Ancient World Content

Section title: The Fertile Crescent

Menu items: Important Rivers

First cities

Language and Culture

Ancient Technology

Important Rivers: Label rivers.

No “more”

First cities: Label cities.

No “more”(Do we need tabs for each of the cities?)

Language and Culture: Label ethno-linguistic cultures.

“More” pop-ups under ethno-linguistic culture labels.

Explanatory box.

Theme for More captions: (To be used only for creative purposes only; not be placed any where on atlas.)





Ancient Technology: Label area

Explanatory box.

Section title: City-States

Menu items: Sumer

Ethnic migrations

First empire

Other cultures

Sumer: Label city-states.

Label Sumer

“More” pop-up.


Ethnic Migrations: Label Indo-European and Semitic migrations.

“More” pop-ups

Theme for “more” pop-up windows:



First Empire: Label Akkadian Empire

“More” pop-up.

Theme for “more” pop-up window:

Akkadian Empire:

Other Cultures: (I think this should just be MidEast cultures.)

Label Cultures (Egypt, Canaan, Assyria)

‘More” Pop-up windows

Theme for “more” pop-up window:




Section title: Local Empires

Menu items: Local Empires

Assyrian Empire

Babylonian Empire

First Alphabet

Local Empires: Label local Empires. (I think we should seriously consider leaving off empires that are not considered part of the Middle East. If we need to contextualize them when they do appear in the Middle East (for instance, the Greeks), we can do it then with a more pop-up.)

“More” pop-up windows

Theme for “more” pop-up windows:




Assyrian Empire: (How to label? Conflict with “Assyria”; box with reference to Assyria?)

More pop-up

Theme for “more” pop-up window:

Assyrian Empire:

Babylonian Empire: (How to label? Conflict with “Babylonia”; box with reference to Babylonia?)

More pop-up

Theme for “more” pop-up window:

Babylonian Empire:

First Alphabet(s): Label location with sample characters

More pop-up boxes

Theme for “more” pop-up window:

Phoenician Alphabet:

Akkadian Cunneiform:

Section title: Persian Achaemenid Empire

Menu items: Cyrus the Great

Fall of Babylon

Darius the Great

Alexander the Great

Cyrus the Great: Label land conquered by Cyrus the Great to help build the Persian Achaemenid Empire.

More pop up window

Theme for “more” pop-up window:

Cyrus the Great:

Fall of Babylon: Label acquisition of Babylon

More pop-up window

Theme for “more” pop-up window:

Fall of Babylon:

Darius the Great: Label Land conquered by Darius the Great

Label building of the Persian Road achievement

More pop-up for each.

Theme for “more” pop-up windows:

Darius the Great:

The Royal Persian Road:

Alexander the Great: Label land conquered by Alexander the Great.

More pop up

Theme for “more” pop-up window:

Alexander the Great :