(This is what you will be in Science Class!!!!)

Mrs. Reeves

J 6th Grade House J

This is a list of information that is important for you and your parents to know about science. In sixth grade, you have the opportunity to learn about Physical, Life and Earth Science.

Come to class prepared! Everyday you should bring the following: 1. Science book 5. Notebook and folder

2.  Pencil 6. Assignment notebook

3. Pen 7. Reading Book

4. Positive attitude towards learning!!

(Get ready to think in all types of ways)

Please read your science expectation sheets with your parents. This is your first assignment and is due by Friday, September ______, 2014.

“Raider Time”: At the beginning of each hour there will be a little activity for you to complete which will be projected on the overhead screen or whiteboard. The procedure is for you to be in your seat when the bell rings and working quietly on the task at hand.

(Some tasks are tricky so you need to be on your s)


Homework will be assigned throughout the week. The assignments will always be posted on the front white board. When you have an assignment that is due, you are learning new skills and concepts. Therefore, it is extremely important to hand in all assignments to learn as much as you can.

Ö  Late work will be graded, but will be docked 1 grade for each day that work is late.

You will be responsible for keeping a neat science notebook/journal. More details will be discussed during the beginning weeks of school. Don’t worry; you will catch on really quickly!!!!


If you have any questions about an assignment, please come in and ask for help. I will be happy to help with any questions or concerns you have. This is why I am here to make sure you understand what you are learning.

Please don’t get behind with your science assignments. This affects your grade and it is also hard to catch up on missed lessons. I will be happy to help you.

You are probably wondering how you receive a grade in science. Here is how you earn a grade each quarter:

Homework 10%

Science Journal/Notebook 30%

Science Labs 20%

Tests/Quizzes/Projects 40%

I will explain a few important things you should know about your grade.

Å  Keeping a neat and organized science journal is extremely important. This is a big percentage of your grade and I will be checking it often.

Å  On any work you do in science, I will grade by using both points and rubrics.

Å  Obviously, no copying other peoples’ work. When working with a partner, it’s okay to share ideas but always use your own words when explaining something being learned.

Å  Quizzes will be given throughout the unit. Tests will be given at the end of each unit. I will talk more about this in class.

Å  Science labs will also be considered when figuring your grade.
Some labs will be done individually, while others will be done cooperatively.

Å  There are several major projects throughout the year. I can’t wait to see your creative side while learning about science.

Å  Grades are determined as follows:

A= 90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69%

If you were absent for any reason, you need to find out what you missed. I will provide “Here’s What You Missed Sheets” available for you (on side counter right behind my plastic frog) along with handouts you may also need. Each class has their own purple missing assignment folder. It is your responsibility to get the missing assignment completed. This means you need to come and ask questions if you don’t understand the assignment.

If you missed a lab, you may set up a time when you can do it during or before/after school. Any tests/quizzes can also be made up during those times. Please be responsible!!

For each day absent, you have that number of days to make up the missing work. For example: 1 day absent, 1 day to make up work; 2 days absent, 2 days to make up work, etc.)

Extra Credit and tools to help you study

1.  Go to, choose your state (Wisconsin), select parent/student as user, and choose science as your subject.

2.  Online learning centers: choose Physical Science, then Glencoe Physical Science 2008.

3.  From this page you can choose from several lists: Textbook resources, Unit resources, and Chapter Activities. If you are just looking to review, play around with the different items listed- there are brain pop movies, the interactive tutor, and other review activities. If you want extra credit……..keep reading ;-)

4.  Choose Chapter Review Quizzes, and then there will be another page where you select chapter review quizzes again.

5.  Now you must choose the chapter we are on. Complete the quiz, print it our, write your full name and hour you have science on it, and have it signed by a parent or guardian. Extra credit should only be completed once we have reached the end of the chapter and before we take the chapter test. Have fun!!!!

Sci crawls into your minds!!!

(Let’s figure out how things work in the worldJ )

As your teacher, I want you to carefully read over this information and then show it to your parents. I am sure they would like to know how you can succeed in science. Please sign below and return this whole page to me no later than Friday, September ____ , 2014. Please keep the other two sheets in your science folder. There may be a little surprise for you if you keep these two sheets in your folder throughout the year.

I am excited to be able to work with you. We are going to have a great year!!!! I will keep you informed if there are any changes throughout the year with any information.


Student Name Class Hour

We have read and are aware of the information contained in this packet.


Parent Signature Date


Student Signature Date

Parent E-mail:______

Thank you!