SCT Banner YES Implementation Team

Meeting Notes


Item / Description
Date / July 11, 2005
Time / 8:30 a.m.


/ KILCAWLEY – Training Room


Facilitator(s) / Eileen Greaf
Note Taker / Cheryl Beil
Participants / Marianne Anderson, Carol Chen, Troy Cross, Donna Esterly, Emily Fabrizio, Becky Geltz, Eileen Greaf, Marayamah Hassan, Jeanne Herman, Betty Jo Licata, Rick Marsico, Tom Masters, Cleo Nastopoulos, Mary Noble, James Stanger, and Donna Wainio (also for Mary Jo Repasky).

Not Present

/ Catherine Cala, Dona Madacsi, Mary Jo Repasky and Bob Tupaj


Review of Prior Mtg. Notes



Impl. Meetings – 6/27/05 / Revisions to notes should be emailed to Cheryl Beil.

Brief celebration

Finance GoLive

/ Donna W distributed choc dipped fruit and non-alcoholic “bubbly” to celebrate successful GoLive of Finance system.


1. General Person Team /
Shared Validation Tables
(Jeanne Herman) / Team is reviewing responsibility for shared validation tables again. Unfamiliarity with function of tables in each system causes uncertainty in determining responsibility. May need to revisit decisions as issues arise. List of staff responsible for creating new records is complete and will be forwarded to Data Standards Team.
2. Advancement integration
Testing & GoLive
(Carol Chen) / IT staff has been loading Adv data in TEST since last week. Following loads, Pam is available to begin testing while Catherine/Dennis K. are on vacation. Andy will be on campus last week of July/first week of Aug. Working closely with him to prepare for GoLive integration testing and verification. IT staff & Adv users need to be on campus over Labor Day weekend to load data since Fin is Live and load cannot be done during the weekday. If possible, will change GoLive to avoid need to work on holiday weekend. Will discuss further w/ Catherine.
3. Reporting
(Carol Chen) / More time devoted to developing Fin reports. Adv is trying to define reporting requirements and prioritize needs. Sandy/Doug/Kirk have put REPT instance on separate ODS server (provides snapshot of PROD database immediately before backup at 3AM). Can access with Object Access. Doug wrote an Updater Exec for users to download and update their tns names.ora for access. Troy will email notice to Object Access Views class attendees. Kirk wrote guidelines for using Access. Use PROD only if need current data; use REPT if morning data is sufficient. Discussion ensued re: granting access to OAV to staff for reporting needs outside their area. Granting security within a system limits individual access only to data relevant to their own area. Granting access to OAV gives full access to data from other areas as well. No automatic tie to Banner system security exists to grant restricted access to specific views within OAV. Suggested that someone within an area can provide a subset of data as needed. Some schools offer repository reports for use by campus community. Becky will ask Reporting Team to contact other universities to determine their practices and policies. Question was raised whether Reporting Access option on Banner application includes OAV. Recommended that Marianne possibly “reject” request initially and indicate “To Be Determined” until actual reporting needs beyond Banner’s standard reports can be determined.
Donna W. is documenting the Access process and requested Troy’s info as well.
4. IBI WebFocus 7/14/05
Technical meeting & demo / IBI technical meeting and demo are set for 7/14/05 at 11:00 AM in Computer Center Conference Room. Presentation will have a technical focus.


1.  1. Finance Team
(Marianne Anderson) / Finance GoLive on 7/5 went smoothly!! Major processes appear to be working well. Some budget transfers in have resulted in deficit issues and are being resolved along with a few security issues re: adding Fund and Org access for some accounts. About 25 people per day visited KILC Training Room during GoLive week for assistance and reassurance in Banner. Metro College, Small Business Development Center WYSU have different IP addresses; cannot connect in their own environments. Bob Quigley will provide appropriate software and resolve issue. Cleo has reported a potential problem with payroll which will be investigated. SCT consultant Richard Q. has taken another position within SCT with Collegius Division. SCT project mgr Pat K. recommended two other consultants for implementation of remaining functions (fixed assets, GASB, grant billing, budget and endowments) – one will handle fixed assets and budget development, grants billing; the other will handle GASB and endowments. Decision on which consultant will handle yr-end closing next May on hold until we have opportunity to meet both. Marianne will confirm dates w/ Carol before project calendar is updated and distributed. Eileen Greaf will continue to sign Banner access applications as guardian until Executive Committee discusses and makes final decision. Forward completed forms to Sandy Stanhope. Richard’s checklist indicated that DBA’s should check indexing for FGBTRND and FGBTRNH tables after GoLive. Will check status w/Sandy. A/P and Purchasing have entered 200+ new vendors. Maureen ran report and found no dupl PIDM’s. Special recognition was given to Marianne for her undaunting efforts as lead for the Finance Team. She expressed deepest appreciation to the Finance Team, Implementation Team, and work teams for their persistent efforts to implement Banner Phase I.
2. Advancement Team
(Catherine Cala) / No report available.
3. Communications Team
(Betty Jo Licata) / A date of 8/10 was proposed for Finance celebration with special recognition of team. Donna E. will check with staff/admin and notify Betty Jo. Planning is in progress for a luncheon and will include “awards” for members of Fin and Tech teams. Individual appreciation refreshments are being planned on site also for finance/tech departments. Communications Plan is on website. Team can review it under Planning Docs. Next newsletter end of August will focus on Advancement GoLive. Will discuss with Catherine whether a Special Edition is necessary.
4. Technical Team
(Troy Cross) / Team has been involved w/ individual implementation tasks and has not met recently. Troy has been working with FormFusion, Appworx and INB issues. Cleo continues to review General Person records and resolve data issues for loaded records with Mary Bodnovich. Cleo registered with B-General listserve. Has discovered that several schools have dedicated specific staff (a combination of tech staff and end users) to resolving duplicate PIDM issues. Appears to be a serious, cumbersome issue for many schools. Maureen has been writing several scripts to load in PROD. Data issues are discovered as scripts run. Advancement will likely have issues since SS# or birth date info is not required. Some Advancement data used to populate system is not current (i.e.- .cc email addresses instead of cuemail addresses). Marayamah reported on testing 3 parts of synchronization from M-204 to Banner. Will test with actual data when changes are made in Patron. Will put PIDM’s on Patron, Patron History and Alumni this week. After this testing, will then test Banner to M-204. No date set for final sync; process cannot be rushed.
Troy recommended that further testing should include fully populating each field to determine max characters viewed vs. max characters printed. Banner field character limit often exceeds amount of data that actually prints. Printing to database will always show exactly how much of the data entered will be printed.
Donna Wainio requested that some staff with INB access also get access to General Forms to customize their My Banner environment. Some Search Forms are tied to currently inaccessible General Forms, which may limit full search capability for certain staff. GUAPMNU allows a person to save frequently used forms in My Banner. Donna will email list of known staff access issues to Rick M. Need to identify person for General and from each upcoming system to determine security to access G-tables. Carol suggested that GP Team confirm that all staff can do queries / searches on GP records; only specific staff can create GP record for vendor, donor, etc.
Rick will update Banner application on website this week to reflect 6-digit codes.
Doug put in a support request to Oracle re: timeout issue in INB. Solution re: running 2 sessions of INB to avoid being bumped out of initial session is in FAQ’s.
5. Training Team
(Donna Wainio) / Self-Service training for Fin GoLive has been completed.
1.  6. Data Standards /Reporting
(Becky Geltz) / Data Team is still discussing how to handle missing zip codes. M204 will not accept letters or a period in numerical field. Will make change on M204 side, so that if field is blank, it will convert to a period in Banner. Banner criteria requires a zip code upon entry of a new record. No report from Reporting Team.
7. Luminis (Carol Chen for
Bob Tupaj) / Carol distributed copies of the Luminis Platform Kick-off and Information Gathering Overview & Agenda. Kickoff on 7/19 is a demo open to anyone interested in seeing how Luminis works. Departmental staff can view Luminis demo on SCT website ( if unavailable to attend both sessions on 7/19. On 7/20-21, various focus groups will meet individually with SCT consultant Norris Garrison to discuss how we handle campus communications. A list of participants currently signed up to attend each focus session was included. Must finalize attendees from Administration. Primarily staff responsible for dept’l communications and website mgrs should attend. Will send email clarifying who should attend what sessions. Direct any questions to Bob or Carol and forward names of additional attendees. Held conf call last Friday w/ SCT consultant to finalize list of questions for focus groups. After first Luminis Project Team meeting, team will work on more specific tasks of planning and installation of hardware/software. Minutes of meetings will be posted on website. Suggestion was made to possibly have students name the portal and offer them a $100 scholarship or $500 voucher to be used at the Bookstore, etc. Will discuss further with Donna E. Send any suggestions or comments to Carol. Distributed YES Project Timeline showing Luminis GoLive dates for both phases. Was discussed with Eileen/Dona/Bob since Student and Financial Aid self-service piece will not be ready for Phase I. Portal will have a single sign-on in Phase I providing access to personal email, calendar, and announcements. Phase II will not begin until Nov. 2006. Working with Pat K. to finalize Luminis functional trng and technical trng in Nov/Dec. John Dalbec will be going to Luminis Toolkit training in early Aug. Planning document will be posted on website when finalized.
1. Team representation at
Impl Team meetings / Reminder that all teams have representation at weekly Impl Team meetings to assure flow of pertinent information to team members as well as team leader.
2. Banner 7.0 (Carol Chen) / IT staff will install version 7.0 on separate server by Sept. Will need to arrange user training and testing. All documentation will need to be changed, including Finance, Advancement & Training. No major changes to process itself but impacts navigation and appearance. Banner 7 GoLive date impacts Luminis as well as training for upcoming Student, HR and Financial Aid systems. The Student BPA will start Sept. Marianne will notify Carol if Finance can be ready by end of Dec./early Jan. Will discuss coordination of cloning TRNG with Banner 7 with Donna W. Carol and Troy will review timeline.


New Action Items / Issues /



Due Date



1. Consider moving Advancement
GoLive after Labor Day weekend /

Carol Chen




Carol will discuss integration testing and prep workload for Adv GoLive w/Catherine.

2. General Forms security access /





Develop sec filter to access Gen Forms.

3. Determine policies/procedures of
other universities re: restricted
access & security /

Becky Geltz




Reporting Team will contact other univs on Reporting and General listserves to determine procedures used to restrict access.

4. List of other universities using fully
implemented Banner system /

Carol Chen




Will locate list.

Prior Items / Issues




Due Date


Current Status

1. Guidelines for SQL usage against
Banner PROD /

Tech Team




Review in next tech meeting.

2. Policies/Procedures for PROD
access by Tech staff/analysts /

Tech Team




Review in next tech meeting.

3. Reclone of YTRN in mid-July /





Marianne must update all PROD Fin access. Will clone after 7/13 training.

4. Determine Advancement reporting
needs of other areas /

Catherine Cala




Will meet and review needs with other functional areas.

5. Procedure to add Banner jobs to
run in Appworx /

Troy Cross




In process. Currently running FABMATC in sleep-wake mode. Still need documentation of procedure for requesting / running jobs.

6. Updating telephone system with
FOAP information /

Dona Madacsi




Telephone consultant hired to update phone system @ cost of ~$11,000. Expenditure approved; cost to be shared equally by Banner project the dept.

7. Draft policy to ID/ install Banner
patches /

Tech Team




Review responsibilities from Action Web (tech&functional) at next team mtg

8. Submit meeting notes to the
Implementation listserve /





Team leaders requested to submit mtg notes for posting to YES website.

9. WebFocus bid waiver / negotiations /

Rick Marsico




Demo set for 7/14. Meeting will have tech focus & participants were invited.

10. Project Management Plan /

Carol Chen




Working on Luminis project document. New Project Timeline will be posted on website along w/ updated calendar.

11. Projected date/method to convert
mini-databases to Banner /

Advancement Team




Resource Council emailed survey to identify unique GP data not currently in M-204 (rogue lists) for process planning/training.

12. Develop interface for zip code +4
digits /

Technical Team


On hold


Not critical at this time – mass mailings not pertinent to Fin.

13. Summer Celebration / Betty Jo Licata /



Planning in progress. Moved date to mid-Aug to accommodate staff/admin.