ETP120 Teaching Learning 2: Child Adolescent Development

Course title / ETP120: Child and Adolescent Development
Teaching and Learning 2
Number of profession experience days / 10 days
Academic requirements / Assignment 1: Scenario response (See Learnline for details)
In-school tasks / “Applying principles to practice” (Form B)
At least 2 sequenced lessons planned and taught
Forms to be verified by mentor teacher / Applying development principles to practice – research and discussion
Sequenced lesson plans
Placement Assessment Forms(A B & C)
Forms to be submitted to the Professional Experience Office / Form A B & C

Unit Title and Code

Teaching and Learning 2: Child and Adolescent Development ETP120

Unit Purpose

This unit focuses on child and adolescent development. Special consideration is given to the links between theory, research and applications in educational contexts. This unit has an associated period of in-school professional experience in which the student will further develop teaching and learning strategies.

Unit Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of theories and principles of child and adolescent development and learning
  • Demonstrate understanding of the sequences of child and adolescent development, and the processes that underlie it
  • Demonstrate understanding of the interdependence of aspects of development - physical, cognitive, emotional and social
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which developmental knowledge and research informs educational policy and teachers’ planning
  • Use child and/or adolescent development knowledge in planning, implementing and evaluating student learning

Academic Requirements

Academic theory on applying principles to practice is fundamental to Professional experience. Participation with the Academic component of this unit is outlined in detail on Learnline, the on-line learning environment. Visit "Learnline login" in the top tool bar on the Charles Darwin University home page

In-school experience contacts

The Professional Experience Office facilitate the administration of school placements for all pre-service teachers including collecting professional experience placement and assessment forms and organising payments for mentor teachers. Contact: Phone: 08 8946 6602.

The Professional Experience Director oversees all professional experience placements, particularly interstate and overseas and also placements in Northern Territory Catholic, Independent and Christian schools.

Length of professional experience

10 days: including a one-week block

Week 1 = 2 days,

Week 2 = 3 days and then a full week block to complete the 10 days. See the calendar for start dates.

Teaching expectations for pre-service teachers

During the first two weeks the pre-service teacher works as a co professional with the mentor teacher. This will include team teaching, teaching lessons planned by the mentor teacher and small group teaching. pre-service teachers will also teach single and sequential lessons where they are the lead teacher in the class. During the five day 1 week block pre-service teachers are expected to teach as much as possible over the five days with Mentor teacher support. Pre-service teachers are required to plan, write lesson plans, design, teach and assess work suitable for the whole class.

Daily Journal

Pre-service teachers must keep a daily journal noting in-class and in-school activities, and reflections on experiences and teaching. The reflection focus for ETP120 is adolescent and child development and how this knowledge impacts on lesson planning, teaching and assessment. The journal spans the entire period of professional experience. The journal will include a series of entries which detail knowledge and insights gained, problems encountered, solutions applied, and the reflections of work as a pre-service teacher. The conclusion will sum up the personal insights and learning in the light of the school context and the theories and ideas gained from this unit. Entries in this journal can be used as evidence in the final teaching portfolio that is presented in the final semester of the course. Mentor teachers are asked to sight this journal and comment on Form C, the Overall Professional Experience Evaluation Record.

Mentor Teacher Feedback

The Mentor teacher provides regular written and verbal feedback and guidance throughout the entire block of professional experience. Templates for written feedback are available at

Teaching portfolio

The electronic teaching portfolio is presented to a school-based panel at the conclusion of the course. Evidence collected from your professional experience in this unit is an important part of demonstrating pedagogical progression. Details about the teaching portfolio can be obtained from the academic component of ETP120 on Learnline.

In-school assessment

Each professional experience unit has one or more in-school tasks. These tasks demonstrate the ability of the pre-service teacher to use academic learning in a professional experience environment.

The tasks for this unit are:

  • At least 2 sequenced lessons planned and taught
  • Applying development principles to practice (Form B).

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