Parental Responsibilities at Chess Tournaments

(Also applies to Coaches of School Teams)

Listen to and follow the Organizer’s instructions. Be sure your child does the same.

Know where your child is at all times, and what he/she is doing.

Make sure your child knows where to find you. You must remain at the tournament or arrange

for another adult to be responsible for your child during the event. No drop-offs allowed. Help your child with his/her pairing assignment if needed. (Ask other parents for help if you need it!)

Help your young child get seated at the correct board and at the correct color each round of the event. You will be leaving the Tournament Room before the round begins. Leave the chess bag so your child can pack the chess set away after the game. Encourage your child to reset the board before packing away, so he/she has all of his/her pieces, and none of anyone else's.
Verify all of your child’s posted information (spelling of name, school, grade, and USCF ID number) when the first Wall Chart is posted, usually just after the second round has begun. Report any errors to the computer staff.

Keep your child physically (healthy drinks & snacks) and emotionally balanced. When your child loses a game, listen and empathize. Please report any issues of unsportsmanlike conduct as soon as possible, even if after the game. HOWEVER, keep in mind that it is your child’s responsibility to voice complaints while a game is in progress. That is the only way for the Tournament Director to act on any issues. Do NOT expect the tournament director to change your child’s score after it has been turned in at the Results Table.

Never berate your child for a loss. Console your child. Chess is a very difficult game and a growth opportunity for your family. If you feel chess is easy, we invite you to participate in the Open or Advanced Section. It is an eye-opening experience!

Look at the Wall Chart each round and bring any mistakes to the attention of the staff ASAP. If you say your child won a round 2 game and it is marked as a loss, tell the staff during round 3. Mistakes in results can seriously affect the pairings in later rounds; and if reported more than 2 rounds after they occur, they might not be changed for award purposes. However, mistakes will always be corrected for rating purposes. When the "Final Wall Chart" is announced for your section following the last round, be sure to check it. This is your last chance to question the results. We will not alter awards once they have been announced.
Encourage your child to take notation (write down the moves). Sometimes this is the only proof when a game position or a result is in dispute.

Help police the Skittles Area throughout the day, and pick up chess equipment and dispose of trash before the awards ceremony.

Encourage your child to win with grace and lose with dignity.

Adapted from: