INTERSECTI These next four variables were created to aid in GIS placement.




BATCHRDA This was the day that data was entered.

V2 This is the first street.

V3 This is the second street

GENDER 0=male, 1=female

YEARS age of child in years

MONTHS additional months of age

WHITE 0=not 1=yes

BLACK 0=no, 1=yes

NATIVE 0=no, 1=yes

ASIAN 0=no, 1=yes

HISPANIC 0=no, 1=yes

PACISLAN 0=no, 1=yes

OTHER 0=no, 1=yes

COUGH 0= never, 1= occasionally, 2=monthly, 3=weekly, 4=daily

WHEEZE 0= never, 1= occasionally, 2=monthly, 3=weekly, 4=daily

MEDS 0= never, 1= occasionally, 2=monthly, 3=weekly, 4=daily

ILLNESSS 1=0-1, 2=2-4, 3=5-7, 4= 8 or more respiratory illnesses per year

PARENTAS 0=no, 1=yes, 2=unknown Parental asthma

ASTHMA 0=no, 1= yes

V20 age at which child was diagnosed with asthma in years

V21 age of diagnosis in additional months

PEOPLE How many people live in the house

TIME How long child has lived in the neighborhood 1=<1year, 2=1-2 yrs, 3=2-3 yrs, 4=4+yrs

SMOKE Smoker in the house 0=no,1=yes

MOTHER 1=mother smokes

FATHER 1=father smokes

SOMEONE 1=someone else in house smokes

WHO person in house who smokes

CIGARRET 0=none, 1=1-10, 2=11-20, 3=>20 cigarettes smoked daily in house

PETS number of pets indoors

MOLD 1=mold often seen in house, 2=mold occasionally seen, 3=mold never seen in house

HOMETYPE1=2-4plex, 2=apartment complex, 3=mobile home, 4=single family home

FORCEDAI 1= forced air heat

HWBB 1=hot water baseboard heat

OIL 1=oil furnace

WOOD 1=wood stove

ELECTRIC 1= electric heaters

KEROSENE 1=kerosene heaters

HEATERS 1= other type of heat

WHAT type of heat otherwise unspecified

COCKROAC 1= often, 2=occasionally, 3=never seen in house.

HUMIDIFI 1= often use humidifier, 2= occasionally use, 3= never use humidifier

Q19STEAM 1= steam humidifier used

Q19CMIST 1=cold mist humidifier used

Q19UNK 1= humidifier type unknown

GARAGE 0= no, 1=yes

CARS number of cars parked in garage

ENGINES number of gasoline engines in garage

GASOLINE 0=not stored in garage, 1= yes, gasoline is stored in garage

INCOME 1=<$20K, 2=$20-49K, 3=$50-100K, 4=$100+

SCH_ID Name of school





TRAFFIC_DOSE Calculated dose of traffic within a 100 meter buffer zone to coordinate point