Data Integrity and Electronic Charting

Clinical Implementation of Electronic Charting

1.  Who is most likely to be the initial responder to an IT problem at the treatment unit?

1.  Hospital/Clinic IT Staff

2.  Dosimetrist

3.  Radiation Oncology IT staff

4.  Medical Physicist

5.  Radiation Therapist

Answer: 4, Medical Physicist

Typically the initial response comes from the medical physicists who then determine where the issue lies and who best to resolve the issue.

Ref: Siochi, R., et al. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Volume 10, Number 4, Fall 2009, “Information Technology Resource Management in Radiation Oncology”

2.  How many ways is a patient’s identity confirmed prior to treatment?

1.  Once for every treatment

2.  Once for the first treatment only

3.  Twice for every treatment

4.  Twice for the first treatment only

5.  None, since the patient is known to the department

Answer: 3, Twice for every treatment

Use at least two patient identifiers when providing care, treatment or services.

Ref: The Joint Commission, National Patient Safety Goals. Retrieved February 4, 2013, from www.

3.  Which of the following is verified during the Time Out process?

1.  The patient identity, site and procedure.

2.  The patient identity only.

3.  The patient treatment site only.

4.  The treatment procedure only.

5.  Time out is not applicable to Radiation Oncology.

Answer: 1: The patient identity, site and procedure

The Universal Protocol approved by the Joint Commission requires a time out to be conducted to verify the person, site and procedure being performed.

Ref: The Joint Commission, Universal Protocol. Retrieved February 4, 2013, from

4.  Which of the following is the most effective method in the prevention of errors?

1.  Education and training

2.  Implementation of rules and policies

3.  Checklists and double checks

4.  Automation & computerization

5.  Forcing functions

Answer: 5 Forcing functions

The use of forcing functions has been found to be more effective in prevention of errors in comparison to the other methods.

Ref: McDaniel, C. Designing Healthcare. Hierarchy of Effectiveness: The Process. February 10, 2012, from

5.  Which component must be included in the written directive for HDR brachytherapy?

1.  The total source strength

2.  The radionuclide

3.  The pattern of fractionation

4.  The number of dwell positions

5.  The exposure time

Answer: 2 The radionuclide

The written directive must include the radionuclide, treatment site, dose per fraction, number of fractions and total dose.

Ref: 10 CFR part 35.40