
Kgotla M. Ramaphane

Mr. Kgotla Ramaphane is the Chief Executive Officer of Public Enterprises Evaluation and Privatisation Agency(PEEPA), and is responsible for facilitating effective shareholder oversight in the promotion of private sector participation in public sector activities/services through privatisation initiatives and to facilitate an oversight over public enterprises in order to achieve efficient service delivery and the overall goal of improving the quality of life for Botswana. He is also responsible for the strategic and operational implementation of all privatisation initiatives with the three key work streams of PEEPA namely Privatisation and Restructuring, Public Services Outsourcing and the Performance Monitoring of Public Enterprises.

Mr. Ramaphane has held several management positions throughout his career, such as:

  • Project Manager in Expanded Coal Utilisation Project (Energy Affairs Division); a project financed By the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. The job involveddeveloping and implementing strategies for the introduction of Botswana Coal in industry, Government Institutions and Private Sector
  • Project Manager for Botswana Technology Centre, developing and Implementing coal marketing strategies for Government Institutions (Departments), private companies and Non-Governmental organisations. He also coordinated the activities of the Management Committee of the Project, linking the Project with various government departments, local authorities and International organisations.
  • Assistant Bursar at the University of Botswana, responsible for the Creditors Section of the Finance Department. Taking care of both local and foreign creditors. Liaising with University Bankers on payments of various International Institutions, supervising staff in the section. Budget Administration where he was responsible for overall co-ordination of the University Budget. Liaising with all departments on Budget related matters.
  • Director of Operations at Botswana Railways. Responsible for both operations and commercial functions of Botswana Railways. It is the department responsible for service delivery and customer service. In this position, he was also responsible for the Marketing, Commercial and Operating functions of Botswana Railways, developing Marketing strategies and supervising staff in both Operating and Marketing Sections.
  • Acting General Manager for Botswana Railways. His role was to provide leadership and strategic guidance and to manage the restructuring exercise which Botswana Railways was going through.

He was a member of:

  • The Reference Group for the SADC Rural Industries and Energy Study.
  • A consultancy to evaluate the National Rural Electrification Programme.
  • Southern African Railways Association
  • Gaborone Tirelo Rotary Club as a Charter member

Mr. Ramaphane has attended and presented papers at several workshops and events locally and internationally. He has attended a number of short courses and seminars on Enterprise Performance Improvement, Corporate Governance, Enterprise Risk Management and Privatisation.

Mr. Ramaphaneholds an MBA from Stirling University in the United Kingdom and a Bachelor of Commerce Degreefrom the University of Botswana.