Curriculum vitae
Personal Data:
Name:Dr.Asma Ibrahim Ahmed Elamin
Date& Place of Birth:19/11/ 1971, Sudan
Marital Status: Married.
Present Address:
Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Medical Radiologic Science-P.O.Box 1908, Khartoum Sudan ,Email.
PhD in Diagnostic Radiology, Sudan University of science and Technology March 2012.
M.Sc in Diagnostic Radiology Sudan University of science and Technology College of Graduate studies (2005).
B.Sc (First class, Honours) in Diagnostic Radiologic Technology, College of Medical Radiologic Science Sudan University of Science and Technology –Khartoum, Sudan 1996.
High Diploma in Diagnostic Radiology 1993
Professional Experience:
- Assistant Professor, diagnostic department , College of Medical Radiologic Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology ,2012
- Lecturer, diagnostic department, College of Medical Radiologic Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology (1996).
- Teaching Assistant, Sudan University of Science and Technology (1994)
Teaching Experience:
1-Undergraduate: Teaching subjects:
- Radiographic procedures
- Radiographic technique
- Radiographic Imaging
- Digital Radiography& Computed radiography
- Care of patient and nursing.
- Interventional radiography
- Contrast Media & its applications
- Radiographic techniques
- Radiographic Anatomy and Physiology
- CT and new imaging.
- Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation
- Fundamental of radiology
- Advance Technique in Radiology
- Special investigations
- Clinical practices.
M. Sc. in Diagnostic Radiology: MRI Technique, interventional Radiology and practice,
M. Sc. in Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound: Imaging Modalities
Supervision of Post-graduate Students:
-Master Research Supervision:
M. Sc. in Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound: 15students
M. Sc. in Diagnostic Radiology 37 students
-Ph. D. Co-Supervisor:
Ph. D. in Diagnostic Ultrasound 3 student
-Internal examiner40 Master Research in Sudan University of Science & Technology
-External Examiner
- University of Elribat University 1 student
Research Projects:
- Application of MRI Technique in Detecting Breast Tumors
Administrative Experience:
- Head of Diagnostic Department, College of Medical Radiologic Science , Sudan University of science and Technology 2007-2008.
- Coordinator of BSc clinical practise, Sudan University of science and Technology 1995- 2006
- Coordinator of MSc programme, Sudan University of science and Technology 2015- 2016
- Register of College of Medical Radiologic Science , Sudan University of science and Technology.
- Member, of examination committee. Sudan University of science and Technology 2012 .
- Training:
- 1-Development of teaching Faculty of EducationsSudan University of science and Technology 1997 .
- 2- Development of teaching Faculty of Educations Khartoum University 2013
- Reasech Methodology Faculty of Educations Khartoum University 2013.
- 3- Nassir Institute Egypt Training in CT and MRI
B.Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals :
- Arabic : Mother tongue
- English: working language : Excellent
1.Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Omer Mohammed Yousif ,Dean, College of Medical Radiologic Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology, P.O.Box 1908, Khartoum, Sudan ,Fax: 00249183785215, Tel: 00249912355314
- Prof. Dr. Bushra Hussin Ahmed . College of radiologic Technology, Hial Unversity, Email
- Prof. Dr. Abd Elrahman Mohammed Elnor . College of radiologic Technology, National Ribat University, P.O.Box 55, Khartoum Sudan mob:00249912353559 , Email