2009 BUM Conference Seminar Topics

General Session Topics

With Tony Sanelli

"Men Living Wisely" (Eph. 5:15-16).
Everyone evaluates life's opportunities, difficulties, decisions and events
through the lens of what some call a world-view. Christians ought to possess a world-view shaped and informed by God's flawless Word. But orthodoxy (right doctrine) is still not enough. Orthopraxis (right living) is what God seeks from all believers and promises to produce in them. As such, Paul urges us to live as wise men and not merely think as wise men. What constitutes wise living? When was the last time you took stock of how you were living? Are you making the most of your time?

"Men Living Courageously" (Joshua 1 & Selected texts)
Living as salt and light in a postmodern culture can seem overwhelming.
Halting corruption and illuminating darkness while remaining meek and loving to outsiders is a tall order. As we know the challenge we all face is moving from knowing our calling to fulfilling it. This will require courageous
faith and living in the home, campus and workplace. It is God who produces this courageous faith.

Breakout Session Topics

Dating, Courting, & Biblical Relationships for young adults ~ Rick Gregory

This will be a seminar on principles that should govern the premarital relationships of people who feel God is calling them to marriage. In an age that discourages modesty, morality, and virtue, God’s ways cut across the grain. However, the guidance from the Bible is the only way to achieve genuine love and fulfillment in marriage. The biblical principles that guide interaction between men & women will be reviewed and specifically applied so that righteousness is able to prevail throughout a premarital relationship.

Trash & Treasures ~ Nick Triveri

Instruction and exhortation regarding what God says to get rid of, and what God says should be on display in our lives and homes. The text will be Ephesians 4:31 32.

Biblical Decision Making ~ Phil Layton

How are we as young men (or men of any age) to makeimportant decisionsabout our future? Does the Bible emphasize "discovering" some secret will of God beforewe act, ordoing God's willHe has already revealed in Scripture and discerninghow to apply its principles to our decision-making? Thisseminar will focus on the latter,encouraging men to be decisive and discerninggodly menof God's Wordin all they do,which isso greatly needed in our days of confusion and complacent indecision and inactivity.

Finding and Listening to the Spiritual Trainer Within ~ Jerry Shore

How is your spiritual fitness? Are you fit and strong and ready for any opponent, or are you spiritually flabby and fearful of the enemy? Learn what Scripture has to say about the extremely influential voice inside us all and how to heed the truth and refute the lies we tell ourselves.

Eliminating Consumer Debt: Developing an Action Plan for a Debt-Free Lifestyle ~Jeff Shore

As Christians we are called to be obedient to the Lord in every area of our lives, yet the allure of consumer debt becomes a snare that can cause great strife in every aspect of our life. This session will show you the allure/trap of debt, how to avoid it, and how to construct an action plan to eliminate your consumer debt.

Budgeting 101: The Basics of Constructing a Personal Budget ~Jeff Shore

Getting on top of your finances consists of developing a well-structured plan. Learn the basics of budgeting, how to track spending, how to prepare for financial surprises, and how to set a plan for long-term goals.

How to be Useful to your Brothers in Christ ~ John Rucker

Do you know how critical you are to the proper function of the body of Christ? When each part is working properly, it makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Join us as we examine what the Creator’s manual teaches about being useful to each other. God calls and instructs us to be useful, remain useful and grow in our usefulness. Watch out, there are lots of viruses out there.

TransitioningYour TeenInto Adulthood ~ Mark Freeman

"Whether you have one child or ten, raising kids to be godly people is already tough.Learn some important keys when seeing them leap into adulthood. Come seewhat it means to love them out of yourhome."

The God Centered Home ~ Glen Cain

This seminar will focus on the practical truths laid out in scripture of leading a god centered home that is based on truth, A home that can be full of joy and a wonderful place for all to learn about the wonders of our lord. Many tools and ideas will be presented.

Real Manhood ~ Ron Foltz

A biblical model of male leadership in the home, church and society.

Learning to be Content ~ Dean Orr

This seminar will focus on Paul's statement in Philippians 4:10-13. Paul “learned” to be content. How can we also learn contentment?

Our Identity in Christ ~ Craig Vanderstoep

As men, we have a unique, God-given identity. Unfortunately modern images of what a “real man” should be often distort this identity. This has resulted in an identity crisis for men in our society. Many men struggle with the issue of who they are and what they should aspire to be.