distracted or become lost. / Moderate / Unlikely / High / Drivers should pre-plan their route taking into account traffic conditions, weather conditions and time required to complete their journey.
Driving outside normal business hours / Night-time driving increases risk of accidents occurring. Driving outside of normal work hours may also increase the risk of fatigue. / Major / Rare / High / Drivers should plan to travel in normal business hours and avoid driving at night
Manual Handling and storage of luggage or equipment / Risk of MSD if equipment or luggage is handled in a manner that is unsafe. / Moderate / Rare / Medium / ·  Movement of equipment or luggage in and out of a vehicle should be done in a way that reduces awkward postures
·  Employees should be trained in correct manual handling techniques
Lack of emergency response equipment / If there are no first aid kits, emergency protection equipment (e.g. reflective vests) and emergency contact numbers the risk of injury is increased in an emergency situation. / Moderate / Unlikely / High / The Workplace Manager and/or Management OHS Nominee must ensure that drivers are provided with suitable first aid kits, reflective vests and emergency contact numbers for the vehicle.
Assessment Conducted by: / Signature / Date: