Present Simple Tense

1 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

… he … swimming?

A Do … liked

B Do … like

C Does … like

D Are … like

E Did … liked

2 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

What’s the matter? You … very happy.

A look

B looks

C looked

D were looking

E was looking

3 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

She … generous.

A are

B do

C does

D is

E am

4 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

How many books … they…?

A did … wanted

B are … want

C does … want

D is … want

E do … want

5 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

We … glad to see you. How … you?

A am … are

B is … are

C am … does

D am … is

E are … are

6 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

Where …Mary live?

A do

B does

C shall

D will

E 0.

7 Use the right form of “Present Simple”

He … to the library every day.

A go

B goes

C went

D going

E will go

8 Use the right form of “Present Simple”

They … in a big town.

A lives

B lived

C live

D living

E 0

9 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

Our students … to the swimming-pool every week.

A go

B went

C goes

D will go

E going

10 Use the right form of “Present Simple”:

My uncle … an office worker.

А. Are

B. Is

C. have

D. am

E. Has

Present Continuous Tense

11 Use the right form of “Present Continuous”:

I ... … next week.

A are arriving

B was arriving

C were arriving

D am arriving

E Is arriving

12 Use the right form of “Present Continuous”:

She … … a party tomorrow.

A was having

B were having

C have

D are having

E is having

13 Use the right form of “Present Continuous”:

Father (still/work) in the garden.

A is still working

B still works

C work

D Are still working

E am still working

14 Use the right form of “Present Continuous”:

What … she … now?

A is doing

B are doing

C was doing

D does

E do

15 Use the right form of “Present Continuous”:

Let’s go for a walk. It (not/rain) now.

A was not raining

B were not raining

C rains

D is not raining

E are raining

16 Use the right form of “Present Continuous”:

Don’t make so much noise. I (to work) now.

A am working

B are working

C worked

D is working

E works

16 Use the right form of Present Continuous:

Listen! They… a lovely song.

A are singing

B am singing

C is singing

D sings

E was singing

17 Use the right form of Present Continuous:

They … … football in the garden now.

A is playing

B are playing

C am playing

D were playing

E was playing

18 Use the right form of Present Continuous:

Tom … a shower at the moment.

A have

B has

C had

D are having

E is having

19 Use the right form of Present Continuous:

I ... my homework at this moment.

A) am doing

B) shall be doing

C) is doing

D) will doing

E) shall doing

20 Use the right form of Present Continuous:

They are watching TV now.

A.  Is watching

B.  Are watching

C.  Was watching

D.  Were watching

E.  Am watching

Past Indefinite Tense

21 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

… you … him last week?

A Do/ see

B Did/ see

C Will/see

D Shall/see

E Does/see

22 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

Dinosaurs … millions years ago.

A died out

B had died out

C will die

D would

E shall die

23 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

I (phone) them last week.

A phoned

B will phone

C would phone

D shall phone

E phone

24 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

Mike (send) a letter to his close friend last month.

A Sends

B will send

C shall send

D sended

E sent

25 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

We (pass) examinations last winter.

A passing

B will pass

C w ill be passing

D passed

E pass

26 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

… you … him at the theatre last night?

A do/see

B will/see

C shall/see

D does/see

E did/see

27 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

She … at my age.

A been

B are

C is

D were

E was

28 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

Vacations … last week.

A begin

B was beginning

C begun

D began

E will begin

29 D Use the right form of “Past Simple”

John (work) over that problem last year.

A worked

B works

C working

D is working

E shall work

30 Use the right form of “Past Simple”

The delegations (arrive) last Sunday.

A arrives

B is arriving

C would arrive

D arrived

E shall arrive

31 Use the right form of “Past Simple”:

My dresses … in the wardrobe.

A was

B were

C is

D does

E do

32 Use the right form of “Past Simple”

My friend … all the teacher’s questions last week.

A answered

B is answering

C answer

D answers

E was answering

33 Use the right form of “Past Simple”

Ten minutes ago I … a strange noise.

A hear

B heard

C was hear

D hearing

E hears

34 Use the right form of “Past Simple”

We …have a holiday last year.

A haven’t

B hadn’t

C have

D don’t

E didn’t

35 Use the right form of “Past Simple”

When … Jill finish school?

A did

B would

C do

D shall

E had

Present Perfect Tense

36 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

She already (paint) a picture.

A have painted

B has painted

C painted

D was paining

E paints

37 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

He (write) a letter to his parents.

A have written

B has written

C was writing

D write

E writes

38 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

… you … this task?

A has/finish

B have/finished

C did/finished

D finished

E finish

39 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

He (buy) an English book today.

A has buy

B have buy

C have bought

D buy

E has bought

40 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

The teacher (discuss) the problem with children.

A discussing

B discuss

C has discussed

D shall discuss

E would discuss

41 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

What task … she … yet?

A Have …done

B Did… do

C Will… do

D has… done

E Does…0

42 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

… you ever … to Africa?

A Has … been

B Do … be

C Are … being

D Have … been

E Had … be

43 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

Alan … in the bank for a year.

A is working

B has worked

C have worked

D works

E worked

44 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

He is the most handsome man I … ever ….

A am … knowing

B knows

C have … known

D know

E am … known

45 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

My friend … in the USA many times.

A has been

B have be

C are being

D be

E have been

46 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

… you … painting yet?

A Has … stopped

B Have … stopped

C Is … stop

D Does … stop

E Did … stop

47 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

We … them … this week.

A did not see

B did not saw

C have not seen

D are not see

E have not see

48 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

Who ... the door.

A) is opened

B) are opened

C) has opened

D) had opened

E) have opened

49 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

I ... his film several times.

A) had seen

B) are seen

C) have seen

D) is seen

E) has seen

50 Use the right form of “Present Perfect”:

We ... our task by Saturday.

A) has finished

B) are finished

C) have finished

D) had finished

E) is finished

Choose the suitable word:

51 Complete the sentence: My niece is … .

A) My daughter’s sister.

B) My brothers daughter.

C) My sisters daughter.

D) My uncles daughter.

E) My brother’s daughter.

52 Complete the sentence:

Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s … .

A) Husband.

B) Son.

C) Brother.

D) Father.

E) Uncle.

53 Complete the sentence:

A person who lіves near you …

A. neіghbour

B. friend

C. patents

D. teacher

E. children

54. Complete the sentence:

Your parents’ parents are your …

A. grandparents

B. grandchildren

C. father-in-law

D. niece

E. half-brother

55 Complete the sentence:

Your mother’s or father’s brother, your …

A. aunt

B. sister

C. brother

D. cousin

E. nephew

56 Complete the sentence:

A brother or a sister who was born at the same time as you …

A. twin

B. partner

C. half-brother

D. cousin

E. nephew

57 Complete the sentence:

Your mother’s second husband or your father’s second wife is …

A. twin

B. partner

C. half-brother

D. ex-wife (ex-husband)

E. stepfather (stepmother)

58 Complete the sentence:

My mother’s sister is my ... .

A) niece;

B) aunt;

C) sister;

D) sister-in-law;

E) nephew.

59 Complete the sentence:

Parents of my father are my ... .

A) grandparents;

B) relatives;

C) distant relatives;

D) parents-in-law;

E) stepparents.

60 Complete the sentence:

My sister’s husband is my ... .

A) son-in-law;

B) brother-in-law;

C) relatives;

D) father-in-law;

E) stepbrother.

61 Complete the sentence:

Son of my brother is my ... .

A) cousin;

B) brother-in-law;

C) niece;

D) nephew;

E) brother.

62 Complete the sentence:

The mother of my husband is my ... .

A) mother;

B) mother-in-law;

C) grandmother;

D) sister;

E) stepmother.

63 Complete the sentence:

Children of aunt are my ... .

A) sisters;

B) brothers;

C) cousins;

D) nephews;

E) nieces.

64 Complete the sentence:

My children are my parents’ ... .

A) children-in-law;

B) grandsons;

C) granddaughters;

D) grandchildren;

E) grandnephews.

65 Complete the sentence:

Students often read up for lessons in the ... .

A) library;

B) cloakroom;

C) Dean’s Room;

D) canteen;

E) labs.

66 Complete the sentence:

Eight o’clock a.m. is ... time in our family.

A) breakfast;

B) dinner;

C) supper;

D) lunch;

E) 5 o’clock tea.

67 Complete the sentence:

Where do people hang their clothes?

A) hall-stand;

B) mirror;

C) arm-chair;

D) sofa;

E) door.

68 Complete the sentence:

Where do you keep your clothes?

A) sofa-bed;

B) side-board;

C) wardrobe;

D) cupboard;

E) bedside table.

69 Complete the sentence:

All our students have dinner in their University’s ... .

A) library;

B) cloakroom;

C) canteen;

D) Dean’s Room;

E) labs.

70 Complete the sentence:

Where do you keep your books?

A) sofa-bed;

B) side-board;

C) bookcase;

D) cupboard;

E) bedside table.

71 Complete the sentence:

Where do you usually have a bath?

A) bedroom;

B) living-room;

C) study;

D) bathroom;

E) entrance hall.

72 Complete the sentence:

Where do people keep their dishes?

A) cupboard;

B) mirror;

C) arm-chair;

D) sofa;

E) door.

3 forms of the verb

73 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “sleep”

A. sleep-slept-slept

B. sleep-sleeps-slept

C. sleep-slep-slept

D. sleep-sleep-sleep

E. sleep-slip-slept

74 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “keep”

A. keep-kept-kept

B. keep-keep-keep

C. keep-kept-keeping

D. keep-kep-kep

E. keep-keep-kept

75 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “find”

A. find-find-find

B. find-found-find

C. find-found-found

D. find-fint-finding

E. find-fint-fint

76 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “drink”

A. drink-drank-drank

B. drink-drink-drank

C. drink-drank-drunk

D. drink-drank-drinking

E. drink-drinking-drinked

77 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “know”

A. know-know-know

B. know-knew-knew

C. know-knew-knowing

D. know-knew-known

E. know-knew-knowed

78 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “decide”

A. decide-decide-decide

B. decide-decode-decude

C. decide-deciding-decided

D. decide-decided-decided

E. decide-decude-decite

79 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “play”

A. play-playing-playing

B. play-played-playing

C. play-played-played

D. play-play-played

E. play-played-plate

80 Give the 3 forms of the verb: “speak”

A. speak-speak-speak

B. speak-speaking-spoke

C. speak-speaked-speakn

D. speak-speak-speaked

E. speak-spoke-spoken


81 Choose the right numerals:

There are more than ... books in the library.

A) 2 million;

B) 2 millions;

C) 2nd million;

D) the 2 million;

E) 2th millions.

82 Choose the right numerals:

The first of June nineteen hundred

A) первое июня 1900;

В) первое июля 1900;

С) первое июня 9010;

D) первое июня 19100;

Е) первое июня 1990.

83 Choose the right numerals:

His birthday on ... of October.

A) the four;

B) four;

C) the fourth;

D) fourth;

E) the fours.

84 Choose the right numerals:

He moved there some years ago, in 1950.

A) ninety fifty;

B) nineteen fifty;

C) ninety fifteen;

D) nineteen fifteen;

E) ninty fifty.

85 Choose the right numerals:

This famous poet was born on ... of October.

A) the twenty three;

B) twenty threeth;

C) the twenty third;

D) twentieth third;

E) twenty third .


86 Find the right preposition:

Our large family consists ... 8 people.

A) at;

B) on;

C) of;

D) with;

E) by.

87 Find the right preposition:

We ... fond ... reading fairy-tales when we were children.

A) are / at;

B) are / of;

C) were / with;

D) was / by;

E) were / of.