Lady Eaton College Cabinet Minutes from 12 February 2017
Present: Jessica Randall, Claire Sanders, Ann-Majella McKelvie, William Logan, Annie Howell, Bailey Howell, Ethel Nalule, Beth Bekele, Megan Baker, Grace Bourgeois, Hamza Khattak, Gytha Chapman-Richard
Regrets: Brandon Remmelgas, Emily Beaudin, Erik Bak
Absent: John Bruyea, Scott MacDonald, Maryam Rashid, Jessica Collinson
1. Call to Order
Speaker of the House McKelvie calls the meeting to order at 4 PM.
2. Speakers Remarks…………………………………………………………Ann-Majella McKelvie
Speaker of the House McKelvie noted that the weather is bad so the meeting should be kept concise.
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: To approve the agenda for the 12 February 2017 Lady Eaton College Cabinet meeting.
Motioned by: Claire Sanders Seconded by: William Logan
Motion unanimous, motion carried.
4. Approval of Minutes
Motion: To approve the minutes from the 29 January 2017 Lady Eaton College Cabinet meeting.
Motioned by: Jessica Randall Seconded by: Grace Bourgeois
Motioned unanimous, motion carried.
5. Presentations
· Trent Mudder
Trent Mudder co-chairs presented and requested $500 from LEC Cabinet to help fund their event. They noted that OC Cabinet constitutionally gives $500 to the event each year and they have approached the other Cabinets. In return for the funding LEC Cabinet will receive promotion from Trent Mudder. They also note that they are looking for committee members and would love to have Cabinet members attend.
6. Prime Minister’s Report…………………………………………………………….Jessica Randall
· Reminders
Prime Minister Randall reminds Cabinet that the office is a professional space and needs to be kept clean. She encourages Cabinet members to recycle and take the garbage out.
She further mentions that position and subcommittee reports can be emailed in the future instead of reported on in the meeting.
· President’s Meeting
Prime Minister Randall attended a President’s meeting at the end of January. She notes that Gzowski College is working to set up a bursary to help international students studying at Trent. Their formal is on March 23rd at the Canoe Museum. They held an I Love my College event on Valentines day. Randall also reports that Camp Fyrefly requested funding from GC Cabinet and may approach other Cabinets.
Traill Cabinet is having their formal in March at Sadleir House. They are still looking for office space. One student applied to Co-Chair their Orientation Week and the College Office is going to help take the lead on the process.
Randall also brings up a concern that was mentioned: some students have tried to switch their affiliation to Traill College but haven’t been able to.
She also reports that budget presentations will be starting in CASSC soon.
Prime Minsiter Randall invites feedback on the following question: What would be helpful for current and prospective students to access on the MyTrent home page.
· Training Debrief Meeting
Prime Minister Randall met with Lindy, Tim, and Emily for a Cabinet training debrief. She remarks that there was exclusively positive feedback. They are in talks of holding a Cabinet social in March.
· TCSA Money Update
Randall reminds Cabinet that the TCSA allots $2000 for Cabinets to use and $1000 for Traill Cabinet. There is $786.77 left in the LEC Cabinet line.
Champlain has passively approached LEC about ordering gowns like the traditional college system. Randall notes that nothing is moving forward right now.
The TCSA allots $2000 for Cabinets to use- $1000 for Traill.
We have about $786.77 left in the LEC line. We would like to use it all up so that we can demonstrate that we value it and are using it on students. All-Colleges social in talk.
Champlain has passively approached LEC about ordering gowns like the traditional College system. Nothing is moving forward right now but we’ll see what happens in the future.
· Meeting with Lindsay
Prime Minister Randall met with Lindsay Morris College Head. They discussed using Winter Alumni College Weekend as an opportunity to promote running for Cabinet.
The College Office facilitators are running hourly audits of how LEC spaces are being used. Randall notes that Morris is considering rearranging cafeteria tables next year so half of the caf is in smaller pods for group studying.
Randall also notes that the Magpie has new flooring and the leak in the ceiling has been repaired. New lighting and counter tops have also been installed. It is unclear as to whether it will be in use this year but the renovations will be done.
College Head Morris reported that the art auction went well and they hope to feature it annually.
· TCSA Report
TCSA President Spiwak was in Ottawa for a week at the Converge Conference. She had the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Trudeau and discuss what the government is doing for universities. Spiwak is meeting with President Groarke this week to discuss the direction Trent is headed in terms of growth.
Prime Minsiter Randall reports that VP O’Brien from the TCSA shared that there will be more seats and outlets in the new library. During the time while Bata is closed, books are going to be located at the old location of Shoppers Drug Mart downtown and the old Giant Tiger. The books will be accessible to students.
Deputy Prime Minister Sanders notes that the 50% of books being deducted are being donated to an organization that will distribute them to libraries in Less Developed Countries.
7. Deputy Prime Minister’s Report…………………………………………………Claire Sanders
· Events Planning
Deputy Prime Minister reports that the following events are being planned:
Minister of Human Rights & Inclusivity is planning jammies for positivity.
Junior Minister of Finance Erik Bak is going to run LEC Survival Guide again.
Minister of Off-Campus Affairs William Logan is still working on West Bank Love. He is also planning an International Women’s Day Coffee House at The Trend on March 8th from 7PM-9PM.
For Formal planning, March 1st and March 11th are tentative decoration dates.
Don Megan says Spoons will be starting in Residence the week after Reading Week and that the CRCs are organizing a pan college event night on March 10th.
Minister of Community & Sustainability is running an upcycle event on March 2nd from 2-4.
Minister of Communications & Publicity is putting Cabinet members in the Drumlin to promote their position.
· Colleges
Deputy Prime Minister Sanders will email the minutes from the Colleges meeting. She reports that Durham campus is losing money because students now have the option of choosing their home location.
Director of Colleges Muehlethaler noted that her budget has increased to $1.7 million but includes money for Durham, salaries, and electricity. Approximately 85% of her budget including operating costs is for static costs. She is also putting in a request to make the new academic advising position permanent. More discussion has taken place regarding scarves. Deputy Prime Minister Sanders notes that $58,000 is spent on scarves and she finds that unethical. Prime Minister Randall notes that the traditional piece about the scarves it the crest so it needs to be maintained. Don no Cabinet Baker suggests that scarves could be added to the clothing order and that new students don’t know about the scarving ceremony so they won’t miss it.
Deputy Prime Minister Sanders further inquires about a strategic plant o re-engage and educate staff and faculty concerning the college system. Prime Minister Randall suggest an event could be hosted to educate everyone and allow faculty and students to interact.
Deputy Prime Minister Sanders reports that there is $7000 left in pan-colleges funding line. They are doing space audits in the rest of the colleges. There has been 20 applications for the 3 Minute Paper. Summer Ambassador jobs working with Stephanie and the one within the colleges has opened. AVP of Finance noted about the Pension Solvency Plan and that they are working on negotiating TA salaries which are negotiated every few years. There has been a3% tuition fee increase.
The university overspent on scholarships this year because many students had high GPAs so they have deferred a lot of maintenance. They’re hoping that the increase in students will balance it out.
The question of Trent’s capacity is rasied. (e.g. number of classrooms, labs, etc.) Hoping for an increase of academic staff focused on teaching-only staff for next year including an increase in Arts faculty not just Science.
Deputy Prime Minister Sanders noted that Head Librarian Robert Clarke talked about the library relocation. The library renovation is happening, now we need to focus on what we’re going to do. The grant has to be used in a certain way and within a certain time frame. The new library will contain three research centres- society & aging, indigenous, and one other one--- one of those research centres was supposed to be in the Student Centre but now it’s going into the library. Books are being decreased by 50%. Convocation will still take place on Bata Podium and the elevator will still be in use for accessibility. There will be no effects to convocation with the renovations. Security needs to monitor spaces like seminar rooms that aren’t main spaces to ensure student safety during the Bata closure.
Housing approved their budgets, as did the CRC.
8. Position Reports
Minister of Social Affairs…………………………………………………………...…Annie Howell
· Career Centre Task Committee
Minister of Social Affairs Howell will email her report out.
Junior Senator………………………………………………………………………...Gytha Chapman
· LEC College Council
Junior Senator Chapman-Richard will email her report out. She does, however, note that the colleges are looking for ideas on study spaces next year and feedback to this end can be sent to Gytha. There has been a bit of a delay in getting the college flag due to logistics. The college would also like to replace the pool table, possibly collaborating with the Cabinet budget.
Minister of Communications & Publicity……………………………..…...Grace Bourgeois
· Food Services Report
Minister of Communications & Publicity Grace Bourgeois will email her report out.
Senior Minister of Finance ……………………………..…...Hamza Khattak
· Budget
Senior Minister of Finance Khattak wonders if there should be a set amount of money carried over at the end of each year in the surplus or if a certain amount of overage can go to charity each year?
9. Closed Session
Motion: To move into Closed Session at 4:31 PM.
Motioned by: Jessica Randall Seconded by: Bailey Howell
Motion unanimous, motion carried.
Motion: To create a Trent Mudder budget line of $500 and allocate $500 from the newly created line to the Trent Mudder.
Motioned by: Jessica Randall Seconded by: Bailey Howell
Motion unanimous, motion carried.
Motion: To move out of Closed Session at 4:44 PM.
Motioned by: Claire Sanders Seconded by: Grace Bourgeois
Motion unanimous, motion carried.
10. Correspondence
11. Questions from the Public
12. Any other Business
Motion: To approve $350 from the reserve for West Bank Love.
Motioned by: William Logan Seconded by: Jessica Randall
Motion unanimous, motion carried.
13. Adjournment at 5:33 PM.
Jess motions, Gytha seconds.