St. Ann PTO Minutes

April 7, 2017

Carrie & Casey McLiney: (Co Presidents)

We will have a normal meeting and then we will motion to approve the board. Tiger Trot assembly was great and the perfect kick off for this important event. Spirit Day is on Friday. Look in backpack for a little gift from Casey and Carrie. We are really grateful for this year and thank you so much for all your service. We are very excited about this new board and there are a lot of great things in the works. We are looking forward to it all! Junior Achievement is well underway for the middle school students. This program provided great information about entrepreneurial and career building. It is a neat addition to the student enrichment. Great to put the language of business in front of them!

After agenda is complete: Carrie and Casey motion to approve the new co-presidents Katie and Miles McCune. All in favor raise hand. New co-presidents approved.

Katie McCune:(Presidents-Elect) We are really excited about the fun new ideas already coming our way. PTO is a well-oiled machine and we are looking for new ideas.

Motion to approve the new board. Katie reads the new board. (See attached). All those in forever raised hands. Slate approved.

Kim Warner:(Past President) 20 school days for 8th graders and then the Warners get the blanket. Kim suggests a system for keeping the pictures annually. Would be great to have an archive person for the 8 th grade slide show. How about that being the homeroom mom or could fall under PR. Could they go on the St. Ann server? How about a Google drive! Problem is the resourcing for the pictures. Should remind the Kindergarten parents to start saving the pics now! Maybe there is actually a person as the class archives. Could be the homeroom mom, but recommend appointing it as a new position rather than have the room mom. Tracy and Charlotte to work with parent volunteers. Tracy said she would look into a management test. Lets capture things that are out there!

Christine Rolli (Treasurer): Present but no update.

Mike Reilly (Principal): MAP testing going on. Junior achievement. Kids love it. Christy Staker has got it rolling. Will have it a well-oiled machine next year …looking for family with business expertise next year. They like a new voice other than the teacher. There is a few openings so please sign up if interested. Tiger Trot going well! We have had 4 retirements. Three new hires. Great additions to community! One is a Portland All State volleyball player. One is from Omaha and went to Benedictine. One is from St. Louis. 7th and 8th still to fill. Assistant principal and learning center still to fill.

Meg Winne and Tisha Zimmerman (Decorating): Not present.

Francie Bradley and Carrie Reiser (Staff Activities): Not present.

Amy Collier and Jill Bleything (Spirit Night): Not present.

Shelby Ross and Christy Staker (Student Enrichment): Christy reported that Junior Achievement going and that Carrie did a great job! A lot of positive energy with it and kids think it is really cool. New festival proposed for May 16. It is an Ethnic Enrichment Festival. 1 to 2 countries will be represented. Will have stations where they learn about specifics. We are reaching our to other schools to see what programs are working. We want a partnership between the parents and teachers. Have asked the teachers what resources they would like to add. Community garden…second graders planted it in the fall and now first graders have taken it over. Community garden organization can cover it for the summer or we can maintain it. Would like to offer to the PTO families to have a part in maintaining it this summer. Shoot Christy or Katie a note if your family is interested. Kids are loving it…we want to expand. 4th graders pitched composting to Mike Reilly. Very impressive presentation!

Ethnic enrichment festival moving forward first time …good opportunity got out kid. See how it going and try to grow it.

Amy Whitney (Monthly Fundraising): Not present.

Jen Reintjes (8th),Karie Nelson (7th)(Student Volunteers): Not present.

Heather Sullivan and Maria Ianni (AoK): Not present.

Stephanie Grier and Meghan Parrot (Spirit Wear): Not present.

Brooke Santa and Lisa Stuart (Program and Hospitality): Lisa Stuart said Trivia Night and Trunk or Treat were great! This committee no longer has the New Parent Party. It is now under New Parent committee. She would like to explore a new family friendly event. BBQ suggested but has done it in the past and it did not work. A LOT of work. Perhaps a Corn Hole tournament in the gym. Visitation has one…Sid Warner has a friend he can ask about it. When is a good time of year for the new event?

Jessica Hagg (New Parent): Last week hosted kindergarten Meet the Teacher, which went really well. Great volunteers and enrollment is good! This week is Kindergarten Round Up. Meet and greet in parish hall and kids do fun activities. Once that is over will plan New Parent Party for the summer. Looking for more host families for that. June 22 is the New Parent Party. Save the date is in the folder and a letter from Mike. Will do paper invite for it.

Sarah Emerson (Major Fundraising): Tiger Trot is going really well! T-shirt orders are due Friday. Something going home in backpacks tomorrow. Underwriting on line…or with Katie M. but on line really rocks. If you want your logo on the back of the shirt you have to have it in by April 11. Mike Reilly confirmed that kick off was great and well done!

Tracy Blasdel and Charlotte Butler (Public Relations): Nothing in the works but we are happy to help publicize Tiger Trot. Will shoot photos at Tiger Trot and get it out to parish. Can we do photos at the upcoming Kindergarten event? Other possible events to cover: Battle of the Books, Joseph Staker vocational essay winner for archdiocese, Sophie Rice wrote an essay on history won national award, Bobby Ward won geography bee, science fair tomorrow at Union Station, speech contest April 22, 7th grade essays on heroes, first grade habitat views next week!

Erica Creger (Parent Activities): Not present.

Katie Lindmark and Emily Eckles (Parent Volunteers): Not present.

Liz Schroeder, Maggie Doolittle, Ellen Algrim, and Ani Renz (SCRIP): Not present

Megan Schumm (Box Tops): Not present.

Annie Brown (Health and Wellness): New article posted on the app and the website about healthy snacks. Adding one for April and May. Julie Collins will be joining her next year.

Allie Foster (Staff Representative): Not present.

Nancy Wilkerson (Secretary)- Opened with a prayer.