
March 17, 2017

v  MONDAYS Pledge

Monday’s- Pledge of Allegiance

Today’s Lunch – Irish stew & cornbread

1.  There will be a NHS meeting on Monday in the library during lunch. The library will be closed to accommodate for the meeting.

2.  High School students are expected to not “cut” in the lunch line. Wait your turn, be respectful, and show some Pride.

3.  Miners will be here next Friday, March 24th at lunch to deliver graduation announcements to seniors who ordered them.

4.  Please take stickers and other items off your lockers by the end of the day. Mr. Holden has spray if you need it.

5.  It’s that time of year again… the 4-Way Speech Contest is coming up on April 13th. Students are able to win prizes of $500, $350, and $150, and a very good shot at taking home a prize. And, of course, it is a great thing to list on a college or scholarship application! Talk to Mr. Haberly to get an application and more information.

6.  The Blood Drive will take place today from 11:30 – 4:30.

7.  Applications are now available for student council leadership and can be picked up in Mrs. Ellis’ room (at the end of the Language/History hall). You can apply to be a member at large or run for an elected position but both require an application. Please note: the election process has changed and is no longer based entirely on the popular vote. Don’t delay! Application are due April 6th.

8.  On Monday March 20th at 7:00pm at the Florence Events Center, the High School Symphonic and Jazz Band will be performing their mid-year concert. The symphonic band is preparing for state and will be performing their festival set. Please come and support your SHS band program.

9.  Siuslaw High School Art & Pottery students are showing their work at the Siuslaw Public Library for the month of March. The artwork is in the main lobby area. Stop in and check out their talents!

10.  Donate old formal wear for project prom; the drop box is in the library.

Upcoming Events (For Teacher Reference)

Friday 3/17

SHS Blood Drive - 11:30am – 4:30pm.

JV Baseball vs. Reedsport - 4:30pm

Monday 3/20

SHS Symphonic & Jazz Band Concert – 7pm FEC

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